Thanks to Ellen for this super short turnaround. We divide the transcript into two parts. Here channel Linda Dillon describes her own work in feminism and her own struggles against gender inequality. In the second part, Archangel Gabrielle talks tough about the measures being brought in to end the subjugation of women on the Earth.
An Hour with an Angel, March 13, 2014, with Archangel Gabrielle, Part 2 – 1
GD: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness.
Joining her is Steve Beckow, founder of the Golden age of Gaia and author of Building Nova Earth: Toward a World that Works for Everyone.
Our guest today is Archangel Gabrielle. So, with that, I’ll pass it on to you, Steve.
Steve Beckow: Well, thank you, Graham. And perhaps before we begin, we were talking before the show and Linda was telling us a bit about a rather strange emotional climate that seems to be here at the moment. Linda, can you tell us a little bit more about that, please?
Linda Dillon: Hello, everybody, and welcome. And thank you to everybody who’s turning in to listen to Hour with an Angel. We so appreciate your listenership, your participation, and the shifting of your heart.
But to get to what you’ve been mentioning, Steve, in the last day or two, perhaps even longer, but very strong today, I’ve been noticing a great deal of movement, not only in my own emotional field, but, if I could say, in the collective emotional field. There’s a lot seems to be coming up to the surface [laughs] — hopefully for release and letting go!
I’m seeing a lot of tears, a lot of fragility, some what I would phrase probably incorrectly as feelings of emotional instability, that were, you know, as we’re getting ready for the tsunami of love that we almost feel like our feet are on shifting sands, which does indicate a change in climate.
I’m seeing it and I’m feeling it in myself. I’m seeing it in our “New You” group, who are, you know, the re-gridders, re-patterners, and wayshowers, as many of our listeners are as well. I’m seeing it in our request for the healing and creation team, through the “Contact Us” portion of the Council of Love website.
And I think because, when we’re looking around, the Council of Love, the Company of Heaven, the ascended masters, the archangels that we chat with, and even our star brothers and sisters have been telling us about this breakthrough, that all the chaos is coming to the surface for release.
And we’re certainly seeing it, you know, if we look at the hotspots, as it were, around the globe. Just look at what’s happening in the Ukraine and the after-effects of the disappearance of the Malaysian Air flight.
But people are feeling this stirring, and it’s a stirring not only in our emotional fields, but in our body fields. I know I’m feeling it in my solar plexus, in my heart, in my high heart, in my throat. Even talking about it right now I feel tearful. And I’m not unhappy. In fact, I’m in a very good place in terms of feeling like things are going well and according to plan.
And I wonder, you, Steve, or you, Graham, are you experiencing any of what I’m talking about? Are you noticing it?
SB: Well, I’m not necessarily noticing it myself, but I have been noticing it in some people around me. I was involved in a difficult negotiation a day or two ago that might also have been part of it. So, so yes, some very difficult things have been coming up.
GD: Yesterday I shared with both of you that I was feeling kind of heavy and wasn’t really feeling connected to my heart. And it wasn’t until today that I was with a friend and, in the process of talking it out, I was able to really connect to some underlying root stuff, and in the process impacted how I was feeling.
So I was feeling this heaviness, I was feeling like it was really hard to connect again to my heart, to my joy, and it was really bothering me. And in the process of talking it out I was able to source it, and then felt so much better. It was this really big release. It felt really significant for me because it connected to all kinds of old issues.
That’s the clearing, I suspect, you’re talking about, Linda. And it happened within a very short period of time. So, I mean, this happened within 24 hours, and in the past it could have taken me months and months and months. And so, when you said things are coming up for clearing, I definitely resonate with that.
Linda, before I forget, when you were talking about the Healing Team and the “Contact us” tab on the website, you meant the Council of Love website, right?
LD: Yes, I did. We have a group of volunteers — and thanks for mentioning it, because we haven’t talked about this in a while — we have a group of volunteers. I think we have now over 20 teams all over the world of people who do various modalities of healing, some are chanting, some as prayer, some as Reiki, La Ho Chi, you name it, we’ve got it. And it’s called the Healing and Creation Team.
