Stephen: Several of you wrote in last week asking that we zip ZAP and not run the Office of Poofness messages here any more (as you’ll see below, people are also writing to ZAP!). But for each of you who doesn’t want to read them – because of ZAP’s sarcastic comments or caustic responses or because you doubt his intel – there are many more who do. There are also others who have submitted applications for funding with ZAP’s team.
But, yes, last week’s message was a real doozy! As you may recall, I edited out a hugely misleading section in which ZAP had included a deceptively false video of President Obama and had provided his own comments on that video. Steve wrote about the video here in Another Attempt to Undermine President Obama. Separately, the video was pulled from YouTube that day.
While ZAP did issue an apology of sorts during the week, it wasn’t what I call a’ being accountable’ apology. Sadly, for a man whose catch-cry includes ‘Tell Truth’, he made a joke of his error and complete lack of research, rather than saying ‘Sorry, I got it very wrong’. Nevertheless, here is today’s message (with a couple of minor edits) for those who wish to use your own discernment and read what he has to say. For those who don’t, I suggest you simply skip to the next post now.
Greeting and Salutations:
For many of those who remember Mike Kodosky’s description of the end times, he would always describe it as absolute chaos, disinformation, political and social unrest. Little did we know what a prophecy it truly was.
Poof Said:
For those who read through these notes looking for that proverbial opening, that one key word that says It is Over. Well, it is not here. It is not over. It is not far from being over but it is not over yet. So if your faith or patience or your hard head is being tested. The name of the game is learning wisdom and learning patience and then beholding the way in which the world moves the pieces on the giant chess board. And that’s truly the bottom line to all of this . Is every ones needs being met? Are there others not thought about? What about the political future of thus and so? And then what about the bankers? Are they ready. And so it has gone for how long now.? No, it is not over and yes it soon will be. When the last nut is turned and the last lock is keyed and the powers that be can’t empower their goons any longer then you will see some movement. It is going forward even if it is too slow for your tastes.
And then there’s this. The RV has been boo-whooed for how long now? And what does it have to do with the needs of those in the Program. It turns the tap and it opens some gates that needed to be that’s all that can be said at this time. So whatever you were doing before you started reading this, go back to it– but be peaceful and grateful. You do recall that gratitude is nearly heaven’s first law. Practice it. – Poof
ZAP Says:
Hi all,
Bit of history….a long time ago, the Chinese family made plans to carry out the global reset, and re-balance the world financial infrastructure to give the world economies a fresh start, debt-free.
They appointed a signatory that would carry out this mission with the usa and various world agencies having jurisdiction (the parties).
On Friday, a deadline was given to the parties to the contractual obligation by and between the signatory and the USA and IMF and others, of 12:00 pm. Since the parties continued to delay and dishonor their verbal assurances that the obligation would be met, the signatory withdrew his support at 12:05 pm, and issued the press release as below provided.
This was not a bluff, as the parties realized real fast. Plan B was effected and the changeover began. One of the items of plan b is the information package that was to go out that defines the atrocities perpetrated by the people in power positions.
Names, places, events, accounts, and other matters salient to the ‘dape’ (destruction and rape) of the American people, and indeed the rest of the world, are to be released to the general public under plan b.
When this information and evidence is released to the public measures are in place to begin the indictments and arrests of various perpetrators of this ‘dape’. Of course, us citizens and others will be mortified at the ‘dape’ perpetrated to the point of great anger. Such anger would be met with official countermeasures such as martial law, borders would be closed, and they would do everything in their power to spin it out and regain control over the populace. Fat chance once the truth gets out. Remember what George W Bush said about the light pole. US citizens would string up anybody that was/is associated in the ‘dape’.
Press Release – May 30, 2014:
Backer of “Global Banking Reset” Pulls Out Over Political Bickering:
The signatory to the largest cache of gold bullion in the world pulls out of providing trillions in bullion to back the global reset and new global banking system.
Breach of contract by the U.S. Treasury and amid interference by IMF (International Monetary Fund), Managing Director, Christine Lagarde, President Obama, several key members of the U.S. Congress, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, and the World Bank has fueled the pullout.
The gold bullion provided by the signatory would have backed the new U.S. Treasury Reserve Notes, known commonly as the TRN..
