Grener said in An Hour with an Angel, Feb. 6, 2012, that Billie Woodard did view the Neptune while traveling outside his body. Reader Shaunie describes the process he follows this way:
“The process that enabled Billie to have a glimpse of the Neptune, Grener and Archangel Michael works thus. When Billie does his Saturday conference calls he speaks briefly to the public and then leaves his body to allows his father Zorra to come into Billie’s body and speak to people while Billie leaves to enter Zorra’s body.”
Thanks to Ruth for the speedy transcription.
Billie: Hello?
Interviewer: Go ahead… Billy, you’re back? You have the floor…
B: Yeah, I’m back. I’m back.
I: OK?
B: OK. Um, well, what can I add to this?
I: You know, Ann, if we can, it’s always interesting to know… uh… where Billy has been while he’s has been in [his father’s] body. This might be very interesting for you. So, let us ask Billy where’s he’s been.
I: Yeah… Where have you been, Billy?
B: Where have I been? Oh, that is interesting. Well, actually, I was on my father’s ship and my father’s ship was stationed right next to the Neptune.
(surprised laughter)
I: Wow, that’s a mind-blower!
B: Uh, yeah, that’s kind of a mind-blower! (more laughter) I’ve seen the ship, it’s real…
I: Wow!
B: … but it’s definitely there. And from what I understand, as far as the people going that are signed up for this thing, uh, between now and sometime next week, there’s going to be several people that are going on that thing.
I: …yes, quite a number of people.
B: quite a number.
I: So, excuse me, Ann… that is actual? It is a ship?
B: It is a ship. It is a ship. It’s a big one, too.
I: Fantastic. Is it as big as Elenin?
B: It’s bigger than my father’s ship.
I: Wow. Wow. Billy, thank you so much… There’s a hand open, but we are really past our time, unless you do want to. I don’t know who it is, but we don’t want this to continue to stretch this on…
B: Go ahead and take it.
I: There are two hands actually. Do you want to do them?
B: Go ahead and take ’em. Last two, and that’s it.
I: OK, these two. The first one is area code (deleted) ending in (numbers deleted). I think we’ve had you, before.
Caller: Hey Billy, this is Henry. I’ve heard you talking about going on a ship, and I’m interested, I’m curious what this is all about.
B: Uh, wait a minute; I’m not going on a ship. No. I said there is a ship, and it’s called the Neptune, and I was on my father’s ship and it was docked alongside of the Neptune. The one that Steve Beckow was talking about and also that Linda Dillon was also channeling… uh Grener… In my father’s body I saw Grener; he’s a very wonderful, beautiful being…
I: Hmmmn. Hmmn!
B: And I also saw Archangel Michael.
I: Oh, wow…
B: So there is definitely uh something going on there.
I: Well, can I ask, Billy… did they (unclear) talk with you?
B: Uh, I didn’t talk that much with them; because he was just, they were in conversation with the crew of the, of my father’s ship, because they knew I was there and my father was there and so there wasn’t going to be communication between me and them. But, um… I was able to see them. And they’re definitely for real.
I: Thank you, Billy,
Henry: (unclear)
B: What’s that?
Henry: Can I volunteer for that flight?
I: Henry, you and…
B: Henry, you can go onto the Council of Love site and get your name put on a list if you want; that’s as far as I can tell you. I don’t much about, as far as the list about it, but I do know there are definitely going to be some trips taken.
[Steve: The List on the Council of Love site and generated by the 2012 Scenario may or may not be used by Grener to plan his trips. I’m not aware that the Council of Love are still adding names and certainly the 2012 Scenario is not.]
I: Hmmn.
I: OK, I’m going to, so that we don’t have a long call — and Henry, if you need that kind of information, you can get with me after the call, OK?
H: Thank you, thank you…
I: OK. And then the other person, the other person who had her hand up was Rita in Salt Lake City… Go ahead, Rita. Your line is open.
Caller Rita: Hi…. Zorra and Ann and Billy. I am one on the list to go with this group; and, uh, we got a notice today that it was held back a little bit because of, uh, chaos going on. And that we should put out faith and not doubt, ’cause that hurts it. And so we will be going in small groups now; we won’t have that large group, and I, that’s how they’ve changed it. So, I just wanted to put that in there for ya’.. And I love …
(more than one voice, unclear)
B: Well, wonderful.
Rita: Yeah… I was very lucky.
I: OK, that’s great. There is one more, and I hate to leave someone out but this is…. (END)