Earth Sounds, Whale Song, Chanting from Gaia- Angels, Low Frequency Audio Signals …? You Decide
There have been lots of videos and news reports on the strange sounds that are being heard all over the globe. When I was sorting through the videos I wanted to find the source for each incident rather than compilation videos. I was also interested in finding news outlets reporting on these sounds and found a few from “banner-ed” news outlets like ITN and then several from alternative media outlet sources, including one from dutchsinse.
There were a couple of things that struck me as interesting. The initial videos are from all over the world covering a short date window from Jan 9-12, and the Hoax videos and just brushing these sounds off videos were circulated very quickly within a day of the initial crop of videos. When I listen to the videos I hear some where the sounds are like whale song, the audible decibel recording of what an elephant can hear through their feet and the ground, or a low register timpani or horn type wind instrument. What I found the best way to really “hear” and “listen” to these recordings was not to watch the video but to listen only with my headphones on. When I did that I cut out the distractions and could hear the nuance in the sounds.
Do I know what these sounds are? No. I have the sense they are not “man made” sounds that they are more wave form frequency sounds than what we would normally perceive and listen to. I spend a lot of my time listening, just listening and noticing (in general unrelated to these videos and their sounds). I take walks and can hear the trees and the stars breathe, there is a presence there and it connects with me. These “strange” sounds are much more pronounced that what I have a direct experience of listening to but it may be they come from a similar energy presence source vibration. Take a moment to Listen and see what you sense then keep your ears open and let us know if you hear sounds where you live.
Strange sounds 2012 manitoba canada Jan 15, 2012
“Booming” Trumpet of the “Apocalypse” In Costa Rica 2012
Strange Sounds In Conklin, Alberta Jan 12th 2012
STRANGE SOUNDS sound in Czech Republic
Strange Sounds Chile January 12, 2012
Earth Groaning Dawson Creek Canada 2012
Strange Sounds in Queens, New York Jan 18, 2012
Video Description: I had heard about the “strange sounds” occurring around the world and watched the videos on youtube. I thought the supposed sounds seemed like recordings from a sci-fi movie and they were most likely a hoax… up until I heard them myself today. It started around 2 pm, or shortly after, and lasted for about 5-7 min before I thought to get my camera and record it. They are the same sounds being heard around the world; I would describe it as a large animal growling but then it sounds oddly metallic as well, like a creaky machine moving. If anyone has any explanations that would be fantastic. Also, it was a super quiet day, there was no construction going on in the area. I know what a train, plane, truck, and bus sound like, and this was not it. The birds started going crazy towards the end too.
Russia Strange Sounds Jan 18th 2012
Strange Sounds in Curitiba / Brazil 1.9.11
Strange Booms and Sound Continue to be Heard As Disinformation Campaign Starts
Strange noises in Melbourne, Australia
Strange sounds – UK – 16/01/2012
Strange sounds in Los Angeles, Ca 01/16/2012
Reports of Strange Sounds all over the World
Strange Sounds In Nottingham England 2012
Strange Sounds (Helsinki 17.1.2012
Strange Sounds in Winnipeg, Manitoba
1/16/2012 — ‘Strange sounds’ heard WORLDWIDE — what is it?!