Archangel Gabrielle, administrator of many universes and manager of the Mother’s Divine Plan, has addressed us as a world and said that gender inequality must end. (1)
All forms of inequality must end, but she calls gender inequality the lynchpin and a domino that is falling that will lead to equality in many other areas.
She earlier called the violence that men practice on women “the longest war in human history.” (2) If there is to be peace in the world, then men need to stop making war against women.
She announced that men who make violence against women will be given special treatment – a light containment of clarity, purity and love – an extra portion of what we’re all being bathed in. That includes the women who support men being violent against women.
Acts of persecution, discrimination, exploitation and oppression against women will no longer be tolerated on this planet, according to the administrator of the whole show.
Why should it take the chief manager coming in and calling a halt to what is manifestly undesirable and unproductive on the planet? Who can practice inequity of treatment and feel that they are contributing to the world working out? Nobody.
May I make a suggestion. So many of you have participated in the Reval and you’ll become people who can make a difference in the world around you. When you come into your prosperity, don’t forget women who continue to suffer from the worst elements of inequality: young girls, the divorced, single mothers, and widows.
Each of those categories of women, in our countries or in others, suffers disproportionately from being members of a system that, until this time, favors men in most circumstances.
The pendulum must go in the other direction temporarily if balance is to be achieved. Let the pendulum now swing to global attention being paid to the plight of women and let those who find they have the means keep an eye out for those causes that promote the equality, rejuvenation and success of women.
(1) “Archangel Gabrielle: The Time of Subjugation is Coming to an End,” March 14, 2014, at
(2) “Archangel Gabrielle: This is the Longest War in Human History,” March 7, 2014, at