Thanks to Ellen for our transcript.
An Hour with an Angel, August 20, 2014, with Lord Maitreya.
GD: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness. Joining her is Steve Beckow, founder of the Golden Age of Gaia and author of Building Nova Earth: Toward a World that Works for Everyone.
Our guest today is Lord Maitreya. So with that, I’ll pass it over to you, Steve.
Steve Beckow: Thanks very much, Graham. And, Linda, I’m so excited, I bought my train ticket to go to the Lake Tahoe Conference yesterday and I can’t sit still!
Linda Dillon: Oh, how exciting, Steve! I tell you, the energy is really building. I can’t believe that you’re going to sit on a train — for how many hours?
SB: Thirty hours, I think, as far as I know. It’s actually a beautiful train trip. I’ve done it before. It’s really nice.
LD: So you’re going all through the mountains, huh?
SB: Yes, and … well, Washington state is so lovely, and Oregon is lovely, and then I’m in California, the promised land! So… [laughs]
LD: There you go! You’ll be grinning the whole way!
SB: Yes, indeed! And lighting up the train! Yes! How is the planning going?
LD: The planning is going fabulously. In fact, the agenda book, which is a beautiful souvenir agenda book filled with meditations and channelings and of course the agenda itself, went to press this morning.
SB: Oh, wow!
LD: So everything is moving along. And we have people coming from every corner of the Earth, from New Zealand and Australia and Europe, and of course Canada and the United States. So, it’s really shaping up as a wonderful event, and we’re glad you’re coming!
SB: Well, I want to see lots of partners there. This is a high point of my year for me. The dates are October 3rd to October 5th, is that correct?
LD: Yes, that’s exactly correct. In Lake Tahoe, California.
SB: Do you want people to arrive the day before? Is that how it works?
LD: Arrive on Thursday the 2nd, because we begin full tilt with Mother Mary, or the Universal Divine Mother, however you think of that energy, at 9 o’clock on Friday. And dinner is provided on Thursday evening. So, you don’t want to miss a free meal!
SB: No!
LD: So, yes, arrive on Thursday.
SB: Will there be travel arranged for the people who land in Reno and then have to get to Tahoe? Or is there a bus?
LD: There is a shuttle for people who arrive in Reno either at the airport or the train station. All you have to do is let the folks at Granlibakken Conference Center and Lodge know your time and which venue you’re arriving at, and there will be a shuttle bus there waiting for you.
We have a wonderful team of volunteers that are organizing everybody, including me!
SB: Good! Especially you. [laughs]
LD: Yeah, especially me. Because I tend to be kind of out there. The closer we get, the further out there I am.
SB: Uh-hunh. What a challenge!
LD: It is a challenge.
SB: Yeah. We’ll give you all the help you need.
LD: Thanks. Just make sure my feet are on the floor. But the rest of me is in the clouds.
I’m just really excited. This theme of union and reunion is something that all the masters have been talking to us about all year. And it’s growing. And I know it’s going to continue to grow. But it’s this sense of union with ourselves, and with our divine partners and with each other. And it’s that foundation for Nova Earth. So, I can’t wait. Bring it on! Because I know all of us are ready.
SB: I can’t wait either. Let me give you an opportunity to transition before we welcome Lord Maitreya. And let me just say to listeners that Lord Maitreya is known to all spiritual traditions. Some regard him as the coming world teacher, others as the Imam. And I could go through each of the traditions; each of them knows that he will be returning. And I think we’ve jokingly referred to him as the Big Buddha. Ranjit then becomes the Little Buddha, the Buddha who is about nine years old now.
And so it’s with the greatest pleasure that I welcome you to the show, Lord Maitreya.
Lord Maitreya: And I welcome you. So greetings. I am Maitreya. However you pronounce my name I will answer.
And yes, there are many traditions and many pronunciations, so it does not matter. And I am the Buddha of Love. And I am the Buddha of the future, and I am the Buddha of the now. Welcome, my beloved friends.
Welcome to each and every one of you. Let me throw open my arms, for I am not a distant or unapproachable godhead. No, I am not fat and jolly!
