Well, we’re having a hard time leaving San Diego and to tell you why would be like compressing the Bible into a paragraph.
Where do we start, and yet make it short enough that you don’t watch the sun set several times before we finish?
With the San Diego Gathering – way more than a Meet-Up?
Fifteen people gathered in San Diego yesterday. The group contained a man designing a temple in this city of love, the impression for which he got from Lee Carroll’s Kryon. And a woman who’s written I believe six books, has the seventh pouring out of her and speaks her books. None of them have sold just as none of mine have sold. Who cares? On to the next book.
Or the man in his twenties who knows what the mystics say without anyone having told him? Or the woman who survived horrendous abuse and has so much come out of her shell that her rolodex has 5,000 contacts in it? Or was it 500? Who cares?
Or the gypsy gal who spreads joy wherever she can get a little joy in? Or the woman who has served Spirit all her life and goes on pilgrimages and is always sick because she’s clearing these holy places of the corruption that has descended on them?
Where does one start?
Or does one start with the host and hostess of this gathering?
If I were to find a metaphor for the two of them, I think I would say that he is like Abraham, the father of his people and she is like Sarah, the goddess of love, the mother to her people, who became the line of David and the line of Jesus. (And don’t we know that there are many, many of the circle of Jesus here?)
He leads his community of souls, without losing one, to the promised land. And right now San Diego is the promised land. He has the determination to wade through any difficulties and solve any problem with complete integrity. That was what Abraham brought to the party, did he not?
And Sarah, his wife, brought love, did she not? She became the mother of nations, did she not? And wasn’t it all very simple? Love is the answer to all problems? What this world lacks is love, is it not?
So where should I start in this article? I think there’s no point in starting an article on San Diego because I would never stop. I would never finish.
No, I don’t think I’ll write an article about the time that Kathleen and I spent in San Diego because I could never possibly finish it.