I’m simmering in the memories of our trip down the coast and part of me wants to jump back in the car and return to visit Jay and Barb, Sitara and Pushkara, Paul and Ariel, etc. I don’t think we could get to San Diego, Janine and Gavin, but at least to Grant’s Pass!
So there’s that … and at the same time I just watched a video that Alex will be posting on people rescuing animals at risk to themselves and my heart is swelling over seeing the kindness of my fellow humans.
And I’m also thinking about what Vicky from Charleston, South Carolina (1) said about waking up and finding a “bigness” in her heart. And I know that swelling feeling, that expansiveness of heart.
And I’m practicing an exercise too that I learned some months ago: breathing love up on the inbreath and sending it out on the outbreath. Of course it doesn’t help that I’m listening to my favorite love songs on iTunes as I play the keyboard.
Can life get better?
Is love not the end all and be all? Is it not the cure all and does it not beat all? I’m about to embark on a series on love, which’ll take a few days to write, because, as Jesus said recently, love is all there is and it’s totally irresistible.
“Love … is totally irresistible because It is bringing to your awareness your real nature, your Oneness with God in the infinite abundance of His energy field which, as you have been told so often, and as you know deep within yourselves, is LOVE. There is only Love, anything else that seems to be or to exist is unreal, illusory, and is decaying.” (2)
Why do I fight it? Why do I fill my days with things that have little relationship to love? Why do I judge? Why is it so hard to do the right thing?
Ah, but it’s getting harder and harder these days to do the “wrong” thing. It’s getting harder and harder these days to do anything – anything else, that is, than to sit here feeling this love, this “bigness,” in Vicky’s words.
It’s November in Vancouver, the month when everyone at work used to get depressed. I’m back to wearing a sweater to bed. (Old building, poor heating.) I have the space heater on and bought myself an extra comforter. But inside I’m as warm as toast and haven’t a care in the world.
If everyone else feels like this, how will we get the world’s work done? What happens then, Mother? Jesus? You’ve poured us a full cup of your irresistible elixir and totally unstrung us all. Never mind how we’re to work as a society when the money comes. How are we to do anything as a society when the love comes?
(1) Vicky would love to connect with other lightworkers in Charleston and possibly start a group, write in to “Contact Us” and we’ll forward your email to her.
(2) “Jesus: The Love that is Your True Nature Can No Longer be Concealed,” channelled by John Smallman, November 4, 2014, at https://wp.me/p1B8dY-kt