Calibrating To The Ascension Frequency – Highlights from Last Month’s Webinar Part 1, by Suzanne Lie. August 12, 2014.
Reaction vs. Response
Calibrating to “Ascension frequency” primarily means to calibrate our consciousness to the higher frequencies of Light that constantly surround us and enter our bodies with every breath. These higher frequencies of Light resonate to the frequency of Ascension, which is the fifth dimension and beyond. As we calibrate our consciousness to the higher dimensional Light we begin to become consciously aware of our thoughts and emotions.
This calibration is not an easy task. It’s not very difficult to be conscious when we are having a really good time, when we are meditation, laughing with a friend or having something loving and joyful happening. Then we want to be conscious. Happiness automatically draws us to be conscious of our interactions with life.
On the other hand, when we’re hit with a challenge that ignites a fearful emotional trigger, especially something in our unconscious, then we react to rather than unite with our environment. Worse yet, we engage in the negativity of the third dimension rather than live in the glory of the fifth-dimensional Ascension frequency.
When we’re in the third-dimensional frequencies we focus on action and reaction. If we are going to expand our consciousness into the Ascension frequency, which will automatically change our reality, we must put out a specific intention to be conscious of the thoughts and emotions that fill our body and our aura.
When we are conscious, we can catch our Self when we react rather than respond. A reaction is usually unconscious and often based on fear. On the other hand, a response is based on conscious awareness of our inner and outer worlds. When we are conscious in this fashion, we can observe how our state of consciousness determines the reality we are living.
Reaction is something that is a third-dimension action, and it puts us into a more unconscious state. Responding is a fifth-dimensional action as it reminds us that we have a choice about the world that we create with our own thoughts and emotions.
What we want to do is to respond to the resonance of the situation rather than react to it. We master our ability to respond rather than react by taking a breath to feel our emotions in our body while we listen to our thoughts.
We are used to, especially in the West, leading with our brains, leading with our minds. We forget to engage the emotions of our body. It is important that we engage the body because our bodies resonate to our world. Our body also influences our fourth-dimensional aura, which is our passageway into the fifth dimension.
When we consciously feel the resonance of our bodies and move into a fearful third-dimensional situation, it feels like hitting a brick wall. We know we do not want to hit a brick wall, so with this important information, we can choose to “refuse to participate in that reality.” However if our third-dimensional reality feels good to our body/aura, we can choose to engage in that version of reality.
I am an avid gardener, and my yard is better this year than ever. We’ve lived in this house for seven years and part of it is the time of things maturing and part of it is the energy field. I was meditating in my yard the other day, and when I looked around in my higher state of consciousness, everything looked and felt different. The trees had a different resonance and the grass had a glow.
Suddenly I realized this is just like New Earth. This was the Ascension frequency in action. Then the moment that I labeled it with my 3D mind that vision went away. However, I had that moment of perceiving that higher frequency. I think these types of shift are what will be happening more and more often for more and more people.
What that tells us is that the Ascension frequency is all around us. We just need to tap into it and let it expand. We “tap into it” with our Multidimensional consciousness, and we will drop out of it when our consciousness lowers. We can only perceive a reality that is the same frequency as our state of consciousness.
Today we are talking about the Elementals. And part of the reason that I wanted to talk about the Elementals is that in writing my Pleiadian Perspective books and coming to the end of the whole series, the hero and heroine begin their process of transmuting into Lightbody by tuning into the Elementals.
The third dimensional elements of earth, air, fire and water have fifth dimensional Elementals of earth/Gnomes, air/Sylphs, fire/Salamander and water/Undines. We can see the earth, the air, a fire, and we see water. When we merge our consciousness with our fourth-dimensional aura we can vaguely perceive the Elementals. However, Elementals are primarily fifth dimensional. Hence we can only perceive them via our fifth-dimensional Lightbody.
The Elementals are like our physical body, which is composed of the same earth, air, fire and water as Earth. In this manner, we are ONE with our planet Earth as we are composed of the same elements. Earth is our physical body, Air is the oxygen inside our bodies, Fire is our neurons firing and we are born with 77% of our body as liquid (water). That amount of water diminishes as we age, except when a woman is pregnant.
It is through our Elementals that we can deeply bond with Gaia because Her Elementals are everywhere in our environment. Earth’s Elementals are fifth dimensional, so they are not bound by time and space. In the same manner, the Elementals in our bodies are NOT bound by time and space. The most immediate way that we interact with these Elementals is through our breath.
When we breathe in the higher fifth-dimensional Elementals we’re going to think of things that we’ve never thought of before. We are able to balance our emotions more than we’ve ever done before. We are able to find energy and health in our bodies that we’ve never had before, and our Kundalini becomes more activated than ever.
Arcturian Message
For this message from the Arcturians, see separate posting in Golden Age of Gaia at: