One of our purposes at this moment is to provide readers with as much information as possible on the Tsunami of Love and to encourage readers to raise the frequency of love on the planet. To this end, we’ve located as many “doorways” or portals into the collected articles on the Tsunami as possible. This post will remain up and be added to as new articles are written.
- Jesus on Love and Social Transformation
- Jesus on Love and Personal Transformation
- Loving Unconditionally; Forgiving Universally
- Surfing the Tsunami of Love
- To Speak of God is to Speak of Love
- Tsunami of Love: Introduction
- Worry No Longer Trumps Love
- The Tsunami of Love: A Discussion
- The Progress of the Light – Part 3/3
- The Tsunami of Love Begins Today
- Why Processing is So Important
- The Tsunami of Love has Reached Shore
- Tsunami of Love Meditation: Do You Feel the Love between the Words?
- How Now, My Love?
- Launch of the Tsunami of Love
- Santa Rea via Philipp: A Message from My Higher Self
- The Divine Mother: My Tsunami of Love Will Shift You Permanently
- Archangel Michael: Swept Away in a Tsunami of Love – Part 2/2 (Excerpt)
- Love Has No Second
- Archangel Michael: Go with the Ebb and the Flow of Love
- Saint Germain via James McConnell: A Transformative Tsunami of Love Is On the Verge
- Clarity, Purity, and Love: The Basic Spiritual Movement Restated
- The Preliminary Impact of the Tsunami of Love
- Archangel Michael: We are All Aligned with the Heart, Mind and Will of One (Excerpt)
- The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild: February 6, 2014 – Short Message
- White Cloud: A Showering of Love Upon Your Planet is Close
- St. Germaine on Allowing Love to Transform Us
- Jesus: You are Love. It is All You Have Ever Been
- Ashtar via Philipp: A New Message – The Love Transformation
- Sananda: Only Love Prevails
- Sanat Kumara and Adama via James McConnell: The Tsunami of Love Will Wash Away the Old You
- St. Germaine on Allowing Love to Transform Us
- The Divine Mother, Aum, and Love
- Welcome to the New Paradigm
- Love is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
- Love is Everything
- Just Allow It
- Let Go, Let Go, Let Go
- The Answer for Me is Love
- What is the Heart?
- Last-Minute Clearing
- The Divine Mother, Aum, and Love
- Lost at Sea!
- The Basic Spiritual Movement x 2
- The Agony and the Normalcy
- The Impact of the New Energies on Us
- Heartfelt Communication
- Are We in the “Wave of Love”?
- Drowning in the Sea of Love
- Lisa Gawlas: Dress Rehearsal is Done! We Go Live as We Enter March!
- A Hitchhiker’s Guide to … the Tsunami of Love
- Synchronicity and Universality at Eastertime
- The Challenges that Sacred Partners Face
- Clearing and Opening to the Light – Part 1
- Clearing and Opening to the Light – Part 2
- Clearing and Opening to the Light – Part 3
- Clearing and Opening to the Light – Part 4
- Transformative vs. Romantic Love
- The Fire of Love: A Bush That Burned and Was Not Consumed
- With Clarity Comes Love and Peace
- Ecstacy: The First Taste of Universal Love
- The Importance of Love
- True Love is Unconditional