Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, September 15, 2014 – https://tinyurl.com/k8dz9z4
The sun is shining, the temperature’s dropping, and it’s absolutely beautiful outside. On one half of the world, fall’s growing to replace the hot summer we’ve been experiencing, and it’s leading me to ask a lot of questions about myself and my existence.
One of the biggest things I’m contemplating is whether or not we have it in us to enjoy our lives no matter what circumstances we face. The end of summer brings a chill that we might not enjoy, for example, but it also heralds a change of season and a change of colors that we can absolutely enjoy if we let ourselves.
How do we choose to live our lives? Do we choose to walk around in a cloud of self-instated lowness, or do we choose to see that this existence is as beautiful and heavenly as we’ve always wanted it to be?
I can say from experience that life is only as good as we let it be, and if we’re willing to open up and see that this existence offers a lot of beauty and a lot of opportunities to enjoy ourselves, we can start taking those opportunities instead of continuously sinking into the lowness we’re ready to transcend.
We can only transcend lowness if we let ourselves, and sometimes, we have to throw caution to the wind and uplift ourselves when we could otherwise continue to feel low. It’s too easy to feel low here on earth, but sometimes, it’s far harder (yet far more rewarding) to let ourselves feel high and uplifted.
Why not uplift ourselves as much and as often as possible?
Why not go out of our way to refuse the lowness we could easily feed? We have an unprecedented opportunity to change everything about ourselves and the world around us that’s clearly out of alignment with the new paradigm we want to create, so why not jump on this opportunity?
I can honestly say that until we uplift ourselves, and I mean really uplift ourselves, we’ll continue to go up and down.
We’ll continue to have low moments and moments where we don’t think we can find or remain in any sort of lasting positive or uplifting space, and until we let the heart resume its rightful position at the forefront of our perception, the duality we’re ready to transcend will continue to intensify.
The ups and downs will become more intense until we release our ego-driven grip on our reality and recognize that we aren’t driving this train – we’ve simply come along for the ride. Source is driving our ascension train, and the more we surrender to the love we have the opportunity to feel, the easier and more enjoyable our lives will become.
We won’t enjoy ourselves or our existence until we learn to surrender the ego to the higher facets of our consciousness that are descending onto our minds and hearts. Until all of humanity discovers that love is real and can be tapped into to produce a flowing, enjoyable existence, we’ll continue to bicker amongst each other and fight ceaseless, unproductive wars.
The collective consciousness will remain in a low place until we can heal whatever it is in ourselves that keeps us from loving ourselves and each other, and our existence will become much more enjoyable when we can learn not to put so much pressure on ourselves or the people around us.
We’ll have to transcend everything that feeds the ego if we want to see any kind of positive change, and like plenty of others have said, any outer changes we want to see will first have to be created from within. We’ll have to become the masters we’ve heard about if we want to change anything, and this requires a whole new level of self-empowerment.
A lot of positive qualities are missing from our society, and self-empowerment is among the most essential. Empowerment doesn’t come from the recognition others give us for the things we do while we’re here – it stems from our ability and willingness to love ourselves, even if this love isn’t reciprocated by anyone else.
We aren’t necessarily here to gain fame or notoriety – we’re here to live for love and express the good vibration that results to everyone who can pick up on it. We can’t do this unless we refuse to let in any qualities that drag on our sense of wellbeing, and more people will eventually realize this and align with the way of life they truly want to live.
Bill Hicks used to say that it all comes down to a choice between fear and love, and to make his quote relevant to this article, I’ll say that it comes down to a choice between love and ego, of which fear’s a quality. We can either feed Source and the love our creator wants us to feel and embody, or we can feed the ego and its constant wants, demands and stresses.
We’ll continue to be unhappy if we continue to feed the ego, so let’s open our minds to Source’s infinite and omnipotent love and refuse to let the ego influence us or cause us to descend into lowness or depression. We’re here for a far greater purpose, and to deny ourselves the chance to act on this purpose is akin to going to a waterpark and refusing to swim.
Jump on in – the water’s fine!
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