Use of the new TRN which would primarily occur between central banks, would stabilize the world economy, solve the U.S. debt crisis, provide the basis for debt forgiveness and the standardization and revaluation of all world currencies under a new gold backed system known as the “Global Reset” by those involved in the process.
The gold bullion was scheduled for release to the U.S. Treasury this week, but the signatory announced today that he will move the deal to China and effectively leave the U.S. floundering as the TRN’s have already been printed and distributed to central banks worldwide.
Without the signatory’s gold bullion to back the TRN, the TRN are worthless. Twenty-three central banks are backing the signatory’s move as the frustration of dealing with the U.S. Government’s and IMF’s failure to communicate with the signatory and fulfill signed contracts have left many central banks reeling.
The signatory states that these individuals, governments and organizations are operating on their own political and financial agendas, jockeying for position and power in the new world financial system and have failed to perform their duties, not only in their positions of power but have also failed to morally protect and serve the citizens of the United States and the world.
The signatory also states he has no political agenda and wishes only to restore balance, fairness and stability to the world banking system.
In closing he says, “As a patriotic US citizen I have a strong desire to keep this deal on U.S. soil, but these individuals have left me no choice.
It is my belief that listening to more misinformation issued by the IMF, U.S .Treasury, and others who operate on their own agenda will result in further delays and continue to stall the recovery of the world economy.”
ZAP – However, the US armed forces (God Bless these guys) are charged with the protection of the original organic US constitution, and these guys are intensely patriotic. Thank God. It seems some noises were made, and since the family was not bluffing, the truth of the matter hit home, and rather than the USA becoming a third world country, literally overnight – because their currency is not backed by the gold – and having their debt erased, the powers that be are back at the table hoping to set things back on track, and it appears this is being done now.
Very good. Happy to know that.
So we will know how things go in the next bit here, and if all goes well, the TRN will go out backed by gold instead of some whitewash story. Now, the question has been asked whether the USD will be replaced by the TRN. No, it will be supported by the TRN. Remember the $100,000 FRN (Federal Reserve Notes) that were printed but used only as settlement instruments between fed banks? The TRN will serve the same function, as it is used for the same purpose. So the SDR (Special Drawing Tights) schema does not need to be used as the alternative settlement method with the TRN in place. Much easier.
The RV is underway anyways as it was effected last Wednesday and the private placements are paying. I do not know the timing of the public release, but it will be here soon enough.
The PPP, the land claim settlements, etc. Should all now move forward very quickly, as well.
Q: What does Zap say to this? On May 11th I wasn’t ambiguous about the fact that I don’t intend to remain kind to people who I believe habitually lie to the shareholding community. We are losing shareholders at an increasing rate, and all we hear is unsubstantiated rumoring from the same people…and that is not acceptable to me anymore.
ZAP – Right. Kill them all. (Stephen: yes, I know…)
I haven’t come to this conclusion after two posts…this has been a pattern ZAP himself has established over the last year, and Poof many years before that.
ZAP – Bad James (Poof). Bad ZAP.
I am a CMKXer first and foremost, and I care about getting CMKXers compensated instead of sitting around every week getting our prescribed dose of news that has little to nothing to do with us…while ZAP seems consumed with alleged currency changes and purple flying pigs.
ZAP – I am a human being first and foremost, and i care about the global reset being accomplished so that CMKXers can smile and breathe as well, so yes it does have everything to do with you. I am not consumed with currency (pesky stuff at best) and leave the pigs out of this. They are just signs of the times and represent the global reset process only. They’re cute too. Especially Esperanza. Hot pig.
Linked with the fact that his guesswork isn’t coming true (whether it’s a timing issue or just simply he’s not credible, at this point after so many years of unsubstantiated statements I’m really past the point of caring), I can’t see a reason why he continues to draw support in CMKX communities.
ZAP – Guesswork? No, no, no. Not guesswork. I talk directly to the signatory, grandpa, grandma, various trees and vegetables, and get the straight goods. Timing has not come true only because things had to come to a head with the china family withdrawing and going to plan b. But now with the events of the last 2 days, we will see finalization of years of waiting and fighting the good fight. Wow. I draw support from CMKX?? Cool. By the way, what are CMKX communities?
