A channeled message is circulating the Internet that advises us to “disconnect from the Planetary Grid.”
A portion of that channeled message follows:
“The Planetary Grid is in mother earth, and has been there for millions of years.
“It is an energy Grid that was used by all humans upon earth to communicate and connect to the mass consciousness to learn any lessons we needed to learn to evolve on our path, and evolve our souls.
“It is also called the Crystalline Grid, Planetary Crystalline Grid.
“This Grid is also used by what many call the dark ones, the dark force, the cabal and many other names.
“They are connected to this grid and use it in a different way.
“The energy in the grid is being used by them to control, to communicate and to bring fear.
“This means they will take the energy, running through the Grid.
“Your own energy is being used to control you, keep you in a state of mind of fear, not being able to do anything, not being able to create, manifest and move forward at this time.
“Many will now say, but we changed the grid, it is crystalline now. It has been cleared, purified to work for the light.
“Yes it looks crystalline, but it is not.
“We are moving forward, look at all the new energies coming in, the progress we have made.
“This is the Illusion of the matrix we live in. Illusion of what they want you to see, think and believe.
“Of course we have new energies coming in, time is speeding up, we can feel that.
But being connected to the Planetary Grid, you will not have the full benefit of those energies.”
However, Matthew Ward and SaLuSa suggest that there is no need to get off the crystalline grid that surrounds the Earth.
On June 24, 2009, Matthew said the new grid prevents dark entities from approaching Earth:
“The light grid around Earth permits entry by light beings only; even if dark entities wanted to enter, they cannot approach the brilliance of that grid.” (1)
On Sept, 13, 2009, he returned to the subject:
“Civilizations steeped in darkness cannot make mass landings because they will not approach the protective grid of Christed light energy that surrounds the planet–light is anathema to their dark essence.
“Souls of both the light and the dark forces are living among the populace–as Earth rises into higher vibratory levels where the light is still more intense, the dark souls will embrace the light or leave the planet. (2)
On Sept, 21, 2009, he again addressed the subject:
“Groups or individual souls immersed in darkness cannot approach the protective grid of Christed light energy that surrounds the planet—light is anathema to their dark essence.
“The dark forces, a vast and powerful energy field that can roam the heavens and cause chaos, even the death of entire civilizations and their planet homelands, no longer is near your solar system. When distant civilizations started beaming intense light to Earth, that force field left because it cannot tolerate light.” (3)
On April of 2009, SaLuSa also addressed the subject of the grid, calling it a powerful beacon of light.
“Be aware that much work has been put into ensuring that this period makes good the many benefits that have been denied you. Whilst it is true you have created your own reality, nevertheless it was hoped that by now you would have changed it through your own efforts. It was not to be, and you were overwhelmed by the darkness that engulfed your world. With a concerted effort where we have worked together, in a very short period we have grounded the Light on Earth and set up a powerful grid system. It has grown in strength in a matter of just a few years, and acts through powerful beacons of Light at the nodal points.
“You have, Dear Ones, achieved what at one time was thought as impossible, and successfully defended yourselves against the dark Ones.” (4)
In June of this year, he returned to the subject and said this:
“People all over the world are responding to the higher energies flowing into the Earth’s grid. Suddenly what you need to do to put your evolution onto a different path is becoming clear. Most importantly you realize that you have the power to change the direction that Humanity was heading into, and put it on course for Ascension.
“The old World Order no longer has the control over you that has led you blindly into their clutches. Their domination of you has been severely weakened by your awakening, and your desire to create a new reality that brings peace to the world.” (5)
I prefer Matthew and SaLuSa’s evidence to that of the channel recommending we “get off the grid.” I don’t believe there is a need to fear that the new grid presents a problem to us; on the contrary, in my view, it’s the source of our growth and transformation.
(1) Matthew’s Message, June 24, 2009, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.
(2) Matthew Ward through Suzy Ward to Steve Beckow, Sept. 13, 2009, published at https://groups.yahoo.com/group/Share11/message/7384.
(3) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 21, 2009, ibid.
(4) SaLuSa, April 23, 2010, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(5) SaLuSa, June 23, 2010, ibid.