Apparently various people are going through symptoms that seem to be a step in the enlightenment process.
Would those people permit me a few comments because some people may not know what’s happening to them, as I understand it.
Obviously people going through an enlightenment process at this time are most likely wayshowers. We all of us will go through this process but they seem to be going through it first.
And you have gone through this process before or you wouldn’t be here. We all have. So … you survived it once (or a dozen times; we don’t know) and you WILL survive it this time as well.
I suspect that what will eventuate from the process is one of three plateaus reached.
The first plateau could be the seeing of a discrete light, the light of your Soul. Or it could be an event in consciousness, such as a realization. Or it could be something I don’t suspect or know about. This is called stream entering or spiritual awakening. But you will emerge with the sense that you now know who you are. You are that Light (Consciousness, etc.).
The second plateau could be the seeing of a transcendental Light, a Light beyond creation or the experience of consciousness reaching well beyond creation. This is called God-Reaization or Brahmajnana. It results in a temporary, not a permanent, heart opening. So don’t feel distressed if the heart opens and closes again. This is normal.
You should emerge from Brahmajnana, if I am correct and I haven’t had the experience in this lifetime, knowing that “I am God.” “I am the One.”
And yet this is not the end.
Imagine you are walking up the stairs of a house to the roof and when you reach the roof you have a realization and exclaim: “I am God. I am One.”
Then you turn and dismount the stairs to the ground and, as you go, you see that everything is God and you exclaim: “God has become everything.”
This second realization is called Sahaja Samadhi and is the enlightenment associated with the deep Fifth Dimension. It’s a permanent heart opening. You are now liberated from the need to be reborn.
The bliss flowing through you will at times seem torrential, but will come under control eventually. You may need some time to acclimatize yourself.
Neither is this the end because enlightenment goes on virtually forever. But it’s the destination we’re commonly headed towards. Some will go higher than the Fifth.
Not many people will understand what’s happened to you. You may not even understand it yourself. You’ve just been through a radical discontinuity in experience. A discontinuity is not like a ride up or down a hill. It’s one minute you’re here and the next minute you’re there and you may or may not know how you covered the distance.
If it happens that you lose your experience, that’s normal. Get it, lose it, get it, lose it. It happens to all of us. It doesn’t mean you flubbed it. It doesn’t mean you did something wrong. All experiences short of Sahaja Samadhi are not lasting. Keep going!
Here’s a story from Sri Ramakrishna:
“Go forward.
“A wood-cutter once entered a forest to gather wood. A brahmachari [senior spiritual aspirant] said to him, ‘Go forward.’ He obeyed the injunction and discovered some sandal-wood trees.
“After a few days he reflected, ‘The holy man asked me to go forward. He didn’t tell me to stop here.’ So he went forward and found a silver-mine. After a few days he went still farther and discovered a gold-mine, and next, mines of diamonds and precious stones. With these he became immensely rich.” (1)
Enlightenment virtually never ends. Whatever you’ve achieved, there’s more. Don’t settle until you can detect the complete stillness of your mind (i.e., a thought does not arise in the mind) and you have no more questions left to be answered.
Remember that the Company of Heaven is here. Use all the tools that have been given you if you need to: Archangel Michael’s blue sword and shield, St. Germaine’s violet flame, the Divine Mother’s protective cloak of invisibility, etc. You have the strongest team in the universe behind you, despite what others may think.
If you need assistance, seek out a listener. Perhaps request that no advice be given but that you just be listened to (unless you want advice but it’s hard to know what to advise in this area).
If you’re listening to someone going through a spiritual emergency, heavens to Betsy, just listen. Refrain from advising. Everyone has and knows the answers inside. The only thing that’s missing for the answers to emerge is someone who will listen, uninterruptedly and compassionately. Remain maximum danger: minimum risk. (2)
(1) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 109.
(2) That is, let the speaker present whatever issues they want to but without your reacting. Counselling and advising, to someone who just wants to get their story out, is a form of maximum risk. See “Maximum Danger: Minimum Risk,” Aug. 23, 2014 at
Reading List
“What to Do in a spiritual Emergency,” Sept. 2, 2014, at
“Transformational Moments,” at
“Linda Steiner: Waking Up is Hard to Do,” Sept. 4, 2014, at
Christina Grof and Stanislav Grof, The stormy search for the self: a guide to personal growth through transformational crisis
1st ed. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1990.
Stanislav Grof and Christina Grof, eds. Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis. Los Angeles, CA: J. P. Tarcher, 1989.
Stanislav Grof, “Spiritual Emergencies: Understanding and Treatment of Psychospiritual Crises,” Reality Sandwich, 2009, at