I’m having to face some difficult truths in my life, many concerning our role as ground crew.
I’ve said that I squirm at the long wait we’ve been through. I see others dragging their jets as well. Many seem tired. But then my “better sense” tells me that this and more is what we signed up for.
It tells me that we signed up to be calmness personified as the old structures crumble before our eyes. It says that we agreed to model patience and fortitude in the face of the privation that that may require. What a tough order!
It tells me that someone needs to hold the planet stable and balanced in the face of a seeming collapse of all institutions – priests shown to be pedophiles, bankers shown to be predatory, government leaders shown to be bent on the destruction of their people by any means possible – impoverishment, debt burdens, chemtrails, HAARP, food poisoning, GMO crops, manmade pandemics, toxic vaccines, world war, on and on the list goes.
Someone has to keep their head while all around us are losing theirs. And we volunteered to do that job.
It’s funny. When I look at that I do come to my senses. I do get that I agreed to do this job. And it does cause the rise of a fresh determination to remain calm exactly because I do know what’s happening.
And I have to remain calm in the face of people telling me forcefully that President Obama is a corrupt dark hat, that Fukushima is definitely doing us in, that nothing has changed with the cabal and we’re still going to be left with exactly that … nothing.
I know that that isn’t true but we also work for a company (the Company of Heaven) that can at times be very secretive so I may not have the information I need to counter the others. It can be frustrating.
But then again, that’s the nature of the job. It’s our job to remain calm and confident in the final outcome. It’s our role to find the rewards for our work inside rather than outside. For now, that is. Later there will be both, but that time is still in the offing.
And anyways, every spiritual text tells us that the real reward lies within. The real reward is the increase in the refinement of our vibrations, which is an inner thing and will tangentially bring us the ability to create what we need. It’ll make outer rewards unnecessary. So in all respects, save this next short while, the real rewards lie within.
And it’s only this next short while that we need to find a way through. And that’s the most important time for us to get through, united, cooperatively, creatively. It was for this time, the building of a united community that would withstand the fall of old and corrupt institutions and begin the creation of new and uncorrupted ones, that we came.
And whereas I’m always saying to AAM to give us the tools and we will finish the job, the real mission is to do the work before the tools arrive, in exactly this time of creative chaos and lingering scarcity. For that they sent their experts.