Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
We’re here to raise this planet’s vibration, and we aren’t about to give up on our efforts. The strength of our collective force is growing by the day, and as long as we remain committed to the tasks at hand, we’ll achieve them without question.
We’re here to transform the manner in which this planet’s run and reintroduce fairness and sustainability by taking everyone’s needs into account. We’re here to make sure everyone’s able to experience the comfort and peace of mind they deserve, and if we want to do this, it’s very important that we start getting to work.
Every seeker who’s become aware of the reality of their existence is here to change things in a positive way, and as long as we remain focused and committed to the tasks at hand, we’ll inevitably achieve our goal. As long as we constantly remind ourselves that we’re here on a very real and sacred mission, we’ll be able to handle the tasks before us with relative ease.
We’re here to bring sunshine back to the perception of myriad lost souls who’ve forgotten about spirit and the fact that something much, much greater exists beyond the stress of their daily existence. Even though we go through trials and difficulties ourselves, our primary task is to see beyond the stress and pain and into the light of our developing higher-dimensional existence.
We’re here to restore jubilance to the collective consciousness and help everyone see the light in their own way. We’re being divinely guided by higher-dimensional souls who have our best interest (and primarily, our evolution) in mind, and the things we’re going to do and be from here on out can’t be stopped.
Our mission as awakening seekers who are capable of changing the world is to do just that: change this planet and orient it to the loving, harmonious way of life we’re ready to establish. We’re pioneers; revolutionaries; world changers who are bent on achieving our goals, and nothing will stop us at this point.
With the immense progress we have and continue to make, we can’t help but complete and then build on the goals we’ve set out to achieve. We recognize the higher-dimensional assistance we’re being given, and we’re using the tools we’ve been provided to help everyone else become aware of it too.
With the divine inspiration and assistance we’ve been given, we’re a force to be reckoned with. The former powers, who’ve tried endlessly yet futilely to enslave all of mankind, can’t stop us or the mission we’ve come to complete. Like I’ve said before, we’re the only ones who can stop ourselves, but we aren’t about to do that.
We aren’t about to lay our mission down in favor of earthly pleasure or comfort, and many of us make personal sacrifices in the name of the light and serving humanity. We’re happy to make these sacrifices, of course, because we recognize the importance of our mission and the sanctity of where we’re going.
We’re here to help everyone remember the existence of spirit and the fact that a divinely inspired life can be lived by all of humanity. We’re here to set the example, even though many of us will inevitably falter along the way, and ultimately, we’re here to learn and grow away from the lower traits and habits that have kept us ensnared in the illusion.
We’re here to directly confront the forces who have and continue to make life difficult for the lower and middle classes, and it goes without saying that we’re here to expose their actions as we collectively root ourselves in the aforementioned new way of life we’re beginning to establish.
We’re much, much stronger than we tend to give ourselves credit for, because we have the loving strength of Source by our side. We’re divine beings who are on a mission to transform this planet, and since we’re given all of the assistance we could possibly hope for, we’re spiritually invincible.
Even though we’re going to make mistakes every now and then, those mistakes don’t subtract from our genuine efforts to help humanity become aware. We’re learning our way through this difficult experience as we help others discover spirit, and in time, we and everyone we seek to uplift will be back in a greater state of consciousness and satisfied with the mission we’ll have completed.
Stay strong, fellow seekers, because we’re here to achieve utopian greatness. We just have to believe in our mission and the reality of the work we’re doing, and when we do, we can start really flowing and helping this lost planet and its people evolve.
Are you up for the challenge? This is obviously a rhetorical question, and when it comes down to it, we know we are. There’s nothing we can’t do, and in this new era, there’s nothing we won’t do. We’re here on a mission, and we plan to complete it.
The forces holding humanity back should pay close attention to the things we do from here on out, and no matter what they do, we can’t and won’t be stopped. We’re in it for the long haul, and it’s time to start the greatest of our work.
Wes Annac – Motivating the rest of the conscious public to start creating the future we advocate.
I’m a 20 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Aquarius Paradigm daily news site.
The Aquarius Paradigm features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.
I can also be found at Conscious Oneness, The Golden Age of Gaia, Lightworkers.org, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Aquarius Paradigm), and Twitter.