Continuing yesterday’s discussion, (1) another pitfall that twin flames and sacred partners face is that the two partners may see the situation in a way that’s untrue, doesn’t work, and skews behavior. This can lead to upsets and arguments, which kill passion.
One such way of seeing is seeking love from the outside, where it’s not, rather than from the inside, where it is.
Archangel Michael advises us not to make the mistake of locating our passion in the other, but to see that the passion is in us. Love, he pointed out to me in a personal reading, is inside us and arises from the inner Source. (2) Passion can only come from within, no matter what triggers it (a look, a glance, a smile) from without.
If we see passion as coming from an outside source, we leave ourselves in an untenable position. We can get frustrated and annoyed trying to cajole, manipulate, and demand love from another when the love we experience is really going to come from ourselves. We’re looking for love in the wrong place.
Was this not the subject of one of Bhagwan Rajneeh’s classic spiritual jokes?
A man saw his neighbor searching for a key underneath a streetlamp at night. “What are you looking for?” he asked. The neighbor said that he was searching for his key. “Where did you lose it?” the man asked. “Over there,” said the neighbor, pointing to a place fifty feet away. “Why search for it over here?” he asked. “Because there’s a streetlamp here,” he answered.
Seeking love and passion from someone else is like searching for a key where it’s not.
The fact that love (or God) lives in the heart is the secret meaning of what Krishna says here: “Fools pass blindly by the place of my dwelling [i.e., the heart] here in the human form, and of my majesty, they know nothing at all, who am the Lord, their soul.” (3)
If we want to “find” love/God, we have to seek it in our own heart, not in that of another. Otherwise, we end up knowing nothing about love or God. Surely that’s the message of all spiritual advice to go inside and to seek the Kingdom of Heaven within.
Once we see that passion arises from within us, we can act responsibly and drop our victim stories and other numbers. If we don’t experience passion, it’s because we’re not creating it. It isn’t the fault of the other. No one did anything to us, but us.
Making sacred union work, one video commentator said, requires a great deal of maturity. (4) I’m going to paraphrase what he said in my own words.
He said that the two twins or partners need to call themselves on their numbers and quit responding from their vasanas and false beliefs. He asked them to commit and honor their commitments.
Those who couldn’t make it perhaps should end it, he said, instead of creating dysfunctional circumstances for everyone concerned when they started out wanting to create only functional.
That’s pretty hard-nosed compassion, I admit. But I don’t think there’s room any more for the kinds of strategies we used in the old Third – or for any strategies for that matter.
In the past we’ve gone from relationship to relationship. But I don’t think that’s what’s wanted and needed here.
What’s wanted and needed seems to be people willing to go through the stages of sacred partnership, which one video presentation called Awakening, Testing, Crisis, Running, Surrendering, Harmonizing, and Radiance. (5)
What’s wanted is the commitment to push through the barriers and obstacles to sacred union to demonstrate what it looks like when it works.
(1) “The Challenges that Sacred Partners Can Face and Why They’re Important,” April 9, 2014, at
(2) Personal Reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, March 21, 2014.
(3) Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda, Swami and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 81.
(4) Mel, “Twin Flames. The Runner Keeps Running,” at httpss://
(5) “The Stages of Twin Flame Relationships” at httpss://