Stephen: I do hope ZAP’s intel is accurate this week, as his research into a short video clip that was included as part of this message – containing a very brief, out-of-context section of a speech given by President Obama – was not. That clip was a highly manipulated/edited quote which took what Obama said and made it look like he was saying the exact opposite. Not of truth. So I’ve removed the misinfo clip (to avoid confusion) plus ZAP’s comments on it as both are redundant. Link at the end to the full message if you so desire to see and read.
Greetings and Salutations,
Poof Said:
So where are we now? We are again at the finish line. Who is it that does not want you, the working class, middle class Americans not to have these funds? Why are they so staunchly seeking to withhold this remedy for many of America’s ills? You are smart enough to know now that those who have it want more and more and more.
If there is a lesson to be learned it is that money isn’t the end all; it serves, it helps, but it can also be a black hole. So once more you are hearing me say, Do your homework. Figure out who has been healthy and done well and remained sane in the world. Find your role model and find a life coach, you can; people are willing. If you won’t read, then find yourself a mentor. You don’t want yourself unprepared being caught like a deer in the headlights that would been greatly unadvised.
The Elders are not as concerned about who gets funds as that the funds are correctly utilized to bring about a shift in the world. They do not move fast nor do they get disturbed by disturbing people. – Poof
ZAP Says:
Hi all,
A tribute to His Poofness – a year ago, James passed. Miss you big guy.
This is ZAP Message #51: nothing to do with space aliens, just very busy times now, and I have very little time to afford with all the busy. However, all is good and we are in the final stages now.
The GCR/RV/TRN is live in Europe now and Hong Kong. It is to be here in the Americas within 24 hours.
Final pieces of this puzzle have been accomplished by the US Treasury, and the agreements ratified. The Chinese family is preparing for everything to roll out now, as are the world agencies.
The TRN is to be here in the USA, as I said, but the UST is still a bit pensive, and there may be a small delay while they work out details. You can rest assured that they are really preparing for all this.
The UST is also establishing the final links for the tax portion of the exchanges, both on currency and the bonds. This is a must, of course, and the mere fact that these final preparations are in progress gives good confidence.
There is also much disinformation out there now; extraordinary really. These range from “all US citizens will be arrested if they attempt to broker bond sales” to “if you dare try to exchange dinar, you will be coated with honey and introduced to a species of ants”. Bizarre stuff some of this.
The only thing that makes sense is official preparations, and that is the true dipstick.
They have not ordered any species of ants, and honey sales remain normal… Edited section …So here we go for this week’s insights.
Q: Hi Susan and Zap, Can you verify that the (US) Act of 1871 has been repealed and the date? I ask because you have stated that we are now under the organic, original constitution for the United States.
ZAP – Don’t know yet. All that stuff is secret. But the signs are there.
Do you know if the IMF has taken over the rollout since the UST is not performing as it said it would? Is there anyone drawing a line in the sand or given a date for completion? Are we going into next year, yet again?
ZAP – Moot point now. All in progress.
I know a lot of good folks are hard at work and I certainly appreciate this struggle. I only ask so I can plan my immediate future, as in getting a job till this delivers.
ZAP – Since you cannot govern your own affairs, ask for the government to get you a job, and do it for you. As soon as we begin the project side, you will be able to breathe.
Thank you for any info you can share. I await your response. Hugs – S P. S. Susan, I lost my son last year on the first day of Spring. I remember reading about Poof and sending you lots of love. Yes this year has been difficult but we are both strong and life has so many blessings. Poof was a great blessing to me, a dear friend. Please know that I think of you often and you are still in my prayers. Stay healthy and enjoy your day.
ZAP – Poof is alive and well….upstairs. He is helping as much as he can in his new position. I miss him too.
CHINA PRESS excerpt:
The PBOC’s Shanghai branch is expected to announce details of how to open “free trade accounts” in the newly-established Shanghai Free Trade Zone this morning, according to sources familiar with the matter. Free trade accounts are at the heart of the financial reforms allowed inside the zone and theoretically allow the free transfer of funds inside and outside China as well as the full convertibility of the Yuan into foreign currency. Sources said the PBOC rules today will forbid fund transfers between offshore and onshore accounts to prevent inflows of speculative “hot money”. (Shanghai Securities News)
Source: Market News International (MNI) – A Deutsche Börse company
ZAP – Yes. The free trade agreement between China and Russia, just signed, is a major step forward in the rebalancing act. The cabal was duly pissed off at this event. They did not want to see it happen.
(Stephen: I have no idea what is being quoted below, or where or who it’s from. It does not flow from the above as far as I can see…)
New rates will go to IMF on Saturday. Sunday will bring the announcement of the new Iraqi government. Maliki will be sworn in for a third term! Tuesday the 27th, the general RV will be released to banks and financial institutions for private placements and private exchanges. Tuesday, June 3rd, the GCR will be released to the general public. All of this, naturally, depends on the central banks and the IMF sticking to the schedule they have released privately.
ZAP – The dinar is being exchanged at 5-10 cents on the dinar (Stephen: I think ZAP means the US dollar!) . Not bad. Not the high figures yet, but significant advance.
