Genele is a Seattle Intuitive and Transformational Life Coach. I suppose I just chucked a great deal, proving the value of what Genele says here. (1)
The Chuck-It List
by Genele Boyce, Heartmind Life, May 1, 2014
The other night, while having dinner with a friend, the subject came up of bucket lists, along with my friend’s palpable disdain for them. Suddenly he announced, in his usual witty way, “I’m not interested in bucket lists, I’ve created my own personalized chuck-it list.”
This, of course created a direct hit to my funny bone. Unable to contain my laughter, he continued, “ No I’m serious, I’m interested in what I can do today that makes my life better so I’ve started making lists of those things I cannot stand to do any more or ways of being that no longer serve me.”
For example he said: “I hate mowing my lawn, so I chucked it to a gardener, who now mows it for me.” I asked are you serious? And he said, “Yes, I add to it every day and constantly check things off. You should try it. It’s very freeing.”
Suddenly the light bulb went off in my heart, so I asked if I could borrow it. What I love is that these are doable daily choices with no expectation of outcomes inherent with bucket lists. He was absolutely right. It’s empowering and it’s freeing.
Years ago when I made a conscious choice to live my life from the inside out, I realized I had some spring cleaning to do. It took a lot of diving below the water line, chucking beliefs that really weren’t mine. It took letting go and getting clear about who I am. And, it taught me how to create the life I want to live.
This process takes courage and much self-awareness. Now, I focus daily on what’s working instead of what’s not. I identify those things I want to create more of.
Why not go ahead and create your own chuck-it list? What a wonderful opportunity to become more aware of the choices you make and the habits and behaviors you’ve got. Look at everything and chuck what you’ve outgrown, things that don’t serve you or who you’ve become.
Every moment of every day we make a choice, whether we’re aware of it or not. Some choices are conscious; most are not. Many are reactions to the world around us. Others may be based on false or limiting beliefs, and many are the invisible ways we think.
But there is only one way to get you to where you want. That’s awareness, clarity and alignment with who you really are and who you’re not. How can you get there when you carry a heavy load of things you can chuck that you didn’t even know about?
Now here’s your litmus test: What isn’t working, what do I want instead, and is it aligned with my heart or my head? When you catch it, grab a pen and put it on your list, take action and chuck it instead.
Chucking can be so liberating. I invite you to chuck whatever’s limiting. Chuck old beliefs, clothes, shoes that don’t fit. Chuck clutter, baggage and the trash in your can. Chuck fears and worries, anxieties and hurries. Chuck have to’s and should’s, I can’t’s and if only’s. Chuck regrets, the past and things you can’t change. Because, If you don’t chuck it, you’ll create more of the same.
Be bold with your own chuck-it list. Write it down and put it on your fridge. Remember what you resist persists; what you perceive you receive. Get clear, take action and chuck all the rest. Start living from your heart and not from your head. Focus on what’s working and what you want instead.
And that, beautiful beings, is a choice.
(1) “System Restore” at