Linda Dillon has a meditation called the Thirteenth Octave included in her book, The New You, and available on her website,
In that meditation, one is taken and placed on the lap of the Father, held, loved and then placed in the arms of the Mother.
Each of us has been birthed by and from the Mother. She loves us fully and completely and we’re never separated from her love.
We are her and she is us. This is the original sacred union that we tend to forget. Jesus Sananda, in the same book, describes it this way:
“Sacred union is the gift the Mother gave to you at the beginning of existence, when you emanated from the heart of One as a bright spark, as a light of divinity and love. Your most sacred union is with the One and has never altered. Within that, it is the deep recognition that you are of Her heart. You are of Her essence and therefore you can never be ‘less than’.” (1)
When we feel alone, lost in the illusion of our false grids, vasanas can create havoc with our state of being. Vasanas are our automatic reaction patterns born of earlier traumatic incidents. First among these vasanas is our sense of unworthiness, born of our sense of separation.
But Jesus reminds us: “This pervasive illusion regarding lack of self-worth is simply a phantom. I know it has been the monster haunting you in the night. But it is nothing more than a fleck of dust. It is not of truth and it most certainly is not of love.” (2)
The Mother’s tsunami of Love is washing away that sense of separation and its accompanying sense of unworthiness, the dust and debris of centuries of living in the illusion created here on the planet.
If we allow the waves to gently dissolve and infuse us, we can feel that there is no separation. Our sacred union with ourselves can then arise and be known.
(1) Linda Dillon, The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness. 2013, 127.
(2) Ibid, p. 128.