Angelic Guides: You Must First Let Go of the Old Before You Can Make Room for the New, channeled through Taryn Crimi, April 1, 2014 at
Today we would like to focus your attention upon the process of letting go. Each of you has just come through a massive time of release, clearing and letting go. This could have been experienced in a multitude of ways, some of you manifested this through physically purging, others manifested this through the loss of possessions, a career, a home or a loved one. The month of March was difficult for many of you but you have accomplished far more than it seemingly appears and this is what we would like to further elaborate upon today.
Not all of you have manifested this massive release through physical symptoms but we would say a very large portion of you have and let us explain why that is. The month of March often supports strong clearings, purging and releasing and this March was no exception. You may have manifested this in a physical way through your physical body or you may have been drawn to release all that no longer serves you through possessions, people, pets, or even abundance.
Letting go seems to be one of the more challenging lessons that humans must learn. It is most difficult because you often cannot see what will soon come to replace what you have just been urged to release and this is why we so often say, things are not always what they seem to be.
But for every possession, person, career, home, car, friend that you have seemingly lost you can be assured that something far greater is coming to take its place. You see humans hold so tightly to all that they have manifested within their reality even when they know it is no longer serving them because they fear that they will be left with nothing or possibly something far worse. To this we smile, not because you are in fear or perceive the pain of losing, but because you have forgotten that nothing can be removed from your life unless you yourself agree to remove it.
Surely, your higher self would not urge you to release something if it did not see a far better replacement. All too often you pray for change, a change in relationships, a change in abundance, a change in career, a change in location and yet you panic when the opportunity arises for you to make that change. You must first let go of the old before you can make room to welcome the new. When all that you have known is removed from your reality, rejoice, not because you have seemingly lost everything, but rather because you are about to gain so very much more.
The perceived losses that you have experienced in these past few weeks are the door to something new. We have said many times that this year will test your faith, your faith and trust in yourself and the power that you hold within. This is a great challenge for many of you but with it comes a great reward. The month of March supports release, and release is what you certainly have done. Though it appears that you are now left with less, energetically you have moved mountains. The blocks, obstacles, limiting beliefs that said “you can’t” have been pushed aside as you have grown strong enough to move past them.
Beliefs that you have held for many lifetimes are being uprooted like weeds in a garden. You have entered the month of April and it is now time to plant your seeds again. We remind you to choose wisely what you wish to plant, as you will find your harvest to be stronger and larger than years before. If you wish to plant your desires you will witness your dreams come to life. Do not let your fears get the best of you because you do not see how your dreams could possibly manifest, we remind you, things are not what they seem to be. This is why we say, plant your seeds wisely, for in a few months time you will reap the harvest of your seeds.
We encourage you to dream big and let your fears go. We can assure you, you won’t need them where you’re going.
We hope that this message has in some way served you.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides
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