Archangel Michael discusses the Tsunami of Love, Ascension and the Reval. Thanks to Mary for our transcript today.
An Hour with an Angel with Archangel Michael, June 12, 2014
GD: Hello and welcome to An Hour with an Angel with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanities Heart Consciousness. Joining her is Steve Beckow, founder of The Golden Age of Gaia and author of Building Nova Earth: Towards A World That Works For Everyone. Our guest today is Archangel Michael so with that I’ll pass it over to you Steve.
Steve Beckow: Thank you, Graham and, Linda, we had the Tsunami of Love livestream on Sunday. What was your experience of it? What have you heard and what can we expect now as the tsunami increases and increases?
Linda Dillon: Well, thanks for asking, Steve and it’s great to be here. It has been an amazing experience, I think not only for me, basically having Mother Mary move in for the – well, I thought she was moving in for a week – but she’s still here, but the experience that people have been sharing in terms of the Tsunami of Love has been incredible.
In fact, one of the things we always look for, as our human self, are those sign posts. and In fact I wrote an article about it this morning. Mother Mary had asked for 1000 wave riders to show up and that was going to be in the space of a couple of days, 3 days, and although my human side had questions and doubts, I went ahead and put out the call and of course you assisted on the Golden Age of Gaia and Louisa and all her translators have helped enormously.
But on the day of the event, we didn’t even have half that many people registered in order to participate, but when the numbers came in in terms of how many people had actually clicked onto the event, as it were, we had 1139.
So, we got our 1000 wave riders and then the following day, once it hit in Australia, which was a huge registration, we had … oh I don’t know … by early in the morning we had over 600. So, the response has been phenomenal. I’m not sure how these people are getting the link and frankly I don’t really care. I’m just thrilled.
What people are writing in and saying is that not only did they have a great spiritual experience, but hey are feeling changed in their physical body, in their physical reality, in how they feel about being alive right down to the very core.
Now, there’s some people, and I would suspect that those are the people who’s soul contract are to help clear for the collective, who’ve been going through phenomenal clearing, clearing and cleansing that’s bigger than simply an individual clearing especially after all the work we’ve done.
But by and large, people are feeling lighter;. They’re seeing the tangible, physical signs in their everyday life about what Mother Mary has shown them in the experience while they were in the Tsunami Meditation or in what they were seeing during her channeling.
A lot of people have seen, as they watch the video again, an overlay of Mother Mary or the whole room turning blue … which really isn’t the case because I went and glanced at the video afterwards to make sure, because I was way out there … but people are having these wonderful experiences and it’s only going to increase.
The thing that Mother Mary woke me up with this morning, well actually two nights ago and then again this morning, was “We’ve just started. This isn’t the ending. This is just the beginning.” And sure enough it’s growing and it’s building and this is our push. This is our cleansing, penetration, upliftment, elevation, so that we can just, from the tips of those waves, just jump through that Ascension Portal.
SB: Well I can tell you I certainly feel more – the words really don’t convey it – I’d like to say substantial or more grounded, more here. It’s as if a lot of the things I was clearing, and I went through some really huge clearings in the last month are done and I’m permanently out of that, so to speak. So, I’m feeling great.
LD: And I think that’s one of the things you’re touching on is that people feel more happily grounded, more satisfied about being in their body.
SB: Yes, right, yeah! Life is becoming fun.
LD: Finally!
SB: (Laughter) Yeah, finally, after decades. I’m going to be asking Archangel Michael to give his view as well, so we’ll get that side of the story too. But thank you very much for that event, Linda. It was marvelous and you did a great job.
LD: Oh, thank you. This came on really fast and the response, for me, has been the confirmation of how we’ve changed. How people have responded has really shown me, up close and personal, that we really are a community, that we all came together around this and did it and I’m still shaking my head. So, thank you!
SB: I’ll give you some time to make the transition but, yes, a growing community, not only the Tsunami of Love team that helped but all the lightworkers who are coming and listening. It’s totally wonderful. So, we welcome Archangel Michael…
Archangel Michael: And I welcome you. Yes, I am Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, brother of your heart, brother of your soul.
There are many forms of family, of sacred union, of partnership and that is why I address you as brother and sister and beloved ones this day. This has always been the case. Trust me. I didn’t forget, but sometimes you did.
I do not say that in a way that is meant to make you feel less-than. I say it in a way of joyous celebration that you, my dear hearts, are remembering our connection, our familial connection, our partnership, our sacred union that we go forth together in this creation of Nova Earth, of heaven on Earth or is it Gaia in heaven? or is it both?
So, we are connected and working as we never have before. There are many of you who disclaim this term ‘working.’ It has never been a dirty word to us, it has never been a drudgery because work and service and laughter and play, these are synonymous.
And what you are beginning to recall, my beloved friends, is that it is synonymous for you as well, that it does not need to mean servitude in the sense that you are enslaved but rather where you choose to place your energies, to trade in your joy and to join in communion.
So, I welcome you. I welcome you as brother and sister, as ally, as friend, as cohort, as colleague. However you wish to slot yourself, I welcome you.
