When Kathleen and I had a conversation recently with Matthew Ward through his mother, Suzy, he stated that I was not one of the past-life characters I thought I was. Not because I wasn’t, but because I was mis-interpreting the notion of reincarnation.
I of course was using it in the same commonsensical way we all use it so I had no idea what his precise meaning was. I asked Suzy to help me understand what Matthew might be saying and she sent me this excerpt from Matthew’s Message of February 3, 2014:
I never believed Jesus was going to return as the same person he was 2000 years ago, but has he reincarnated on Earth?
No, but the love-light essence of Jesus always is on Earth and everywhere else in this universe.
Because the timeless continuum, where multiple multidimensional lifetimes are happening simultaneously and everything affects everything else, is a nebulous concept almost impossible to grasp, reincarnation is the closest that messengers from the light could describe a process that fits into your linear timeframe. But it is not that Albert Einstein, say, reincarnates as this or that person, and I’ll do my best to explain the reality.
Every one of the countless souls throughout the cosmos is a unique, independent, inviolate eternal being at the same time it is energetically interconnected with all others. The Beginning of every soul was the instant Creator let burst forth Its love-light Self—“the big bang”—and everything in existence is co-created by souls using Creator’s energy to put their ideas into motion and form.
Soul A, let us say, wants to incarnate for the first time. After putting its ideas into a soul contract, it enters into an agreement—we call it pre-birth agreement—with other souls that want to share the lifetime. Then it designs and co-creates a body for its personage that fits what it wants to experience as a mortal. Thereupon Soul A becomes a cumulative soul while remaining its unique eternal self, and it shares all of its knowledge with the soul of the new personage. The term cumulative is applied to Soul A because it initiated the physical lifetime of another soul, but as you shall see, that is the start of cumulative experiencing.
Let us call that first personage Soul B. All of Soul B’s characteristics endowed by Soul A and all experiences throughout the lifetime—intelligence, talents, body form and features, personality, ideas, relationships, education, habits, plans, accomplishments, disappointments, heartaches, joys, doubts, failures, interests, fears—are added to Soul A’s “database” as Soul B has each experience, and everything is retained by Soul B when its body dies.
When Soul A wants to embark upon a different kind of physical life, it goes through the same process; now it has not only its original knowledge, but also the lifetime experiencing of Soul B to share with its second personage. When Soul B wants to put into motion its own ideas, it makes a soul contract and so forth. Like Soul A, it remains a unique soul-self while sharing its knowledge, from personal experiencing and that which was endowed by Soul A, with the soul of its first personage.
Soul A and Soul B grow in experience, knowledge and wisdom with each of their personages, each of whom is a unique, independent, inviolate eternal soul; and the composite is a force field of diverse, interconnected lifetimes that grows with new personages wherever they are throughout the universe. Souls choose contract provisions to fill gaps or strengthen areas of cumulative experiencing to balance all of the lifetimes; thus, an ever-expanding storehouse of awareness is available to all souls in the lineage.
Evolvement comes as personages consciously tap into that storehouse, so it’s not learning anew, but rather a process of self-discovery, remembering what is known at soul level from The Beginning. And, just as you are living in this moment, so are all the beings you think of as your past or future lives—you and all of those other unique souls are living in the NOW of the continuum.
From my lifetimes in third density civilizations, I know how difficult it is trying to understand something for which there is no conscious frame of reference, and my explanation may have added confusion rather than clarification about multiple multidimensional lifetimes. So, please know that everything I described happens simply and divinely, as someday you shall see for yourselves—again!