Understanding the Ego, by Matt Kahn, September 30, 2014, https://www.truedivinenature.com
In this one-hour video, intuitive healer Matt Kahn offers an expanded perspective on what we refer to as the ‘ego’. He maintains that the personality is ‘of the soul’, and not, as popularly taught, something we need to ‘master’ or get rid of.
[Some mild profanity is used in a humorous context.]
Although I’ve never known him to use this phrase, I personally find Matt Kahn to be a teacher and transmitter of Christ Consciousness.
Here he expands on his previous discussions about the nature of ego, and provides a perspective for navigating this aspect of ourselves and others.
Below is a summary of some key points:
Ego in its inflamed state is like a “lifelong allergy to the consciousness of the planet we are here to transform.” To awaken is to wake up from the inflamed state into the ‘allergy-free’ state of our true selves.
A person in an inflamed-ego state is like one with a bad cold. This perspective opens us to more compassion towards a person in that state of consciousness. The way we treat and react to other people’s egos is indicative of how our own innocence, or inner child, feels treated by ourselves.
Rather than becoming the ‘ego police’ in relation to others, Matt suggests treating them in such a way that does not ‘make their allergies worse’.
He outlines four types of ego inflammation and expands on each. These are: righteous inflammation, victimized inflammation, entitled inflammation, and needy inflammation.
All of these are simply exaggerated states of consciousness in which a person is lost in a particular level of perception, or an aspect of a lifelong ‘allergy’ to the energy he or she encounters.
By loving our hearts, we allow our innocence to feel safe. This resolves the allergy of unconsciousness, allowing the light of our true selves to come forward.
Thus we become the embodiment of our truest selves and become the frequency that resolves the ego inflammation in others, thus facilitating relief form the allergy they don’t know they have.
“The real journey of mastery is not just the mastering of insight or the mastering of self-realization, but the mastery of relationships through the art of communication.”
With this sort of mastery, when we come into contact with the different types of inflamed egos, we maintain balance and don’t become dominated.
Genuine interest in another person provides them with relief from inflammation, opening space within them to reveal their true selves as fully enlightened beings. Genuine compliments are beneficial. It is not necessary to compliment what the person is talking about, only to compliment the one who is speaking.
All of this is presented in Matt Kahn’s usual insightful, engaging and humorous way.