But I am close, and I am dear, as are each of you. And perhaps, if there is anything that I come to speak of this night, it is of that. It is of the quality of the essence of the true nature of your being. And it is about this true nature of your being that is in emergence at this time of your shift, of your ascension, of your emergence. And how this essence is truly being anchored by your decisions, by your choices, and by your surrender.
There are many things that I would wish to speak of this day, because many months ago I have indicated to all of you, my dear family, that I would return to Earth about this time. And so many of you, I am sure, have been on the lookout for me, and saying, “Where are you? Is this, yet again, simply another broken promise from the Company of Heaven?”
There is so much we need to talk about. And so please forgive me if I tend to speak rather quickly this night.
First of all, think of us as a group. Yes, think of us as a group of the Ascended Masters. As a group, the ascended masters have been very busy.
Think of us as a cadre. We of the Ascended Masters have been very busy anchoring the energies and working with you as a human collective. Because you have a great deal to anchor and to learn and choices to make and, shall we say, tasks to undertake, to perform, choices to adhere to, to surrender to, decisions to undertake, in a very brief period of time.
Yes, I know, it is seldom that you really hear us talk about time being of the essence, but I do. Because, as the Mother has told you, and as Archangel Michael has referred to, time really is of the essence during this period.
And we, as intermediaries, very often between what you think of as Heaven and Earth, are very close to you. Many of us in one incarnation or another know what it is to be human, or, can we say, straddle the realms in between being human and being divine.
We can relate to what many of you think of as human challenges. And we know what it is to attempt to anchor many of the divine qualities — yes, what Linda refers to as the blessings and the virtues, and adherence to the universal laws, what you think of as operational behavior, into your daily lives.
Now, you’ve been working on this, each in your own way. And you are, for the large part — and I speak to you as the lightworker cadre — doing a pretty good job. But there is really a great deal further to go. I do not say this in the way of discouragement. We, as the Ascended Masters, have been working most diligently with you.
Now, a quick aside: How does that address where am I? I have been floating in and out; I have been operating, making my appearance known, anchoring in form, not simply as mere shadows and wisps of energy, very often in the lonely places, appearing as a sage, as a teacher, as a prophet, speaking in the loneliness of nights, sometimes in the war-torn places, sometimes in the middle of cities.
And it does not matter whether it is in Bangalore or Bangladesh, or London, or even in the streets of Los Angeles. Often I appear even as a homeless person or someone who is in rags. Pay attention to those who appear to have nothing, because very often they have the greatest insights and wisdom to share. Too often you dismiss those who seem to have little.
So we have all been busy in various ways. And we are integrating ourselves into your societies, in and out, in and out. The only exception to this rule, what I would suggest to you is really Saint Germaine who works more on the etheric plain and is working a great deal on the financial end of things.
Now, what is it that I, Maitreya, am concerned with? What is the core lesson, the core issue, that humanity — and there are many issues — but what is the most important thing that you are learning? No, not necessarily that we are teaching, that we are assisting. What are you learning?
It is a very emotional subject that I speak of this night. And do not think, my brothers and sisters, that we do not feel things from our hearts, because we love you. And I will use several terms inter-changeably. You are learning the lessons of self-determination. You are learning the lessons of choice and decision.
You are learning that freedom, true freedom, true self-determination, cannot come at the cost of in any way attempting to control or harm or destroy or hurt or maim or bear arms against another.
Self-determination does not know fear. Self-determination is inclusive. It cannot exclude your brothers and sisters, whether it is your brother and sister that live next door to you or across the planet. That is why we so insistently speak of global citizenry, inter-galactic citizenry.
Too many speak of the roads. Each in their own way, the roads to salvation, with a sword or a gun in their hands, or a knife, or a rope. It is not a road to salvation, and it most certainly is not a road to enlightenment. It is a road of power struggle and hatred, of abuse, of lack of self-worth and lack of self-love, and most certainly lack of love of others. The message, the law, not of any religion, the law of love, the essence of love, the message that I bring, the teaching that I bring, is love.
And if there were ever a time for all of us who are of mastery to be assisting all of you who are also in your mastery to complete this Ascension in form, on Gaia, it is now. So that is why I have asked to speak to you. It is not a time to give up. The word surrender has often come to mean, in your English language, the connotation of failure — I surrender as in I give up. In our meaning, surrender is to surrender into the will of One, into the plan and the will, the creation of the Mother/Father/One, back to the essence of not only who you are, but of the plan, of the design.
