I had a “conversation” with Archangel Michael yesterday through Linda Dillon. (1) It wasn’t a reading and it’ll make its way into transcript form eventually. But one point he made I feel the need to report sooner than that.
He explained how it could be that our theories of spiritual evolution were not quite correct.
He began by reminding us that we had all started out as angels when we left God and individuated. That would mean, and he said this as well, that we all started as seraphim.
Then, at the behest of the Father/Mother, and I’ll be speaking to the Divine Mother in Monday’s An Hour with an Angel and may discuss this matter then, we descended into lower and lower levels of reality, I would imagine to explore what the experience of life was under those conditions.
So the important thing to remember is that we were once seraphim.
The way in which our theories of spiritual evolution need to be amended is that, as he said, a spirit returning to the Father could leapfrog certain dimensions of reality.
If an archangel, for instance, performed in a particularly wise and grace-filled way, the Mother could call that being to her. In doing so, she would be pulling him or her through the intervening levels at the speed of love, so it wouldn’t be the case that that being would not go through them.
But the being would spend no time in them and simply return to the Mother/Father. And that is the way that our theories of spiritual evolution need to be amended.
It isn’t necessary for us to spend time in all levels of evolution on our return to God.
Remember how the Buddha, when he entered mahasamadhi (OK, died) went through level after level? Well, I imagine it’s something like that.
He said that we had all had the experience of being a seraphim on our way out from God anyways so it wasn’t absolutely essential that we have that experience again.
He said not to throw the baby out with the bathwater by ditching our views of spiritual evolution. It’s just that the picture was more malleable or flexible than that.
So Rumi is still correct (2) but he simply needs to be added to to round out the picture.
Much more to be said later about all that he discussed….
(1) Conversation with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, June 13, 2013.
(2) I died as mineral and became a plant.
I died as plant and rose to animal.
I died as animal and I was man. …
Yet once more I shall die as man, to soar with angels blest;
but even from angelhood I must pass on:
all except God doth perish.
When I have sacrificed my angel soul, I shall become what no mind e’er conceived.
Oh, let me not exist! For Non-existence Proclaims in organ tones,
‘To Him we shall return.’
(Rumi in Anne and Christopher Fremantle, In Love with Love. 100 of the Greatest Mystical Poems. New York, etc.: Paulist Press, 1978., 58.)