Yippee yahooey, a new month: April, my birthday month! Spring is always exciting for me: Weather gets warmer… bringing flowers and trees bursting forth with buds gearing to bloom in a few weeks; bringing more birds, squirrels and others peeking their heads up scouting the new season; turning the corner toward the long pleasant days of summer!
Politics & Military: War “strategy” is non-sensical since war never ends.
“President Obama and Senator John McCain, who have clashed on almost every conceivable issue, do agree on one thing: the Pentagon needs more money.” Spending more money …”for what?” I ask. I believe if we redirect our spending and values, then our life and planet would be so much better off.
Of course, I’m no government, military or financial expert; however, I would bet that many of us, worldwide, want much less –or no– war. And yet, our governments continue feeding the war-machine… claiming it’s for our own safety. I sure do not believe that. Do you? To be clear: I’m not against military, government and finance. But I am against those three being used to hurt humanity, such as in the forms of war, secret tyrannical governments, and debt slavery.
This story relates that Obama wants to add $35 bil to our Pentagon budget for 2016, while Senator McCain wants to add $17 bil on top of that. Craziness, in my opinion. Well, maybe if we used that money to feed the hungry; clothe and house the homeless; bring food, water, and electricity to 3rd world villages; create programs that teach self-worth and life skills; devise programs to heal addiction and ego-centricism, then …I might be convinced that we could use this extra $52 billion. Wait… $52 billion extra, and our world is still upside down. Is it me, or does something really smell fishy around here?
“What will this new avalanche of cash be used for? A major ground war in Iraq? Bombing the Assad regime in Syria? A permanent troop presence in Afghanistan? More likely, the bulk of the funds will be wielded simply to take pressure off the Pentagon’s base budget so it can continue to pay for staggeringly expensive projects like the F-35 combat aircraft and a new generation of ballistic missile submarines.”
“Does the U.S. military have a strategy worthy of the name? As President Dwight D. Eisenhower put it in his farewell address in 1961, defense requires a ‘balance between cost and hoped for advantage’ and ‘between the clearly necessary and the comfortably desirable.’ Eisenhower conveniently omitted a third category: things that shouldn’t have been done in the first place — on his watch, for instance, the CIA’s coups in Iran and Guatemala that overthrew democratic governments or, in our century, the Bush administration’s invasion and occupation of Iraq. But Eisenhower’s underlying point holds. Strategy involves making choices. Bottom line: current U.S. strategy fails this test abysmally.”
It’s crucial that we continue to highlight on what our governments are valuing and in turn spending money, in order to continue to build awareness. Without knowing this information, then we remain unaware peeps sitting back quietly pretending everything’s okay.
Do I know “how” to fix our broken system? Not exactly, but I do know we must continue to bring to Light all that is out of balance. As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, it’s up to us to become “masters” of this planet, by “doing.” Without physically and actively contributing our time, energy, efforts, and expertise, then nothing will change. Can I help you get started? Email me …let’s create together: Unity Consciousness since December 22, 2012. By definition, we must collaborate in order to succeed. It’s time to reach out and help one another. War is not the answer.
Law & Ethics: “Where, oh where, did our integrity go. Oh where oh where, can it be?”
Did I mention we’re going to keep highlighting a lack of integrity, in order to help us awaken and stay atop noteworthy pieces around our world? On we march… thanks to Nora for the story!
“A truly stunning debasement of the U.S. justice system just occurred …all in order to protect an extremist neocon front group from scrutiny and accountability.”
“Ouch” is what I must say. While this is most interesting, it certainly does not feel good witnessing such legal judgments being made pertaining our government. It turns out the following group has been saved from being held accountable to the rule of the law. Furthermore, judgment was deemed with the active lawyers in the case being kept in the dark. This sure does not sound like justice nor transparency to me. How about you?
“That was based on the claim …that subjecting them to litigation for their actions would risk disclosure of vital ‘state secrets.’ The court’s ruling was based on assertions made through completely secret proceedings between the court and the U.S. government.” Wow …just wow.
In May 2013, Greek billionaire Victor Restis took on United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) in a defamation of character lawsuit. Nothing out of the ordinary there; however, the US government, previously uninvolved, formally stepped in protecting UANI by dismissing the case citing that hearing it would go against “national security,” which is the out of the ordinary part.
Not sure about you, but I’m so over this “national security” thing. And “top secret” is another tactic our government uses to keep us in the dark –totally not cool. We have a right to know what’s happening. It’s our lives, our money, our government (well, it SHOULD be our government) …we have a right to be fully informed.
If our government was in the black, was not overridden with scandalous lawsuits, was not saying one thing and doing another, was not robbing Peter to pay Paul …then we would be very understanding about top secret stuff. Then we would trust they had our backs, right? However, given their track record, and the current state of affairs in basically all areas of life, then I’d say they have no leg to stand on.
We are not unreasonable people. Rather it’s our secretive and hypocritical politicians who are. We request change, and they want status quo. We request transparency, and they want meetings of which we are not invited –nor do we get a copy of the “minutes.” We request reform, and they want centuries-old traditions, like parliament wearing white wigs.
Most of us blatantly want our world to change, for the better, and yet, it seems to fall on deaf ears. I definitely understand how people become discouraged and simply give up, believing the system will not change. I get it.
Yet, I cannot reside there. At my core, I believe in change. I believe in the human spirit. I believe in my heart of hearts this insanity will change, and I can only do my part… healing and releasing my lower vibrations; role modeling compassion, flexibility, perseverance, and courage; and spreading awareness of our coming changes. Join me.
I understand life becomes quite unbearable at times, and yet this too shall pass!
Global reform is not far ahead –hang in there, dear friend.
Across our beautiful world, We Are All One.