I’m seeing that I am the divine qualities.
Our consciousness is like milk. Milk is white. It’s a liquid. It’s thicker than water. Its taste varies from sweet to sour. It is itself and it also has qualities.
Similarly, consciousness is itself and it also has qualities. Love, joy and peace are three qualities of pure consciousness, just like being liquid, being white and having taste are three qualities of milk.
I am consciousness and its qualities, like love, joy and peace.
There are encrustations or what I’ve called vasanas and masks, as well as what Linda Dillon and the Company of Heaven have called false grids and core issues. The Buddha called them obfuscations. They are impurities in the mind.
They overburden consciousness. But consciousness itself and the divine qualities are one and the same thing.
Pure consciousness cannot be thought of without thinking of love, joy and peace. Consciousness and its qualities are synonymous. I think of them in the same breath.
I can let go of the encrustations and I need not hold onto the divine qualities because they are me and I am they. I could no more easily let go of them than watch them disappear.
They’re always with me, whether I’m always with them or not. They’re not changeable. They’re eternal.
I said earlier that we could afford to let go of anything because the Real, the permanent cannot be let go of and only the unreal, the temporary can. The encrustrations are temporary; the divine qualities are permanent.
Underneath the encrustrations are the divine qualities. We always are pure and the encrustations lie over that purity.