And in doing that, all the illusion falls away.
And that is what I am asking of you. You may do it by falling forward, thinking that you will fall flat on your face. You may do it by simply collapsing as if you were fainting, down on your knees. You may do it by falling backward, thinking that you will fall on your head or your back, but you will fall on a feather cloud. We will catch you every time.
Because what you are surrendering to is your birthright of freedom. You are saying, “These iron chains of illusion cannot bind me. All these stupidities that have been constructed can not bind me. I refuse.”
It is a very strong statement, and it is matched with action: I simply refuse to play this game anymore. I choose to proceed in love. And if it is not of love, then I will not participate.
This is what I ask the people of Earth to do, to lay down their arms, to lay down their hatred, their greed, their control.
Too many think this is just about money. But first and foremost it is about the willingness to be controlled. It is about the willingness to hate, to be puppeteered. You are not born with hatred in your heart! You are born free. You were born as the essence of love. It is the truth and the might and the power, the true power, of who you are. And I come to re-ignite that, to restore that and to reclaim that with and for you.
No, not that you may join my army! But that you may sit and walk with me, and I may love you. That is my only desire. I do not wish anything from you.
Only the honor of loving you, of befriending you, of being in the sacred union of our friendship, of our soul family, of the family of humanity, of divinity, and of so far beyond.
You are denying yourself what you most desire. You peek at it now and then, and then you give 22 excuses — but, but, but. There are no buts. Do not believe those who surround you in lies and falsehoods. They do not come from truth. They do not come from a place of integrity. If they did, they would set you free. My only agenda is to assist you in what you want.
Now, my beloved brother, Steve, where do you wish to begin?
SB: Thank you, Lord Maitreya. I wonder if I could ask you to discuss with us how it can be that we are all one. You’re over there, I’m over here. After this, you’ll go back to one place or another; I’ll go back to one place or another. How are we one?
LM: When you knit a scarf, there are many stitches, and each stitch is individual, and each fiber within the wool or the silk is individual, but it is but one scarf. When you have a tapestry, when you look at night at the Milky Way, there are millions and millions and millions of stars, it is but one galaxy. It is all but one collection.
Do you not think that those stars do not know each other?
SB: I hadn’t thought of it myself. Do they know each other?
LM: Yes, they do. You see, this is a human… it is a an ego issue! I do not say that as a critique. It is simply the way that you are currently constructed. You do not think of the blades of grass knowing each other. You do not think of the molecules of water in the Pacific Ocean knowing each other, but they do.
SB: Hmm.
LM: You do not think of consciousnesses as knowing each other. So, in the consciousness there is a vastness that is far greater than what humans tend to conceive of. Now, many of your scientists tend to glimpse this now and then. Your physicists marvel at this. It is where they live. And some of your philosophers as well.
So what we say is that, from our perspective, we know that we are all connected, and also something that you may not think of is there is a cause and effect. Do not think that what you do does not have an effect on us! And vice-versa. We are one.
So you tend to think of yourself as a closed system, and you are not. We are one.
SB: Are we one in composition? You talked about starness and waterness and grassness. It’s been said that everything is love. Are we all one because we are all love?
LM: Yes. And so when there is disharmony it creates discordance throughout. And that is why it is so compelling, not compelling insofar as the feeling that you are broken and we need to fix you, but compelling insofar as you are hurting, whether you know it or not.
You are hurting, you are injured. We don’t mean you particularly; we mean you, the collective. And you have reached a point in terms of your journey where you have asked to be healed. But you have asked not only in terms of your spiritual evolution, but your alignment within your plan, within the Mother’s plan. You have asked to take the next step. So within that there is the great joy and the mission to bring that discordance into alignment.
LM: So it is our job from the star-beings to the divine Company of Heaven to the Ascended Masters to the archangels, all of us, to assist you to bring that discordance back into alignment… now.
Not 20 years from now, not 50 years from now, not 100 years from now, as many suggest, but now.