And it was instituted, oh, my gosh, it’s been in place for about 15 years. And when people are working through something and need a healing, whether it’s physical, mental, emotional — because we know they’re all connected — or if you’re working on a creation project, you can submit through that tab on the Council of Love website a request for this … a team to work with you. So you indicate what it is you are looking for help with, and a team of three people go to work with you.
And what we’ve found over the years is that the results are phenomenal. And I don’t know if it’s simply because it’s sheer energy, obviously; but there’s no real personal knowing of each other’s situation or the circumstance. So the energy just flows very cleanly, very clearly. And people see results from creation to cancer to cankers. So yes, that’s what I was referring to.
SB: Linda, also, I know that, when you were a student, you did quite a bit of work on gender inequality and the subject is dear to your heart. Would you like to say a little bit about that?
LD: Hmm! That’s harkening back to my student days, and yes. I am an ardent feminist. And the issue of gender equality and the presence of gender inequality, it’s almost something, Steve, that shocks me whenever I encounter it.
Because I’ve studied the subject. One of my theses was on the role of women in politics in Canada. And whenever I encounter the inequality I’m always taken aback, whether it’s in Canada or the United States.
And that’s still very present, no matter how much we think we’ve progressed, it’s really present. So it’s not merely in the Sudan or in Iraq or Iran or in countries that we think are suffering economically or politically. It’s everywhere.
You know, I tend to, as I mentioned, live a pretty quiet, some would think reclusive, life, and I need to. I need to live pretty quietly because in order to be able to do my work I need that sense of serenity and calm around me.
But I fall into this illusion, which I’m sure some of our listeners do, and I’m sure we do it with spiritual beliefs as well. I tend to think that everybody has the feminist ideals and belief systems that I do! I mean, it’s such a given. It’s such a part of the fabric of who I am. And so whenever I encounter these situations, especially up close and personal, I feel like I’ve been gobsmacked, that such inequalities still exist on this planet.
You know, we talk about breaking through and doing clearing, and all the things that we are working on. And we are doing amazing work. And the shifts and the transition and the ascension that we’re going through is… well, it’s unique. But… first, we’re still breaking through that glass ceiling.
And you know, I personally had a lot of firsts in terms of what I did as a woman. (1) And I’m proud of that, and I never thought it was a big deal. But when I look around, and we talk about this subject, I am amazed that at this time and this space in our heart conscious evolution that we’re still working on this. And we can’t ascend until we’ve broken the back of these levels of inequality.
Now, are we getting tons of help, especially from the Divine Mother and from our star brothers and sisters? Yes, we are. But it’s also up to us, you know as lightworkers, as love-holders, that when we see these situations that we not only name it and self-correct, if that’s the case, but that we take whatever actions we possibly can.
We sometimes forget that action is the doing part of creating Nova Earth. And taking actions, even by saying, “I don’t feel that way,” “I don’t think that way,” “I don’t think that’s fair,” is so important — supporting women in their struggles, you know, whether it’s overseas or whether it’s at home; supporting women candidates that we believe in. All of this is action is what’s changing the fabric of our society.
‘ll get off my platform now. [laughs]
SB: I want to mention, Linda, that it’s not only women that are ardent feminists. I’m an ardent feminist myself.
LD: Yes, you are. And I think our whole InLight Radio team is. And I would lay probably a really safe bet that many, if not most — no, I’m being corrected — the majority of our listeners and the readers of the Golden Age of Gaia or the Council of Love are really ardent feminists.
Because it’s that issue that, if men aren’t ardent feminists, then you also can’t be in the fullness of your divine masculine. And it’s the same for us who are women. We can’t fully embrace the masculine part of our brothers and of ourselves if we don’t feel that we’re in that balance, in that place of fulfillment.
And we know it’s a teeter-totter, it’s a seesaw. And there are times when it’s more on one side than the other. But by and large, in our hearts and our fields, it has to be that place of balance.
So, yes. I know that. And I think what Archangel Gabrielle is really speaking to us about in this little series about gender inequality is not only explaining some of the backdrop but also giving us insights about how to address it as lightworkers out there in the bigger arena, in the world.
SB: Right. Very important topic. Why don’t I give you a chance to make your transition?
LD: Thank you.
SB: Thank you for all of that.
(Continued in Part 2.)
(1) Among other things, Linda was a hospital administrator.