Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
I’ve written plenty of articles about the heart space and the immense benefits of opening up to it, and when I realized that a wealth of interesting channeled material has already addressed this subject, I knew that a report was inevitable.
Like I’ve said before, I’m very fascinated with the coordinated nature of these messages, because they’re channeled independently and from different sources. Our guides are directly encouraging and assisting us via various different scribes, and one of the things we’ve been taught is that living in the heart space is very important.
As opposed to the confining mind, the open heart space will help us lovingly transmute our worries and concerns as we reclaim happiness and freedom. We won’t have to seek happiness or anything else when we live fully in the heart, because it’ll endlessly flow to us.
We have to practice living in the heart before we can feel its greatest effects, because an intensely strong and flowing experience of universal, unconditional love could easily overwhelm us.
In our first quote, Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman tells us about the importance of operating from the heart space.
“A vital component of Self-mastery is learning to function through the intellect of the Sacred Heart. As you strengthen the connection between your Sacred Mind and your Sacred Heart, you will begin to access the wisdom of the Soul, your Higher Self and the multidimensional facets of your Self.” (1)
It’s important to live in the higher mind if we want to connect with the heart space, because the lower mind traps us in negativity and depletion. When we unite the higher mind with the heart space, we unlock our greater perceptual and creative gifts and flow with inspired works that inform and uplift others.
A lot of seekers are already living in the heart and accessing the soul-level guidance that flows through it, and this guidance enables them to gain fresh perspectives on the things that play out in their lives.
Archangel Michael then tells us that our guides and higher selves communicate with us through the heart space.
“Your Soul, your Higher Self, your guides, guardians and angelic helpers communicate with you through your Soul Self and your Sacred Heart. The whispers of Spirit in the unawakened become a mighty voice of loving wisdom and comfort as you awaken to the strength and majesty of your own divinity.” (2)
The more we grow, the more the influence of spirit grows within us as we act on the inspiration its guidance provides. What starts as a whisper becomes a mighty roar of encouragement to keep developing our abilities, and as we continue to expand, we enable ourselves to receive spirit’s guidance in purer doses.
It feels great to know that we walk with constant guides, whose energy and guidance we can receive when we open our hearts.
Mary Magdalene, speaking through Ute Posegga-Rudel, tells us that our journey back to the heart space is inevitable.
“Dear Ones, if you haven’t done it yet, it is now inevitable that you journey back into your heart to remain there as the essence and center of your being. It is only the fullness of Divine Emotion that has the power to embrace the world and change it from the core, to inspire the confused to return to Oneness.
“This Heart-Power cannot be ‘created’, it must be allowed to emerge from the Depth of your Divine Being that always has been there. It is your participation in this Divine Force that requires the surrender of your separate self.” (3)
We can’t change the world if we’re rooted in a negative or dull mindset, and it’s best to engage our problems from the love and fullness of the open heart. We have to be able to greet the challenges we face with readiness and willingness to handle them, and when we do, we’ll be able to find sensible solutions to them.
If we were collectively rooted in the heart space, none of our current problems would exist. Our problems have been caused primarily by greed and neglect, and these qualities run against the light-filled agenda of the heart-centered individual and would be reversed by an awake and aware humanity.
If everyone was centered in the heart, neglect would be replaced with compassion and destruction would give way to active restoration.
Mary Magdalene then tells us that the heart space isn’t limited to the structures that exist in the mind.
“It does not know techniques, because it is greater than all of them, it does not even know ‘structure’, it is beyond and prior to the human hologram. It just Is. It embraces all beings and things because it Is the Oneness of All. (4)
The heart space adds it’s beautiful, subjective creation to the objective template the mind provides it, which it’s far greater than. When we’re ready to move on from the mental holograms we’ve created, we’ll discover the expanded, indefinable existence the heart space provides, which both transcends and supersedes the lower creation around us.
We’re then told that we’ll have to live in the heart to really understand what it’s like.
“Dear Ones, this cannot be merely a thought. It must be experienced, it must be lived. It must become Reality, your very own Reality, your firm anchor to be of service in the times to come.
“What is merely brain-based cannot hold against the storm. But what is heart-based is standing firmly and is also grounded in your Mother Earth, One with Her. Gaia’s spiritually expanded state of consciousness and your unity with Her is protecting and enveloping those who understand the Oneness with their planet as the source of their life.” (5)
The seekers who are beginning to understand their oneness with every facet of consciousness around them are orienting their lives to love and service, and the limited mental structures that keep our reality in place can’t last much longer.
With the extent to which the lower vibrations are being transmuted, I think it’s important for us to seek and remain in a constant heart-centered space. The lower vibrations can’t and won’t last, and any seeker who’s still unsure about the heart space might want to consider jumping ship and experiencing its bliss before the lower-dimensional ground under their feet dissolves.
Concluded in Part 2 tomorrow.
- “Archangel Michael: Ritual of Passage into a Fifth Dimensional Reality,” channelled through Ronna Herman, January 1, 2014, at https://www.ronnastar.com/messages-aam/latest.html.
- Loc. cit.
- “Mary Magdalene: A Humanity One at Heart,” channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, October 26, 2013 at https://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.co.uk/.
- Loc. cit.
- Loc. cit.