SB: What is it about the lower dimensions that have us not realize that we are one, that has us not realize that love is everything? And I ask you this very specifically. I’m not talking about a general statement, but specifically what is it about the denser vibrations that prevents the knowing of these realities?
LM: Part of what occurred with the illusions, the blinders that were formulated with the old Third Dimension, it was as if you were put into very myopic vision. And it was myopic vision that was determined primarily by ego and by the desire … now, you use the term, Illuminati, cabals, etc., but what really occurred is that there were very few upon the planet who did not have the desire, with this perspective, shall we say, to control.
Even those who were not in control, who were being controlled, who were being manipulated, still wanted to control, still wanted to be acquisitive, still felt that lack of self-worth, that lack of self-love, that feeling of separation, that illusion of being alone.
So it was not simply what evolved over time that there were groups of powerful beings that held preferred positions; but what happened was even those who were being controlled still held those desires to control. So everybody was on the same page, until such time as that paradigm began to shift.
Now, did that take thousands of years? Yes. And has it taken thousands of years to begin to shift? Yes. But shift it has.
And is it dissolving? Yes. It is but wisps. And that is why we are saying, shake your hands and surrender. Declare yourselves. Because it cannot simply be done for you. It truly is a revolution.
SB: Now, you said just wisps, Lord Maitreya, but some of these groups still have pretty dangerous weapons, and they’re killing each other. How am I to interpret that as a wisp?
LM: I do not suggest that these people are not dangerous. I am not foolish.
SB: Okay.
LM: I am not a foolish Buddha.
SB: [laughs] Not a laughing Buddha?
LM: Not a laughing Buddha, not a jolly Buddha. I am a serious Buddha!
But think of it: the people who are, yes, in control of such violence are probably, oh, a couple of million versus about seven billion. It is a numbers game. Am I suggesting that everybody go and attack? No. I am not.
What I am suggesting is that you begin, not next week, not next year, but right now, to simply see that this is not real power. You say, “Well, if they have the power to shoot me down, if they have the power to cut off my head, if they have the power to take planes out of the sky, that is real power.”
I do not deny this, and I say to you, yes, of course, keep yourselves as much as possible out of harm’s way, my beloved friends. I am not suggesting that you put yourself in harm’s way. But what I am saying is see it for what it is. It is not the truth. The truth is, it is not real. Your freedom, your love, your life, your freedom, does not depend on them declaring you free. Your freedom depends on you declaring yourself free.
You say “You’re speaking esoterically.” And what I say to you is compare it. Declare it in your heart this night with me. Declare your freedom, not just as a political act, but as a human, spiritual, physical act.
See how it feels and turn to me, turn to your Ascended Master cadre, invoke the law, invoke Archangel Michael’s protection, because there are ways we can help that are unseen. No, do not put yourself in the line of fire. We are not suggesting that.
SB: Perhaps I could interject at this moment, Lord. Because a lot of lightworkers who have agreed to receive the flow of abundance that’s going to be happening in order to distribute it to other lightworkers seem to have agreed to put themselves in the line of fire, so to speak. There’s a certain degree of risk involved in managing large flows of money, so we are, in fact, agreeing to put ourselves in the line of fire, in some ways. What words do you have to say to those who have agreed to?
LM: You’re not agreeing to put yourselves in the line of bullets.
SB: No. I suppose not.
LM: It is a very big difference.
SB: Okay. But what would you say to those people – many, many lightworkers – who have agreed to participate in the Reval, and have increased their visibility, have increased their chances of being bothered by others, and perhaps other things as well? What would you say to them?
LM: Well, that is your job.
SB: Uh-hunh.
LM: That is part of creating Nova Earth. That is part of stepping forward and taking action. That is part of building community and taking care and tending to the community.
Each of you has different ways. Some of you live in the lonely places, and some of you are asked to step forth in order to build community. So, each of you has different ways in which you express, and some of you will be in public platforms, and some of you will be in very private platforms, but it is your choice and your abilities will guide your way. But these are choices, and these are choices not governed or decided by anything but your heart.
So do not make yourselves martyrs and say, “I must do this” and “This is my sacrifice.” You do this because you choose to out of the freedom of your love!
SB: Okay.