And for once yes, you did hack me off. Don’t tell me, a fellow CMKXer, to “not read it if you don’t like it”. This is a CMKX board. I am a CMKXer.
ZAP – I also read many things i do not like. Habit.
I want news that is relevant to CMKX and progress on any payments we may be due.
ZAP – Wish I could help. If I knew what CMKX was.
I don’t want to be lied to, and that’s what I feel we get with ZAP.
ZAP – I will never ever lie to you. That is not me. I will give you the current information as it happens though.
I gave him years of passive observation to show his credibility,
ZAP – I only started this 52 weeks ago, so only a year. I am not aware of years of doing this. Am i missing something? Alternate reality? Parallel universe hopping? Good pot?
and these last two months I’ve given him an objective period to prove his truths following concrete statements he made about the RV being done and the new US currency…so yes, in my eyes he’s not anything more than someone who has a following in conspiracy-theorist circles that is brought here, in a community meant for CMKXers, apparently in the hopes of keeping spirits up while years pass along with my fellow shareholders.
ZAP – Well….I do not have to prove anything, I just report what is. If timetables do not pan out, that is not my doing. So, do not shoot the messenger. And you have shareholders. Is it a good investment? How much? (remember: I do not do the blog thing, or some group thing, or anything in that vein. I am strictly about the projects).
Because, if false hope is all that we have left, we are already at the end of our CMKX journey.
ZAP – You do not have false hope. You have hope. And the massive amount of work going behind the scenes that you do not see, and the lives that were given up in this fight to save humanity, is what gives this hope.
So if people bring things to a board that is relevant to me it is fair game for me to read, and make subsequent comment (supportive or not). I want truth, and an end to the deceptions and feel-good but empty posts from people outside of our community.
ZAP – Agree.
What What What? Posted by Philip T. on May 29, 2014 at 9:26am
The council of 17 is signing papers today to allow Iraq to move into the major market of economies. This will allow them to represent themselves at next year’s summit.
ZAP – Wow. A secret council that oversees certain events is coming out of decades of being mostly invisible? Unlikely really but i will check.
The United States security counsel is in process of the release of all protections to Iraq development funds and will be as oversight to make the transfers back to the country of Iraq as a sovereign nation.
ZAP – That was done by the executive order of may 27, 2014. You are getting info a tad late.
Christine Legarde is in Africa at this year’s Africa Rise convention where she will announce at tonight’s dinner with delegates of the continent of Africa the Gcr and its role to the world in a roundabout way- what it means to third world countries to move forward as future leaders as partners to Global economic strategies.
ZAP – Will this bring back the tons of monies that were thrown at any african nation and banana republic that claimed black oppression? Will we have to wear those colorful robes and stuff?
Yes, the world is moving forward and the major benefactors will be the people of the world. This includes all currency holders of the world.
ZAP – Yay. I have great hopes.
The Chinese elders did have an emergency meeting and conference call with Christine Legarde after midnight last night.
ZAP – They had such calls with her over the last several weeks every day.
Outcome hint: watch the movement in the markets today these movements in all market sectors today…, it is in this writers opinion that the release of bank codes was discussed in the call.
Someone yell Timber.
ZAP – Timber.
Q: Susan & Zap, Good morning. May you be well. It is being said that the Chinese are pulling out of their dealings with the US due to the corrupt folks in power here…..and that this will change the whole picture regarding the RV, TRN, Dinar, Dong, etc. Would you address the reality of all of this and what it means to each of us out here? And, is there anything that you now recommend that we do to help out? Thank you for Everything. Blessings, – SC
ZAP – Yes, there is in fact something you can do to help. Actually, everybody that is listening: help Susan. She has an emergency medical issue that is threatening her life. She needs money. Spare something for this as it is critical. My stuff should all be in place later this week, but i do not know the precise timing of it, so chip in please. She has not said anything, and will not, and probably will object to me saying this here, but i want this message to get out. She is dedicated to all of you, so please chip in for her.
Q: Susan, please, please forward this to our friend, Zap– for his input? I agree with Bernard that Precious Metals (PMs) are not going to get a chance to surface as true assets as long as the cabal, Wall St and bankers are manipulating things. And how in the world he sees this chokehold being broken would be very interesting to me, to a lot of people.
