Last week I fell into a malaise because I felt I had waited and waited to see the unworkable conditions in our world lift and yet they seemed to continue.
I felt that I had to make up for lost time and actually do something to kick-start my own personal part in rebuilding Nova Earth.
What I chose to do was to issue a global call to end gender persecution on the planet by Jan. 1, 2015 and labor to turn a major condition of the world’s unworkability into workability.
For me, there’s no other condition of global unworkability that’s more tragic and intolerable than what men do to women.
Many of you know that this fulfills a promise I made to my Mother, who was a victim of domestic abuse. When I heard her drop to the floor unconscious, struck by my Dad, I said that I could not help her at that time (perhaps age 8) but I would help her some day. Now is that day.
It was this same desire to help her that had me apply to become a Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, a refugee adjudicator or human-rights decision-maker.
I specialized in gender-persecution cases so I actually do know in detail the horrendous things that happen to women in the world, outside the reach of justice – well, no, often by justice officials (police and prison guards) in many nations of the world, East and West.
It was that same desire that had me issue a similar call to end gender persecution in 2007. (1) Not one of the thousand people I sent that call to responded. One reporter wanted to do a story on it but then disappeared and no story was ever written. I didn’t want that to happen this time and I don’t think it will.
I invite anyone who wishes to issue a global call to end any other circumstance of planetary unworkability to post it on this blog. We may need to work on it a little, you and I. That’s OK with me. But let’s get the call out there so people in society can coordinate their efforts and tackle the problems, the unworkability, that keeps people trapped in lower-vibrational conditions.
Yes, Ascension is coming. But the more we work on these areas, the more people will ascend. We always knew that we’d have to rescue some areas of the world from drought and famine, poverty and corruption. Well, that work has started, Reval or no Reval. (2) We just cannot wait any longer.
Issuing the call to end a planetary condition makes one what some people call a “source person,” the source of the call who now must hold the space. It doesn’t require me necessarily to do the work. It doesn’t even make me a leader.
Given that I’m a man, it probably isn’t appropriate that I lead, which I don’t want or think I can do anyways. I’m a writer, not an organizer. My job is to stay at this keyboard.
These global conditions will end because we say so, as free and sovereign citizens of Planet Earth. They will not end unless we say so.
So now it’s your turn. Pick an area of the world’s unworkability and declare your own personal responsibility for and commitment to it. Remember that you’ll be seen as the “source person,” which may carry responsibilities that may increase as the deadline nears.
Nova Earth is not going to be built unless we build it. The forces that we know are here to help us want to see us take the initiative. I’m here taking that initiative.
(1) See “A Call to End Gender Persecution Globally by Jan. 1, 2020” at and
See also “Country Reports on Human Rights Practices” at and”Ending the Global Persecution of Women (2007)” at
(2) The Reval and Global Currency Reset are designed to release large amounts of funds to the world, exactly for purposes like these. The currencies that offer the greatest return are the Zimbabwean Dollar (go to, the Vietnamese Dong, and the Iraqi Dinar, in that descending order.