LM: This is what you chose to do based on your mission and purpose. Are there some in transition that may be bothersome? Well, erect your sword and shield, dear heart. That is what they are there for. Create your sacred space. Part of being clear — and I say this as the Buddha — is knowing how to keep your sacred space clear of knowing where your boundaries are. If you do not keep your sacred space clear, if you do not delineate your boundaries, if you do not honor your sacred space, then you are not honoring yourself.
SB: We, with all the chaos going on at this time, and probably there could be more chaos as the Tsunami of Love increases in intensity, what remains to be learned?
LM: Well, you have just touched upon one of them, which is the honoring of the sacred self. Because as the chaos comes to the surface — and that is why I have talked about the importance of not putting yourselves in the line of fire, either figuratively or in actuality, because putting yourself in the line of fire, dear heart, can also be in the line of fire of your neighbor, of your family, of your place of work, of nations.
You know what I mean. So it is important in the honoring of love first and foremost to honor your sacred self, to love yourself. Because what is going to be dredged up may be thousands and thousands and thousands of years old. It may not even have to do with this planet.
So allow it to come to the surface. The chaos of the collective is what you are clearing, and what the Mother is bringing to the surface at this time.
You may not even understand it. It does not matter. Allow it to come to the surface to be cleansed away, and allow what needs to be integrated to be integrated. Allow your heart to expand to the size of the Milky Way or the Atlantic Ocean.
Do not try to define. This is something that the human beings tend to do. They try to define so often what it is that is going on. And that brings your mental and emotional bodies into greater confusion very often. Simply allow the currents to wash it away and leave what needs to be integrated. So, do not spend too much mental, emotional energy on it.
It is a tsunami, my friends.
So, let it take the currents, and let it wash away. Do not spend too much time trying to define. Let the Mother take what needs to be cleansed, because it is ancient, it is primordial. And let the sun shine through you, and allow the new to begin.
And then flow through the Ascension chambers, the portals. Allow your wings to unfurl. And if you feel like simply walking, take my hand. I would be pleased to walk with you.
SB: that’s beautiful. Is it possible to talk about what the Tsunami of love is? How it’s happening? Is there some great magician up there sending love down to us? Or are the galactics running machinery that disseminates it across the planet? What is happening when the Tsunami of Love is happening?
LM: The magician is the Divine Mother. The machinery, the one who is running the machinery, very quietly, is the Father.
SB: Uh-hunh. For once! [laughs]
LM: Yes! For once and for all!
SB: The power behind the throne? [laughs.]
LM: That is correct. It is truly the energy of One. So it is the creation, love energy. So does it move through the realms of the archangels, the inter-galactics? Think of it literally as a tsunami steamrolling through all the realms, and picking up speed. So, do they receive it? Yes. But it picks up speed as it flows through them, and they add their energy through them. And then it comes to Earth, and it flows through. There is not one human being, conscious, unconscious, subconscious, that does not receive it.
Now, those who are aware tend to feel it more. But she is not stopping until every human being is cleared.
Now, she has been, from her perspective, very gentle in this cleansing. We know, there are many of you who would say, “If this has been gentle, then look out,” because she is intensifying this energy incredibly.
SB: What does that mean? We think in terms of numbers, percentages, things like that. How are we to think about the increase in the Tsunami of Love?
LM: Think of it this way. You have been riding on a very calm lake, and now you are about to be in the perfect storm.
SB: I can’t wait!
LM: I think you will enjoy it, dear heart.
SB: Um-hmm.
LM: I think you will all enjoy it, even if you get a little seasick. You are ready for this change. And you have welcomed it for a long time. So, put on your life jacket and get ready.
SB: How long will this current storm last?
LM: It will last about a month.
SB: And then there will be another trough?
LM: We do not know that another trough will be necessary.
SB: Anything you can say about Ascension?
LM: You are underway, already.
SB: So, gradually?
LM: No, not gradually. We would say, your process is a snap.
SB: How far along are we if it’s possible to talk in those terms?
LM: You are almost home, dear heart. You are almost home.
SB: Okay. I hear the music! The music of the spheres!
LM: So, come and walk with me, dear heart!
SB: I would love to!
LM: Farewell.
SB: Farewell. Thank you for coming.
LM: My pleasure.