“The next part of your Ascension is with Mother Earth, and with our help to create a new Earth that is befitting souls who are growing exponentially and becoming fully conscious Beings. You will then be able to call yourselves ‘Galactic Beings’ and the doors will open to even greater opportunities than you have ever experienced. Your rate of progress is entirely up to you, and once you have made your decision you will have plenty of help from us.” (SaLuSa, Jan. 4, 2013.)
I said earlier that I regard it as time to begin thinking in terms of beginning our world service. I suggested two organizing principles we might begin thinking in terms of, to start the whole process of creating the context of a New World, a world that works for everyone. (1)
I now want to suggest four areas of the globe to begin focusing our love on as an exercise in beginning to concentrate our attention on areas of the world in which much work needs to transpire.
I don’t mean to suggest that anyone needs to go along with my suggestion of areas. My intention is simply to start the ball rolling and the final outcome of these discussions may be very different than the first go-round.
They’re the areas of the globe usually thought of as the Middle East, South Asia, Sahel/Subsaharan Africa, and Middle Latin America.
I don’t want to define those areas overly much. What each of those terms means for you is acceptable to me. But perhaps I can say a word about what I think they should include as a minimum.
As a minimum, the “Middle East” should include Syria, Israel, and Palestine; Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. These are areas that have been embroiled in conflict, either native or imported, for millennia, have been largely or partially unsuccessful in extracting themselves from it, and need our combined focus and help to make the transition to peace, equality, and wellness again.
As a minimum, South Asia should include Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh; Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Indonesia. These are areas of intense exploitation by First World powers and conflict between majorities and minorities.
As a minimum, Subsaharan Africa should include all the countries below the belt of Arab countries, but most intensely the band of Sahel or Subsaharan countries from the bulge of Africa in the West to the Horn of Africa in the east.
As a minimum, the Latin American countries I’m suggesting we focus on are those that have been ravaged by the drug trade and intensely exploited predominantly by the American military-industrial complex ranging from Mexico in the North to Columbia in the South and including all states in between. Mexico may feel that it doesn’t need to be included in this focus. However, until the drug trade is eliminated, I personally believe it should be.
That’s not to say that all areas of the world cannot use intense attention, but rather that these areas have been exploited the worst and need the first immediate attention if we’re to raise the vibrational level of our planet and rescue its citizens from poverty and helplessness. It’s also to say that the revitalization of other countries in the so-called First World would be designed to be accomplished in the very process of turning their attention to the areas named.
I’m suggesting that other areas of the world uplift themselves in the process of focusing their attention on these areas. And NESARA will be the means of doing that.
For those unacquainted with NESARA, the term stands for “National Economic Security and Reformation Act,” and has become synonymous with a global abundance program that is near to being introduced that will redistribute the world’s prosperity equally and fund the revitalization of the world and the terraforming of the globe.
What’s needed immediately is that attention be focused on those matters which form the bottom rung of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Our efforts would then work their way up the pyramid of needs once the bottom level is assured.
Among the needs listed on the first rung of Maslow’s pyramid is “sex.” I’m not sure what Maslow meant by the term but assume he was referring to procreation.
I’m not sure if the first rung of needs can be met without putting in place elements associated with the second rung; for instance, security of the body and of property. But I ask us to begin the process of discussion and planning now which will answer questions that can be expected to immediately arise such as these.
Our concerted assistance is postulated on the arrival of NESARA. But we cannot wait for word that NESARA is in place. I believe the time to begin discussing and planning the world’s revitalization is now.
I’m not offering myself as someone who’s knowledgable in the areas that we need to explore to tackle the unworkability in our world. I’m only a motivator. I ask you to refrain from focusing on my own inadequacies, which are legion, and simply respond to the call.
Your expertise is what’s needed. Your taking the conversation another yard down the road is what’s requested.
I’m calling for a global conversation to begin on how to approach turning the affected areas of the globe from regions of poverty and exploitation to regions of self-sufficiency and sovereignty.
(1) The phrase originated with Werner Erhard:
“Each of us has the opportunity, the privilege, to make a difference in creating a world that works for all of us.” (Werner Erhard, A World That Works, 1980, cited at https://www.worldthatworks.org/.)
“Transformation does not negate what has gone before it; rather, it fulfills it. Creating the context of a world that works for everyone is not just another step forward in human history; it is the context out of which our history will begin to make sense.” (Werner Erhard – A Shot Heard Round the World: A World that Works for Everyone at https://www.scribd.com/doc/143329822/Werner-Erhard-A-Shot-Heard-Round-the-World-A-World-that-Works-for-Everyone
See also Werner Erhard, The Hunger Project: The End of Starvation. Creating an Idea Whose Time has Come. San Francisco: Hunger Project, n.d., p. 3.