As fans around the world continue to mourn the tragic death of actor/comedian Robin Williams, Fox News has come out and called the comic genius a “coward” for his apparent suicide.
Calls are now being made via an online petition (see link below, thanks to Suzy Star) for Fox reporter Shep Smith – who made the insensitive ‘coward’ comment – to be fired and for Fox News to immediately educate staff about mental illness and suicide.
Meanwhile, some alternative media have suggested that the actor did not suicide but was murdered by the cabal. Sure, it’s possible. To me, Williams was always a lightworker who used laughter as his illuminated sword and shield – as this video so hilariously shows.
Ironically, it was recorded at a special performance in 2008, shortly after Barack Obama’s first inauguration as US President, in front of none other than the British royals Prince Charles and Camilla!
Yet despite their presence he was able to get some very important – and somewhat risque – messages across, using comedy and his observations of real-life as his ‘weapon’.
He also used his movies – such as What Dreams May Come (if you haven’t seen it, I heartily recommend it!) – to ‘mainstream’ some very spiritual themes.
One hopes his death may now allow many to revisit such great films and, as Matthew Ward indicated yesterday, in these lovelighted new energies, possibly see these themes in a whole new light…
Update: The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AKA, the Oscars) has also come under fire from suicide prevention experts over this twitter message below.
The problem? It violates well-established public health standards for how we talk about suicide.
If it doesn’t cross the line, it comes very, very close to it,” said Christine Moutier, chief medical officer at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. “Suicide should never be presented as an option. That’s a formula for potential contagion.”
Meanwhile, should you wish to sign the “Fox News: Fire News Anchor for Insensitive Comments on Robin Williams’ Death” Petition, you can so so here:
Finally, if you want to see Williams at his bawdy best (and don’t mind the odd swear word) you can always check out his stand-up comedy video Robin Williams: Weapons of Self Destruction. (New link inserted, with thanks to Fern.)