When the time comes to take up our missions, I think two things will happen.
The first is that love will have washed us so clean that our own belief in our ability to do the job will be firm.
But there’s a second factor that I believe may determine who actually does the job or not. And that is who’s ready.
What I’m noticing, as I look around me, is that, while all of us are masters already, having come from higher dimensions and different star systems to be part of this first-time experiment in mass, physical Ascension, some of us are actually masters practising.
Not practising to be a master. We already are that. But masters practicing. Practising what? Practicing our roles.
I see people healing others, transmuting energy, working with money, looking out for galactics, working with Perro (the galactic language of diplomacy), therapeutically listening to others, going into banks and cleansing darkness, etc.
These people will not only have their final barriers and bonds removed, as we all will, but, at the same time, I think they’ll have been practising enough in their roles that they’ll be ready to step into them.
Others who’ve had their bonds lifted but haven’t been practising, may not be ready to step into a role. And they may wonder: “What separates me from that other person over there? I could do the job as well.” Undoubtedly they could. But they haven’t been practising their role and so they may not be ready.
I don’t say this as a criticism. I say it as a factual, though speculative, statement, an observation based on what I think I’m seeing around me.
I listen to my colleagues making finer and finer distinctions about things or taking on more and more challenging assignments or channeling more and more healing light to others or transmuting things on a larger and larger scale and I marvel at what they’re doing.
I see people sending currency to others who can’t afford to buy it or walking in the poorer sections of town just to spread the light and I see people, whether they know it or not, practising their parts.
They’ll be ready when the time comes, I tell myself.
I think it’s up to us, really. If we actually want to play the role of our dreams, travel on space ships, sit at the council fire, work with the galactics, we’d best be up and doing whatever comes to hand.
If there’s anything we dream we can do, begin it, the poet said. Perhaps we can’t begin at the level we want to play eventually. Perhaps we can only begin on a very limited scale. But all the actions we carry out, even at that scale, are practice. And practice is, I think, what will make us ready.