April Fools’ Day is an opportunity to appreciate a particular kind of light-worker among us who takes light- heartedness ‘to heart’, literally, as a potent tool of transformation.
My madcap hunch is that the Fool, often called the ‘Holy’ Fool for its high frequency ‘take’ on all things formed and formless, just may be the original template for many a light-worker; a particular kind of change agent working in the realms of all things uncommon, unexpected, and multidimensional.
Fools hold an upside down backward view of the world in order to work beyond the veils that most of us bump into on a regular basis!
And…like the Fool, many of us are drawn to 1) change, inspired by the intelligence of the heart, 2) dimensional shifts, and 3) high frequency habitats for all beings.
We cultivate an off the grid topsy -turvy perspective on most world events in order to remain free, (as best we can), from the trance of a reality defined for us by a level of consciousness that prefers immense power distortions, limitation, and dense thought forms intentionally designed to mire us in the muck of fear and inertia.
It is just this sort of 3rd dementia ‘reality’ that attracts the Fool/Lightworkers who relish the opportunity to upset and dissolve the ‘this is the way it is’ thinking!
North American native peoples call the Fool, Koshare; a light-being who uses lightness of being to get its point across. Koshare relishes riding his horse backwards (a way of making an essential point about what is required to change perception, to ‘see’ differently’).
Koshare delights in pantomiming his neighbors caught in the ridiculous antics of ego-gone-awry behavior like arrogance, obsessive control/ rigidity, and an all too serious take on just about everything! These ‘tools’ are dis-arming and often help we-mortals to let go while in the clutches of high humor and laughter.
It seems to me that light-workers use kindred methods to shake us awake, our version of riding the horse backwards, unsettling the prevailing ‘view of things’.
For example, some of us ‘channel’ entities, shocking mainstream assumptions about how information ‘can’ be received and transmitted. Others read energies using stellar charts and deep intuition to map the near and distant course of events, a practice that still seems ‘suspect’ to many…a leftover from magic times and witchery. Others work to raise frequencies, their own and others, by healing methods that seem quite upside down to those steeped in the mental apparatus of: ‘if you can’t see it, it doesn’t exist’.
Do you think Holy Fools might actually be taking sabbaticals on earth to help the human condition to pop through to more rarified states of being? I say yes, we are they, light-at-work through the many of ages of the Universe.
Take Francis of Assisi, for one, (well, I’ll take him because he was a madcap whirling dervish-like presence in an earlier age), whose upside down and backwards heart afforded him a way to stay free, on the fringe, and able to perceive bigger worlds of truth through spirit eyes.
Francis is reported to have exclaimed: “I hung upside down so that I could see the world as it really is!”, deciding that dedication to the light required a life on the edge, freely mocking lower frequency consciousness as it paraded about cloaked in rigid hierarchical institutions oozing with useless thought forms.Thought forms meant to distract and manipulate folk into fear-based conformity, intent on tricking minds!
It’s good to know that Holy Fools/Lightworkers are found just about everywhere. Koshares, eccentric nomads, itinerant monks and galactic visitors walking about as cleaning ladies, pub owners, and Golden Age Gaia tribal members skilled in the arts of ‘seeing differently’, often using the high frequency maverick ways of laughter and humor, as well as shocking antics to unseat the rigid and lifeless bits we are all hoping to help transform into something much more sensitive, vibrant, and in alignment with a much bigger story.
“It is inspiring to remember that the greatest powers to influence and connect with one another come through the highest frequency emotional states: laughter, joy, exuberance, and enthusiasm as measured in MHz.” The Harmonic Scale of Emotion, Robert Tennyson Stevens and the research of Young and Tainio/Tainio Technology
The Holy Fool is driven by the intelligence of the heart, and as we open to this same drive within ourselves, we find that high humor and laughter propel us like an injection of cosmic oxytocin to connect, really connect, beyond words.
Oxytocin, as you know, is the ‘super glue’ bonding hormone that turns women into fighting tigresses lifting tires off babies and turning humans, unacquainted with one another and therefore primarily indifferent, into bonding fools grinning from ear to ear, sharing open hearts, and 5th dimensional moments.
‘Ride the horse backwards’ we must, if we hope to go beyond, and then go beyond the beyond, to penetrate the trance-making stuff flung at us daily, what I call the ‘talking terrors of the news’, and the contrived horrors meant to keep us in a kind of paralysis of polarities.
The alternative is the serious business of upending our blinkered sight!
Well, Holy Fools are illustrators. They often teach through way-showing, disarming others with humor, transparency, and simple message. Joseph Martin, Lightworker, Fool, Spiritual Clown was a master illustrator of truths, shining light on 3D dementia cultural hooks that keep people stuck.
One of his most stunning antics occurred when he took up a challenge to illustrate, not preach, the experience of ‘oneness…’, the ‘we’re all in this together, all bozos on the same bus’; the very opposite of the daily ‘fracking’ many of us experience resulting in intense feelings of separation and otherness.
So, he gathered up those feeling most fracked, visited a convenience store, purchased a bag of ice cubes, and led everyone down to the water. It could have been a river or an ocean, not sure. He handed them each a bowl of ice cubes, and taking his own bowl, flung the cubes into the water. He gestured to the others to do the same.Then he and the others just stood there watching the cubes, silently. EVERY cube melted, of course, dissolving back into water. No cubes, only water.
Point taken. Humorous. Simple. Transformative. And then the ‘aha’ of it all brought on the laughter.
That’s light at work!
So all us cubes dissolving in fits and starts and stages of awareness are a wondrous group of beings to high-light on Fools Day!
We are not all the same, of course, but our commonality is to illuminate and celebrate and encourage the light-heart. That’s YOU at work and I applaud you and whatever degree of Fool lives in you!
“May you be flung as far as possible into the light.” Borrowed from Light-Worker, Lucia Rene
Morgana Morgaine, RN, MA, Author, and Humorist
Coaching for Contemporary Mystics/www.morganamorgaine.com