SB: Thank you, Lord.
AAM: Where do you wish to begin?
SB: Well, why don’t we begin with the tsunami livestream, Lord, and have you tell us what the results of it were and to answer the question: Have all people shared in those results, not only those who listened to the livestream?
AAM: This tsunami has gained momentum and strength and yes, you cannot have a tsunami wave that is not felt [by everyone], particularly when it is of the Divine Mother, whom we all bow to. You cannot have this magnitude of an event whether it is spiritual leaking or waving into the physical and not have it effect the entire population of the planet.
That is the entire idea. That is the very plan of the Mother. Those who have participated, not merely in the livestream but previously and since that time whether, they have done it consciously or whether they have simply subconsciously or unconsciously volunteered, are creating and anchoring this energy and that energy is rippling out to the entire population.
But at the same time the tsunami – think of it, the term has been used very specifically by our Mother – this wave is engulfing, covering, drenching the entire planet. That is her intent.
Now, the more that the human beings consciously choose to step forward and engage in the energy, the more firmly and consciously it is anchored. But it would be an error to think or to believe that it is not affecting and influencing, penetrating and cleansing and lif,ting up the entire population. It has begun my dear hearts. It is underway.
So what do you feel? Now, as this channel has conveyed from the Mother, there are various aspects to this energy penetration from the Mother and they are not necessarily sequential – stop, start, stop – because they ebb and flow like the tides and there is the aspect, the element of cleansing.
Now, not only the individual cleansing for all lifetimes, all aspects, what you think of as timelines and dimensionality; there is also upliftment and penetration into your very core, in what you are referring to as your physical body, and we would call your entire field, of this energy of love.
Now, what does this really mean? What it means, sweet angels, is that the cellular memory, the DNA imprint, your soul design is being reactivated to that memory of love, to the truth of who you are. Now you know I love to speak about truth and so this is a joyous part, this penetration, and you are like a sponge.
And when a sponge…. No, not a sponge in the depths of the ocean. Think of a sponge that has been placed in the driest part of the desert, in the most arid climate. And it is hard and it is brittle and, when there is a drop of rain or a drop of tsunami, it is absorbed.
But still there is a quality of brittleness, but eventually you become completely moisturized as you continue to absorb and absorb. And that is what you are doing, that is what humanity is doing in this very moment that we speak.
In many ways, this is my favorite part of the tsunami, for many of us, because it is what you can think of as very deep restoration. If you recall, Yeshua has said that this is a year for recovery and then rediscovery. This is recovery at the deepest levels of your body, your mind, your spirit, your being.
Then, of course, there is the elevation, the upliftment, the buoyancy. The Mother is the wave and, when she lifts you, there is nothing like it.
Now this wave that she has termed the Tsunami of Love is the strongest and yet the gentlest. There may be moments where you are feeling as if you are swept away, but it is swept away in ecstasy and bliss to come into this place of rediscovery.
But let me share something that has not been talked about. When the Mother has fully activated this tsunami, do you truly think that you, of humanity, of Gaia, which it is intended for … you [only share in this joy?] We do not claim ownership but we are most certainly sharing in the joy.
We are riding these waves with you. No, we do not need to go to the clearing or to the absorption, but we are most certainly riding these waves, as are your star brothers and sisters and those from many galaxies, the kingdoms. It is quite interesting to watch some of the mountains and trees riding these waves and might I say, laughing and playing with us and that is where we are inviting you.
Yes, we know there is a process and that the collective has need to go through this but truly we are quite excited. Come and join us. And if you are fearful in any moment, know that you can call on any of us because we are very close at hand.
Many months ago when you and I, yes, you brother, (1) have discussed the event, we have suggested to thee that this was a series of events and there have been many different elements and aspects and stand-alone events, significant in your terms and in ours. And this is one of those events.
It is part of the collective events that culminate in the Ascension. We know your hearts and perhaps we know the purity of your heart. Each of you who listen this night and each of you who listen thereafter, we know the purity of your heart perhaps even more than you do. We know your longing for love, your longing for change, for the Shift, for the Ascension, for a world that works, dear Steve.
What we see with this tsunami, with humanity, is that they also begin to see the purity of their hearts and that purity is love, it is joy, it is grace.
Do the lightworkers lead the way, the pillars, the gatekeepers, the wayshowers? Of course you do. That is why you have come.
But there is not a single being upon the planet who has not originally intended to come to Gaia at this time to have this experience of transformation and Ascension. And therefore, our gracious Mother gives this equally to all.
Now, do all accept and embrace it equally at the same time? No. But it doesn’t matter. You cannot stop the penetration of the Mother. It is not possible. Her essence that is within you beckons to her essence that is outside of you and the two, my beloved friends, are colliding! And it is time.
So, what do you think? Is the collective ready?
SB: Well, I’m ready. I think the collective is ready.
AAM: And so do we!
(Continued in Part 2.)
(1) I asked Archangel Michael many months ago whether the Tsunami of Love, also called “the Event,” really was one discrete event or a process.
(2) Devils food cake is chocolate cake with vanilla icing. My favorite!