This first part of the transcript features Linda Dillon discussing the launch of the Tsunami of Love that occurred a few days ago. The second part is the interview with the Lord Maitreya.
An Hour with an Angel, March 13, 2014, with the Lord Maitreya
GD: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness.
Joining her is Steve Beckow, founder of the Golden age of Gaia and author of Building Nova Earth: Toward a World that Works for Everyone. Our guest today is Lord Maitreya. So, with that, I’ll pass it over to you, Steve.
Steve Beckow: Linda, before we welcome Lord Maitreya, you had the launch for the Tsunami of Love a few days ago. But some of our listeners may not know what it means to have a “launch.” What does it mean and how was it for you?
Linda Dillon: Thanks for asking and I have to tell you that I wouldn’t be surprised if many of our listeners didn’t know what a launch was. It wasn’t a term that I was familiar with. I mean, I think it was a term I was familiar with, but it’s not something that I have ever done before. It’s the first time I have been involved in a launch of this nature as well! And I think launch is a very interesting usage of language considering that we’re talking about the tsunami of love and the imagery or the use of language referring to water.
But what this launch was about — and it was coordinated by a wonderful, dedicated team of volunteers that have been working with the Council of Love, oh my gosh, for months now, some of them for years now, but I’ve never actually had a team of dedicated volunteers working specifically on a project with me, too, so…. I’ve been receiving gifts in terms of that kind of assistance right, left and center. But let me get back to the subject.
In the course, The New You, and of course not only the webinar series but the people who are reading the book and doing the meditations all over the world, many people have begun feeling the Tsunami of Love. And if you recall, and even if you don’t, the Tsunami was something that was referred to in the Christmas message and the New Year’s messages that came forward from the various members of the Council — Archangel Gabriel, Yeshua, the Divine Mother. (3)
And basically what it was talking about is this wave of love that’s coming to the Earth following the Mother’s gift, that wave of her blue topaz of clarity and purity. And it’s a wave of love that’s to penetrate us and to cleanse us, and basically to let go of some of the residual debris that we all carry — you know, different day, different amount, but that we all carry — and remnants of the old 3rd dimension.
So it’s the Mother’s gift to us basically to cleanse us or to finish this lengthy clearing that we have all been going through, and to refresh us, so not just to cleanse us but to penetrate our core, our bodies, our etheric fields, our sacred field, all parts of us right down to our cellular level, with the love, with her love, and to basically renew us.
When she talked to us, when the Mother talked to us, as we gathered to do this launch on Tuesday night, (2) she mentioned that it was the return of her spiritual and etheric blueprint of love. And the picture that I get, it’s almost as if she’s superimposing on our blueprint her blueprint in sacred union of that original form of love.
The other image I get increasingly — in fact, just as I was meditating getting ready for tonight — was… it feels to me like the out-breath of the Mother, that she is exhaling to Earth and to all of us who are on Earth. Because it isn’t just for humanity, it’s for all the kingdoms and for Gaia herself. And it just feels like she’s exhaling. And of course that’s coming across the universe to us in this wonderful wave of love. And it’s coming in a very big way, the tsunami way, so that we don’t mistake it as something that we can choose to exempt ourselves from.
SB: Right.
LD: Because as a tsunami comes to the shore it’s not something we can say, oh, no, you know, I’ll catch you later. It penetrates all of us. So, it’s something very big.
And the reason we did the launch is the recognition, more and more — through the messages from the Council, and through the Company of Heaven and I’m sure many other wonderful channels — that we are in such sacred partnership at this time.
And so this is our piece of that partnership. And those of us who are choosing to, who are committed to this process are choosing to anchor this energy and are working with what we’re calling Tsunami energy every day, some of us many times a day. And we’re actually seeing ourselves as an etheric breakwater, so that as the larger Tsunami comes forward it’s gentle with everybody. But it will penetrate everybody.
And the other thing that we’re coming to realize, the more we work with this energy, is that as we stand in those waves — as we dive in, drench ourselves, ride the surfboard, whatever you want to think of it as — we are becoming the Tsunami ourselves; that that energy, as it’s coming within us, as we’re anchoring it as it’s penetrating us, we’re part of that Tsunami. And that’s part of the sacred partnership that we have with the Mother and with the Company of Heaven. So it’s an exciting time!
SB: Uh-huh! I think I recall the first mention of ‘Tsunami of Love’ back in November, but of course Blossom’s been talking about this as ‘the Event,’ and I know that one of my friends who is a Pleiadian (3) has been talking to me about this since forever. Her term of mission ends with the Event, with the Tsunami of Love. After that, she can leave. So it’s been talked about for a while.
LD: It’s been talked about for a while, and I think what the delay or the preparedness that has needed to happen is that we had to be ready. You know, the Mother wasn’t ever going to send us the energy that was basically going to wipe us out.
SB: Right.
LD: And all the work that we’ve done — you know, for decades now — has prepared us to this point where we can receive this energy, where we can basically return to original imprint, which is love, without being completely disintegrated.
SB: Uh-hunh.
LD: And so the fact that we are beginning to feel the shift in the sand, that we feel energetically the shifts throughout the universe, as it were, I think it speaks to the fact that all the work that we’ve been doing — you know, individually, collectively, with our star brothers and sisters, with the Company of Heaven, with the Council of Love — has prepared us. And what they’re saying is, they’re ready. That’s what the Mother’s saying.
SB: Yeah.