In Iraq, the starving billionaires there are forming a club with the starving billionaires around the world that hold dinar.
And I will be putting out 2 new books. Both will sell well. One is called “The Coming Boom” and the other “The Coming Collapse” both will be in bookstores at the same time. I will make money. You can order yours here now and avoid the rush. My next book will be “Things You Can Put in Your Backpack”. Hard Cover Only.
This one is good:
(Stephen: Again, I have no idea what is being quoted here or where or who it’s from.)
What I think we will see happen is the combining of the Kurdistan, National, Citizens and United blocs for a total of 181 votes and that makes majority since its way over the needed 167. I have already seen many articles that this is in the making. This is partly how Maliki and the State Law coalition won in 2010. A tricky political maneuver on his part by combining votes. Of course now he is saying this is improper and against the constitution and should not allowed. Why was it okay in 2010 then when it favored your party’s success? But not okay now?
ZAP – Sounds like a good candidate for the next US election. He is not American either, and can do creative things with papier mache and popsicle sticks without drooling.
Q: Good Day, I’ve been a follower of the Poof Report for years; even talked to him a few times when he was still with us. I bought my first Dinar in January of 2005. It was to RV that week. I’ve read a thousand articles about it since. All of them have been wrong. Frankly, I don’t see that anything has really changed in 9 years, nor do I see any evidence that anything is going to happen. Every week the Poof Report says it is close. Close only counts in horse shoe. I give up. – T
ZAP – Not to worry, you can’t govern your own affairs anyways. I have horseshoes for sale. Trade you for dinar. But just be patient a bit longer. We are almost there.
Q: Susan, Zap and staff, Thank you so much for all that you do and are…!!!!! Amazing. So hard to fathom our brother is gone a year.. So missed by many… I would like ZAP to address for those of us in PP’s: how does the fact that he is getting going with projects and funding affect us.. With the constant hold ups of this RV, I wish like I said to Poofy it would never have been tied to our PP’s… So can they continue to stall to infinity, or will the reset be pushed through somehow? Or will they just let the US wallow and others will move forward?
Lots of questions just please address the PP’s since many of us have waited a LONG…time.. Blessings and thanks Please keep my info anon.. – S
ZAP – The project side fundings we are going to undertake have nothing to do with the PPs. Those are coming from different sources. But I can say that they originate with the Chinese family. They want to see the reconstruction projects begin, and we are happy to help deploy these fundings. The PP that you are involved in, will happen soon enough. But I cannot give you specific timelines. I can only ask what stage they are at.
Q: Dear ZAP, I am hoping you can bring some clarity to me regarding the prosperity programs and humanitarian projects. Please explain why have those who are in charge of the OMEGA funds and other prosperity programs waited so long to release them? I invested in OMEGA all the way back in the year 1999 and despite numerous assurance from Poof it would pay out soon, most of us continue to wait some15 years later or even longer for others.
ZAP – The nice elected officials have done their best to ensure you do not receive. That is over soon now.
Can you please explain what has been the purpose of such a long hold up? Given the dire economic conditions in the US and the world, aren’t those funds needed now more than ever?
ZAP – The cabal wishes a large reduction in population. This is one of the reasons. And the apathy of people foster this on and on and on and…Nothing happened until the Chinese family began the divine plan for humanity, and forced the issue. We are in the final stages.
In addition, you have written about the projects you will be overseeing all the way back in July of last year yet we have yet to see anything officially released. Originally, you stated it would be 60 days to launch a website and yet we are now coming up to a year. Once again, would it not be prudent for everyone involved to get those humanitarian projects up and running immediately for the benefit of all of humanity? Can you please explain the reasoning behind waiting so long to get started? Is it mainly for security purposes?
ZAP – Oh God, yes, it would be prudent, and helpful, and, and, and… But, the nice elected officials threw many monkey wrenches into the process, but we fought the good fight, and won. Security has nothing to do with it.
Thank you for your response and all you efforts. Best wishes, S
Back to ZAP – June 1 is our target date to begin the project side, but with all that is transpiring right now, our new estimate is (the) second week (in) June. We have all the elements ready and just waiting for the clearances. As soon as we get those, we will hit the ground running.
And I can assure everybody that the pigs can govern their own affairs. They told me. And even showed the certificate. Smart pigs. They do not drink beer.
So I leave you with one of the more famous quotes from an upstanding elected official that Americans recognize and love so much they re-elected him, and again in his alter ego: George H.W. Bush said it so well….”If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts”
In Love and Light
In Our Service
From the Staff of Poofness
Today, on Memorial Day, Susan and the staff are remembering and honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice protecting our freedoms and bettering the lives of Americans and people around the world. So, please don’t leave us now. We need your contributions, especially now at the end of the month we ask for your help. Contributions @ [email protected] .
Love and Kisses,
The Office of Poofness
Susan and Staff
To read the full message head here. If you do head to the link and watch the deceptively-edited Obama video I have removed, this is the full, actual transcript which illustrates just how out of context the edited video ZAP had included is. Thanks to KP.