I thought Chris put matters well on Share11 today.We’re on the verge of leaving one era and entering another. For me, it’s as if time is standing still.
Marking Time
by Chris, Share 11, https://groups.yahoo.com/group/Share11/message/17043
[As if it needs to be said…]
The upshot of these latest communications from David and Ben appears to be one of confirming that we really are on the precipice of “civilization-defining events”.
The timeline for all of that to officially get underway is, according to Ben Fulford, anywhere from a week from now to mid-November.
Not a long time, in other words.
In light of these two corroborating sources, it may very well be that we are now experiencing the final days of the world as we have known it.
Once these various announcements begin to be made, and all the changes that will accompany them, we will no longer be living in the same world in the same way again.
These are the final days of what appears to be normal. Enjoy them while you can. (Wink)
Soon, this time of attending to the future will quickly be a thing of the past. The future will have at last, finally, fully, arrived.
In this light, our wait does appear to be definitively over.
At most, we now seem to be in the space of a pregnant pause…before the storm of transformation at last takes firm hold of all we have known, to shake it Free.