(Continued from Part 2.)
Two features of entering the Mental Plane which, while not being surprising, are still very unusual are the reunion that takes place with one’s own greater Self and the drawing together of the soul group.
While many of us are experiencing the drawing together of the soul group, we may need to wait till after ascension before we experience a reunion with the greater Self (I don’t know).
Today’s let’s look at that reunion. Description of it are only to be found in Cynthia Sandys’ Awakening Letters. A sample of only two from the same book suggests that we approach the subject with a degree of caution and discernment.
Re-uniting with the Greater Self
Father Andrew Glazewski was a much-loved Polish priest, mystic, scientist and musician, who communicated telepathically with English psychic Cynthia Sandys in 1973. He met his higher Self and did not at first recognize him.
I’m not sure if this is the ascended Self that one meets when one enters the Second Heaven, or second subplane of the Mental Plane.
Notice that he meets himself as if he were outside of himself; i.e., an object.
“Now I want to speak about the greater self. This was a discovery for me of enormous importance. I had always glimpsed the possibility of there being a more advanced Andrew somewhere, but he was so elusive. I didn’t really know how or where to look for him – then we met!
“I was slightly embarrassed. I was a new boy. He was myself grown wiser, but how were we to co-operate? He was tall – I am short. He was strong and athletic – I was wrinkled and puny. He was like an elder brother and yet he was like himself and then he looked at me and took me in his arms as you would a small child and breathed on me – that was all, and I, Andrew, became as one with this great being.
“It is beyond understanding or explaining but it is true. We are only a very small reflection of the self we leave outside the earth body and, when we have accepted death and entered into the majesty of passing out of the physical, this wonderful enlargement of mind and spirit is awaiting us.” (1)
Diplomat Sir Alvary Gascoigne also made contact with his greater Self in this first subplane of the Mental Plane. His son Douglas had made contact earlier.
The discussion between him and his greater Self seems to suggest that full reunion awaits the Second Death, which would suggest that that greater Self is the ascended Self.
“I had no idea about our greater selves. Douglas has made complete contact with his, but most of us are broken pieces; the earth life body seems only to have held a small part of me and there is a much nicer Joe [nickname of Sir Alvary] – in fact, far too nice a Joe, who is waiting for me, the imperfect Joe, to take over.” (2)
“Though D. [Douglas] has only been over a short time, he is already united to at least a part of his greater self and this part spoke through him.” (3)
He describes his experience at length. He mistakes himself for his brother Oliver.
“Suddenly, as the sense of expansion grew, I was conscious of a being beside me fashioned in some ways on the same mould. I turned and looked at him and I said at once, ‘Oh, you must have been my brother Oliver whom I never saw in earth life.’
“‘No,’ he replied, ‘I am yourself.’
“’But,’ I stammered, ‘I’m still me. What do you mean?’”
“’Yes, and I’m still you and myself, one and the same. I have been your light reflection all through your earth life and now we can be re-united.’” (4)
The thought initially disturbs Sir Alvary.
“I wasn’t at all sure I was in favour of this getting together and said so. He merely laughed and said, ‘Don’t quarrel with your hands and feet and you’ll be a much more complete Joe if we are united.’” (5)
Nonetheless he gamely ventures on. His greater Self reveals that the process will take time, suggesting that he is indeed talking about what we would regard as post-Ascension.
“Well, how do we do it?’ I asked.
“’Don’t be in a hurry. You must learn to accept me first as your shadow or reflection. But I only reflect the highest in you.’
“This disturbed me greatly. ‘There isn’t very much of the higher as you call it in me.’
“’Well, I find there is,’ was the unexpected reply; ‘I am the result of your effort and industry and uprightness, together with your fundamental love for the people around you. Oh, I know, lots of them irritated you beyond bearing, but you did bear with them and all that has built up an entity which is me. Now you see I am entirely you, so you can’t throw me out or brush me off. I am you cleaned up and ready to receive the higher vibrations: how do you take that? I’m a sort of bank balance on the credit side.’
“’Well, I’m awfully glad to hear that I have a bank balance and of course I accept you as part of myself; I suppose as you are the upper boy you’ll take command.’
“I didn’t like the idea of jettisoning my way. But he only laughed and said, ‘Trust me. I won’t usurp your will. We can co-operate quite easily.’
“And so the oddest sort of marriage began between the two me’s, and I found I was enormously but enormously changed, stronger, happier, richer by far in understanding and in correlating events and the purposes behind them. And so I was able to take on these missions to and from Everest and Chartres, which the lesser Joe could never have undertaken.” (6)
This meeting of one’s higher Self as if it were an object and merging with it later stands alone in the literature of the afterlife and, since it’s found in only two examples in one book, we may want to accept it only provisionally, as we’ll have to do with much that is novel and strange in the times ahead.
Tomorrow we’ll look at the reunion with the group soul that begins in the first subplane.
(Continued in Part 4. You’re welcome to read ahead.)
(1) Father Andrew Glazewski in Cynthia Sandys and Rosamund Lehmann, The Awakening Letters. Jersey: Neville Spearman, 1978, 92.
(2) Sir Alvary Gascoigne in AL, 112.
(3) Ibid., 59.
(4) Ibid., 168-9.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Loc. cit.