It’s challenging to go through Ascension publicly. There’s a fine line to walk between reporting (sharing a noticeing or an experience) and being perceived as blowing one’s own horn, etc. I find it challenging.
I shared the other day how I felt swept clean. Today I feel … hmmm… expanded, blissful, carried away? I’m searching for a word for it.
Saying this, I have no idea whether this experience will disappear in a short while or continue. And that is one of the enjoyable aspects about all that is happening for us at this time. Discovering whether we’re simply enjoying momentary boosts or whether this is part of our stair-step climb to Ascension. I have no idea in the case of this present mood. But the mood needs to be reported.
I’ve just had a personal reading with Archangel Michael. It isn’t usual that I feel quite this way after one but it is the case at this moment. Later I’ll be posting some of his comments, once I transcribe them, although as an aside perhaps let me say this before I return to the element of this mood.
I asked him to confirm that Archangel Jophiel is another name for Archangel Metatron and he confirmed that. I’m not sure many of us know that so I report it.
He confirmed that we are getting younger and suggested that “play” can speed up the process. In play, he recommends that we see ourselves shape-shifting, which will speed up the process of rejuvenation. Imagine ourselves at 30 or imagine ourselves in a different, perhaps younger form or simply a different shape than we are, etc.
He commented on the gurus who are making mis-steps at the moment and encouraged us not to judge them. He suggested we see them as having the same lessons to learn as the rest of us do, albeit on a different scale perhaps, and as making the occasional mistake because of the weight of responsibility on them, the extent of their missions, the busy-ness of it all, the use of assistants, etc.
Making a mis-step does not invalidate their missions, he said. I was glad to hear him say that.
But returning to this mood, I said the other day that I felt more “substantial.” It’s ironic to feel “empty” and “substantial” at the same time, is it not? Substance and emptiness don’t seem to go together.
And yet that reveals a fundamental paradox in the way we see things. In the spiritual domain (as opposed to the physical), emptiness of materiality and old paradigms does produce an increase in the sense of substantiality of Self. At least it does for me.
It isn’t spiritual substance that we empty ourselves of. We fill ourselves up with our spiritual substantiality, I think. But we empty ourselves of vasanas, false grids, etc. So it isn’t really a paradox.
And I wouldn’t be surprised to find that, as that emptiness occurs, we, or in this case I, feel more expansive, more blissful, etc.
I may need to learn to negotiate the “real” world feeling this blissful. Bliss seems to wipe out the memory of any pre-existing agenda and wipe the slate clean. All cares flee before it. It makes no sense to hold on to one’s “to do” list in the face of it. And that can lead to the need for some adjustment.
It seems to be a very, very important and useful thing to have committed oneself to maturity before one enters a blissful state. If one has not, then one can be something of an irresponsible fool in the face of it, whereas it’s far more useful, as a lightworker, to continue to be responsible and not foolish. Bliss can tempt one otherwise.
I’m going to wander around for a while just enjoying this bliss and then get back to work. So much to do and less and less time. And less and less necessity or inclination…. What to do?
I guess, relax.