Begin forwarded message:
Subject: What I see ahead for PMs
I hope owners of PMs bought them for the long haul, because I see no sign of immediate market price reversals for them. Those who are putting downward pressure on PM prices see this clearly, too…and are not about to take their feet off the brakes. It is to their advantage–whether they are buying and storing or if they are selling to keep their fingers in the dike to protect the dollar and other forms of paper (derivatives). So, I expect them (the cabal of government, Wall Street, and the Fed) to continue to do what they’re doing. Keep up with the market, but if you get too emotional about it, and fed up with depressed PMs, that’s just what the cabal hopes for…because it simply frees up more PMs for them.
ZAP – Poor depressed PMs need to feed them anti-depressants. Infusion a good dose of global reset™ will work too.
Remember, SOMEONE is buying! And it’s in their interest to do everything they can to make PM owners throw in the towel. PM owners who give us and SELL are simply allowing the cabal to keep doing what they’re doing. When do I see markets changing? As long as the cabal can hide and protect corrupt banks, brokerages, and government agencies…
ZAP – That is pretty well over. Rothschilds announced on CNN that they are giving up 30 trillion to benefit humanity (but mostly themselves through profit-driven enterprise really but at least they are giving back in a sense).
As long as the Fed can create money (overt or hidden) to prop up Wall Street stocks…
ZAP – Not for long right?
As long as the government can fake GDP, unemployment, and other stats…
ZAP – All governments do this.
As long as the world community still accepts US Dollars…
ZAP – What would we use? Bottle caps or wampum. Maybe wampum would make more sense….difficult to make.
As long as all markets can be manipulated by naked shorting…
ZAP – As opposed to clothed shorting?
As long there’s not a crash on Wall Street… This fantasy economy will continue. What will break first?
ZAP – Eggs.
I believe that while the cabal can keep kicking the can for an extended period, it seems to me that the stock market is the most vulnerable of vulnerabilities.
ZAP – Hmmmm….don’t think so. Although fleecing the lambs is a fine art, as long as there is money flow, wall street will survive. Shut off money flow, and it will crash. Like 1929.
So, I expect the unwinding to begin with a major and unstoppable collapse on Wall Street. It may take a 40-percent collapse to shake the foundations.
ZAP – Possible.
If investors lose confidence in their stocks, they will lose confidence in the Dollar. If investors lose their confidence in the Dollar, they will lose confidence in all the paper derived from and based on fiat.
When that happens, most of what people have invested in will lose value–major value…and major price. Some will be wiped out. Margin debt will ruin others. Over-extended credit will ruin others.
Overnight values, priorities, and prices will change. Suddenly PMs will shine with a new glow, and people will rush to swap their fiat for PMs of enduring worth. That’s when the PM panic begins its stampede.
ZAP – Expected case, if not for the Reset process.
Comment: On May 28, 2014 official representatives of the reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii released a declaration creating a sanctuary for extra-terrestrial visitors to Earth. The “Declaration for a Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary” will make it possible for extraterrestrials to land on property set aside exclusively for them in the area of Kalapana on the Puna coast of the Big Island of Hawaii
ZAP – Good idea. And that’s where they grow that fluorescent green pot that Hawaii is famous for. They might appreciate that.
So, now that we have determined that we can tie our own shoes, purple pigs are not to blame, and that aliens are officially invited to land in the middle of the back 40 crop, all is well.
It will be with great interest that i will be speaking with the family later to find out where the USA is at, and how far we are along in the GCR and Reset.
In Love And Light In Our Service
Before he was known as Poof, he (James) weekly kept us in Omega updated as TruthWarrior..I can’t give you an exact date of the beginning of enlightenment provided by Poof, but I know it was at least 15 years ago. Through his weekly update, that we all anxiously awaited, he made a tremendous impact on my life and many others. Love for each other, patience, love for the planet, etc. just the first ones to come to my mind. The most important gift learned for me was gratitude. I thank him for his sharing, personal sacrifice, and determination to prepare us all for the change we would each experience after receiving our blessing.. I am grateful for this newsletter. If you feel grateful for these newsletter, we require contributions to survive. Please contribute through our PayPal account: [email protected]
Love and Kisses,
The Office of Poofness
Susan and Staff