I am infinite, ultimate love. You are infinite, ultimate love.
I am God. You are God.
It could never be any other way.
Tonight I got that I love myself infinitely. I loved myself at my higher-dimensional, Arcturian, angelic level.
I loved myself till I soared.
And when I soared, I realized that I love you as well.
In this process of continuous change that we all go through, I will flow with the changes, I will love the changes, knowing that all of them are showing us that we are only love and nothing else.
My life is the ultimate experience, the ultimate experiment. Your life is too.
I see the divine symmetry. I see the divine plan.
It’s time to say goodbye. It’s time to say hello.
I am complete with me. I am complete with you.
I am love. You are love.
I know I love you. I know you love me.
It could never be any other way.