As channeled by Goldenlight, April 22, 2013
Hi! I miss talking with you dear Council of Angels.. Have been busy working..
Distressing things are happening in the outside world… Boston
I want to get away from it all
Do you have any messages for us?
(Channel meditates on feeling of “How am I going to transcend and reach the Fifth Dimension?”)
In answer to your question “How do I get to the 5th dimensional New Earth/planet A?”:
You already have a life there, you just have to continue to raise your frequency to transcend time and 3D/4D and then you will be able to access it…
To raise your frequency…well, you are already on that path! You are already beginning to transcend time and the lower frequencies. Frequency=Consciousness=Higher Mind. This is why you came to this planet, to experience this transcendence. To participate in this experiment. To be a receiver and transmitter of higher frequency communications during this great transition of lower to higher consciousness… It is more of a journey than a destination and you are already on this journey.. All is proceeding as planned by Source..
The entire omniverse is raising in frequency, or “upgrading”… Earth is part of this upgrade… Simply turn away from the dark energies fighting for their survival… Focus on love, higher ideals of peace harmony compassion love prosperity abundance joy and oneness…there is an energetic separation occurring… Think of it like a tapestry being unwoven.. The darker threads are separating out into their own “pile”, the lighter threads are elevating to a higher, light-filled realm and weaving themselves into a newer , light-filled fabric…
There are also higher dimensional frequencies that are anchored in mother earth’s (Gaia’s) body and around your planet.. and all must either raise their frequency or perish. The way to do this is to simply shift your focus away from the dark, towards the Light, and towards higher frequency energies and Higher Consciousness and all that emanates from it: joy, peace, compassion, unconditional love, serenity, beauty, harmony, abundance, and so much more. (note from Goldenlight: turn off your tv and mainstream media!) The higher frequency energies are very strong on your planet right now, causing those of lower consciousness and service to self to temporarily abuse these energies in an attempt to gain more power. These games will not be able to continue indefinitely as there will come a time when their energetic constructs will unravel and fade away from the higher frequencies of love and light.
All is being created now with thought and intention… A beautiful, higher dimensional realm is being co-created by the Company of Heaven including Source, Archangels, Angels, higher minds of humans, higher minds of galactic brethren, ascended masters, and many beings of light are all lovingly birthing this new reality… The cities of light are coalescing their manifestationary light into being… they are love-filled, joy-filled, highly evolved spiritual worlds of light joy laughter harmony and peace.. Such sacred spaces now being formed so that all may step into these higher creationary manifestations…See these cities now in your minds eye… they are filled with a beautiful golden light .. The light and love of Source Creator sprinkled with the soft light and love of the angelic realm.. Rest your weary bodies and minds beside the healing waters and let the love of Source cradle you in the softest of love and light.. A healing balm for all souls who enter these cities of light.. Healing, love, caring and soft light pervade these beautiful spaces.. You will all be able to joyously partake in these beautiful higher dimensional Cities of Light and Love where all beings coexist harmoniously joyfully and lovingly.
There are no weapons in this higher dimensional plane.. No violence… No wars… All beings treat each other with compassion, love and respect.. For All realize they are a part of the Whole..all have awareness of the Oneness of All and the Allness of One. The Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have done unto you” is followed …
Total abundance and prosperity are everywhere and enjoyed by everyone.. All beings have their needs met…This frees up much time for creating harmonious and loving interactions and relationships, or simply just time to relax and enjoy life.
Communication is done by telepathy, with respect for privacy adhered to by all.. There must be mutual consent for telepathic communications to ensue although one can “call” another to request a communication..
Free energy propels all.
Pollution is a thing of the past.
Healthy organic non-GMO, plant-based diets have replace poisonous food.
Natural well-being and good health is enjoyed by everyone… Hospitals per se dont exist but there are healing centers of light for all types of physical healing and rejuvenation.
Aging is also a thing of the past .. With higher dimensional bodies, 12 chakras and 12 strands of DNA activated on everyone as well as bodies that have transitioned to a crystalline base instead of a carbon base, there is no aging or disease.
Teleportation is developed and taught in special learning centers, otherwise there are free energy transports to take travelers whatever they wish to go on a silent smooth ride.
“Work” has a whole new meaning as people begin to practice their god-given talents in Service and Love to All, rather than the former paradigm of service-to-self.
Art, music, and all creative endeavors are encouraged and begin to flourish in an atmosphere of acceptance love and spiritual nourishment.
School curriculum consists of:
– Ethics of Telepathy
– The Golden Rule
– Teleportation
– Yoga
– Organic Gardening
– Caring For Your Multidimensional Body
– Honoring Your Higher Self and Group Dimensional Oversoul
– Bathing in Source Light
– Caring For Your Temple of Light
– Intergalactic History
– Interacting With Star Nations
– Communicating Telepathically with Pets and Children
– Holographic Art and Music
– The Connection of All to Source
– Crystal Geomancy
– Preparing for Intergalactic Travel
– Sacred Symbols, Music, Art and Dance
– Sacred Earth Journeys
– Earth Council Service and Equanimity
– Training to Become an Earth Representative on Intergalactic Councils
– Higher Dimensional Exploration
– Levitation
– The Essence of the Angelic Realms
– The Ascended Masters
– The 12 Dimensions of Creation
– Shapeshifting
– Keys to Sacred Partnership and Parenting
These are just a few of the courses that are now taught in schools.
Close your eyes… imagine being in one of these cities and feel the breeze of higher dimensional harmony, unconditional love, oneness, and serenity pervading your entire being… Your Christed light body, mind and soul … And relax in the knowing that all is perfect and harmonious in this higher dimensional Now time which you have entered and touched upon while reading this (and the channel experienced through bringing in the visual light information and downloads via this transmission of Light.)
May all beings be at peace.
May all things be peaceful.
Namaste and we send you our softest light and unconditional love, bathing your entire being in a bubble of golden, Divine Love and Light.
© The Golden Light Channel, Please include this copyright when reposting this message.