LD: So, on the one hand we can say, “Well, we’ve been hearing about this forever,” so it’s [laughs] our eternal question of when. But I think it’s way more than that, because we wouldn’t be having reports… I’m talking now hundreds and thousands of reports of people from, you know, Thailand to China to Africa all saying virtually the same thing, that they’re feeling this shift, not only in the outer atmosphere, as it were, but that that energy is really penetrating them and changing how they feel about themselves.
SB: Hmm. Hmm. Wow.
LD: And I know when I read your article … yesterday — was it yesterday?
SB: [laughs] I can’t remember! [laughing]
LD I’m losing track of time these days.
SB: Me too!
LD: You too, hunh?
SB: Uh-hunh!
LD: But you were talking about, you know, that sometimes the energy of the human experience is of a vibration and — now I’m translating your words —
SB: Um-hmm. Sure.
LD: — but of a vibration and a density that’s so heavy that sometimes we don’t feel or recognize how these subtle changes are taking place or happening within us.
SB: Definitely.
LD: But I think that, more and more, we are realizing it. And sometimes it’s even just after the fact we think, “Wow, you know, I used to feel differently.” about this or that, or “I would have reacted differently…” about this situation, or this response to somebody, or to myself.
SB: Right.
LD: So, I think we’re getting there!
SB: Uh-hunh. You know, I don’t know why I’m driven to say this, but I keep having this quotation from Brother Sun-Sister Moon come in, as we’re talking about the subject, where the Pope says that “In our obsession with original sin we have forgotten original innocence.” We’re being returned to original innocence. Is that not so?
LD: That’s amazing! Yes.
SB: Uh-hunh?
LD: And, boy, you’ve hit the nail right on the head. You know, I received a letter today from an old friend who had been reading The New You and dealing with all these high falutin’ concepts of inter-dimensionality, and the stranger and universal law, and she said, “Now, when you’re all done with that,” — because she’s been a dear friend and with me, with the Council of Love since the very beginning, she said — “would you write one of those little, tiny books called The Primer of Love that takes us back to where you and I began, which was the opening to realize how deeply we are loved?”
And that’s it! That’s the whole nine yards there. It’s the whole ocean, it’s the whole Tsunami, it’s the whole Ascension; it’s us going back like you say to that innocence, to that place of acknowledging who we really are. And, my gosh, if we were ever going to let go of anything, original sinwould be the first to go, hunh?
SB: Right, absolutely!
LD: Hello! Goodbye! I think I should change gears! All of a sudden, I’m back in my body. So, let me float away…
SB: Okay. Well, I’ll introduce Lord Maitreya while you’re doing that.
(1) The earliest suggestion of “the Event” or “Tsunami of Love” that I’m aware of ciomes from SaLuSa in February b2012: “Life will change for the better in such a short time, and waves of happiness will sweep across the world.” (SaLuSa, Feb. 29, 2012.) And again on Dec. 28, 2012:
“You will shortly notice a wave of love sweep the Earth, that will show that your civilization has taken a quantum leap forward. That being so it will bring a strong unity of purpose that will help the establishment of world peace. If you continue to focus on areas of the world that are still experiencing conflict, your intent will soon bring a positive result. When world peace has been achieved we will make sure that war will not return, and will enforce that edict if necessary.” (SaLuSa, Dec. 28, 2012.)
The next mention is from the Federation of Light through Blossom in Dex. 2012. “The EVENT will take place. “(Galactic Federation through Blossom Goodchild, Dec. 28, 2012.)
The Divine Mother described it in February 2013:
Steve Beckow: SaLuSa has said, “You’ll shortly notice a wave of love sweeping the Earth that will show you your civilization has taken a quantum leap forward.” (2) And Heavenletters this morning speaks of “a comet of love that will cross the horizon,” (3) and another source says, “There’s a light storm headed our way.” What are they talking about, Mother? Is there an event we can be expecting soon? What is event being discussed?
Divine Mother: It is not so much an event as yet another increase in the frequencies that are being shared with you. Now, as I have said to thee, and yes, as an aside, all of you, come to me, come to me with your questions, your fears, your uncertainties, but also come to me with your victories and your joys. We always share the love. Now, you know for the past several years, but intensely in the last, oh, 16 months of your time you have been penetrated enormously from the One, from our hearts to yours. And we have said this repeatedly, that this was not an energy that was specific, because it penetrated all beings upon the planet. And that is one of the most significant shifts that took place, that even those who are completely oblivious to such things as Ascension on the soul level said yes.
Now, what is taking place? As we have said, we have stepped back, we are holding the frequency, we are supporting you in the unified field of love. But it is about to increase. Because we choose? No. We have always chosen to give you as much as you could possibly absorb. But, might I say that part of our subtle assistance is this raising in frequency so that you can begin to acknowledge and embrace your trans-dimensional selves? Now, there have been times – and your star brothers and sisters also are working very intensely, particularly the healers, the healing ships; they are doing very fine tuning on your new fields.
And you may feel many issues coming to the forefront, or situations that are being presented to you. And as they do, these adjustments are being made to empower you as you go on that lift-off to creation. Now, there are times when you cannot, for example, put your finger, your physical finger into a light socket, because you will be electrocuted, or certainly experience severe discomfort. Now, as this shifting is already underway, you are ready to experience this blissful love. It is not simply a singular event. It is a series of events where you begin to look at each other and say, “My God, it’s happening! And I am in this partnership of creation!” (An Hour with an Angel, February 4, 2013, with the Divine Mother
(2) See “Launch of the Tsunami of Love” at
(3) Ellie Miser has been talking about the Event for years now. Once the Event has occurred Ellie will be permitted to return to her ship.