People are coming forward one by one and identifying themselves – or their expertise – and stating that they want to be involved in a specific line of work or project after the Reval. And I can see so many lines of work and projects that will open up.
Of course all of it awaits getting out of the starting gate.
I’ve already identified a university that transcends the empirical-materialist paradigm.
Four more ideas are: (1) assisting refugees in refugee camps, (2) eradicating the persecution of women from the globe, (3) kickstarting the Growth Movement again, and (4) creating a “create” (not a “think”) tank (AAM’s suggestion).
First, on assisting refugees, that work may run into the same difficulty that so many schemes have. People may feel inclined to impose solutions on the local community and that won’t work (just read Eugene Burdick and William Lederer’s The Ugly American [1958] on that one).
Imposed situations seldom meet the needs of the people on the ground so there would need to be a goodly amount of on-site investigation and a lot of listening done first. (Remember Gandhi in Champaran?)
Also help probably should involve creating employment, rather than simply handing out money (except after an initial infusion of cash). And what businesses and jobs look like would be very much determined by local conditions and standards, not by our western conditions and standards.
This work may also involve trauma counseling, medical assistance, education, etc. I believe that the money will be there for all of it.
Second, restoring gender equality, I sent out 1,000 emails in, I believe, 2007 to all activist groups around the world proposing we join together to end the global persecution of women by 2020. I received exactly one reply.
It may have been that the deadline was too far ahead to be real in people’s minds. It may have been the lack of funds to do anything. It may have been that it was a man calling. I don’t know. The silence was deafening and, at the time, I resolved to wait for a better time.
That time has arrived now. The funds will be available to do grassroots work around the world. And never has there been such a well-organized and committed population of lightworkers to do it, many just waiting to get to work (others raising families, etc. I acknowledge that. Not saying otherwise).
This project probably would need to be run by women. But the money will be there, unless the Reval is a dream, which I don’t believe for a minute it is.
Third, I’m overjoyed to see that there are still folks who are labouring in fields such as Gestalt and various forms of bodywork. I intend, as far as it lies within my power to do so, to make Vancouver, Canada, on the Pacific Ocean, in the northern temperate rainforest, with mountains and lakes (salivating yet?), a center of the growth movement.
I’d love to see some communication workshops designed along the lines of the first est Communication Workshop (the second was probably too complex) or the communication models generated by William Schutz, John Enright, Ken Keyes, etc.
And somehow, now, we’ll need to identify the people who can do it – who can make a difference, who aren’t doing it for egoic reasons, who won’t look down on the people they serve, and who’ll stay the course.
I have to emphasize that if you’re still motivated by the desire to attract or draw attention to yourself, these projects would not be the proper place for you. It requires a lot of honesty to acknowledge this (and acknowledging it is the first step to seeing it go). This is humble, selfless work, done for love of the Mother. The more mature people are, the better and more permanent will be the results.
And Vancouver will become the head office of a greatly-expanded Golden Age of Gaia. Archangel Michael still wants me to retain control of the blog and keep writing. (Eeeek!) But we’ll be expanding by leaps and bounds and looking for other writers to take on more of the commentary field.
Not all editors will need to live in Vancouver. However it would be wonderful to actually sit around a table discussing ideas with each other and planning campaigns.
The present editorial team has operated so seamlessly and in such a dedicated manner in serving the Mother that this experience has been for me (and remember I’m a monk by preference) one of the most exhilarating and rewarding I can imagine. I warn present editors that I will do everything in my power to tempt, finagle, and wangle you into coming to Vancouver. (And I realize that I may not succeed and that’s fine!!!)
I’m not seeking to release a flood of inquiring emails. But if there are a few individuals who are actually ready to do really cutting-edge, global lightwork, without wanting to engage in endless back-and-forth correspondence, which I just can’t do anymore, then perhaps I could hear from you through “Contact Us.”
I get so many emails these days, folks, that I can’t guarantee that I’ll write back to everyone. If yours is just a casual inquiry, please allow me to concentrate on the ones that are mission-ready and very serious.
I don’t know if this will make sense to others, but it’s actually challenging and hard for me not to answer an email. But it’s becoming a matter of survival.
Fourth, I intend to establish what Archangel Michael called in my last reading, not a Think Tank, but a Create Tank, here in Vancouver, Canada. Some organizations will be located elsewhere, but the center of endeavour will be here. That means that anyone who wishes to be involved in the organization itself would need to relocate to Vancouver and we can discuss how that would be accomplished when the time arrives (i.e., probably a month after the Reval).
These are only my ideas. The Create Tank would be tasked with birthing many new reforms, ideas, and initiatives.
All of this all falls under “Dreaming Big,” AAM’s overall encouragement to us. I can’t wait for the Reval to occur. I feel the need to begin reflecting, conceptualizing, and planning now.