Fear is a product produced by the mind, yep, it sure is. And just think of all the energy it takes in every living breathing moment to carry these streams of thought which produce fear!
Whether these thoughts producing fear originate from conscious or unconscious places changes nothing in this dynamic either. In order to remain in existence, i.e,. in the stream of life-force which feeds it, we must feed fear with our life-force or it dies.
Removal of our life-force, i.e., our attention and belief in fear’s many faces, frees up tremendous energy, which can and does allow for us to BE all of a sudden much more intelligent. Funny how this works…
This video I’m sharing is an hour long, profoundly intelligent discussion on how this operates in the individual and the collective. I highly recommend it, as it points out the futility and idiocy of taking each fear and analyzing it. All this does is create a never-ending squirrel cage affect of mental masturbation.
Understanding the nature of fear itself is far more useful, as it gives a proper view of how we are ourselves responsible for its existence in every single way. Sure, we inherited this madness, but as sovereign beings, we now see the buck stops here.
I recommend a listen to this talk some time when you’re receptive and alert. It’s very easy to understand and it really starts ramping up in a way that directly relates to us as Lightworkers around the 20 min mark up until all the way to the end.
Original source: httpss://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AM_xR9JFYuU