The returned master that we had a chat with last week announced that Shankara would be returning to India. We’re posting on the show today so that our Indian listeners have plenty of chance to spread the word around.
Who is Shankara? I don’t claim to be an expert in Indian history. But Shankara (or Shankaracharya) was an eighth-century avatar, or Incarnation of God, who travelled the length and breadth of India and reorganized the Indian monastic system. He set Advaita Vedanta (or the non-dualist philosophy) on a solid and stable footing.
My favorite book from Shankara is his Crest-Jewel of Discrimination. His books have been interpreted and reinterpreted down through the ages.
Shankara was prolific. He died very young and accomplished a tremendous amount of spiritual reorganization and regeneration in just those few short years.
Given that we’ve now done the prerecord, I can say that we questioned Sri Shankara on his mission, on what he wished to communicate to India and the world, on which masters would be returning to India, on whether he had incarnated since the Eighth Century, and on the common spiritual truths of Hinduism and the rest of the world.
Yes, Sri Ramakrishna is returning. Yes, Rama, Krishna and even Vishnu. He explained how it could be that Vishnu would return as well as Rama and Krishna. Paramahansa Yogananda will return as well as Yogi Bhajan.
Sri Ramakrishna right now lives in a very young body and may not make is public appearance until between two to four years. If he did otherwise, it would cause untol;d inconvenience to his parents.
We hope that our Indian readers enjoy the show. I very much enjoyed the interview and cannot wait to speak to him again in the future.