I’m hunkered down today, working on a series of articles on accountability. The article I’m working on at the moment is on natural or universal laws.
One subtle point about the natural law of attraction is that we attract to ourselves that which we strongly resist. Energy is neutral. It goes to that which we strongly crave and strongly resist.
That’s the reason why the Buddha said that craving and aversion were two spiritual pitfalls, the third being ignorance. That which we strongly crave OR resist, we attract to ourselves.
Jesus said, as St. Germain notes in his article, below, “resist not evil.” Again because by the universal law of attraction we attract to us what we resist, “resistance” here, as a word, implying a strong reaction to something.
Werner Erhard used to say, and I’ve tested this out ad infinitum and found it accurate, that “what we resist persists.” We hold it close to us, wrestle with it, and cause it to stick around – forever – or as long as we strongly resist it.
Now I can hear the mind saying, “Oh, yah, don’t resist evil. Steve is a subtle plant for the cabal.” No: we need to oppose evil. Just don’t do it by strongly dancing with it. Be balanced and centered and non-violent in your non-cooperation. Don’t obey it or follow its lead. But also don’t become strongly antagonistic or mired in resistance to it.
Any strong feeling – whether of craving or resistance – will attract the condition we’re focused on. So remain in the calmness of the center, opposing evil but not becoming unbalanced with resistance to it.
With that, here is a wonderful article from St. Germain on the reasons for not resisting.
Resistance – St. Germain
through Rev. Ingrid Jolly, DD
Be mindful of what you are resisting. Resistance is a powerful magnet, w hich attracts only that which is being resisted.
Tricky though it may seem, it is the Law. As your brother Yeshua, said, ‘Resist not evil.’
In His Divine Wisdom, He understood that evil does not exist in the mind of God; it is but a man-made construct held in the lower consciousness, made real by the power and recognition you give it through fear and resistance. It may surprise or even amuse some of you to hear this, but your ‘secret cabals’ as they have been labeled by some, have used the strategy of resistance in their favor through out time.
They intentionally feed information and ideas that serve their agendas and provoke your resistance, so that their agendas will have your added power to manifest.
They know that resistance works to attract and serves no other function.
Resistance is a mighty teacher in duality, for sure. And in your efforts to avoid limitations from being inflicted upon you, you protest and resist, drawing into reality exactly that which you are resisting.
Review your Earths history and you will see a pattern of Truth in what we speak. We urge you, “resist not evil”. Give it no power at all. Do not allow yourself to be blinded by false patriotism and lies. Ask within for the truth to be revealed. Seek the truth. Expect the truth. Demand the truth. Live the truth.
Collectively, if you do this, you will draw to you the Real Truth.
Your thoughts will create a vortex that will magnetize Truth, and the darkness in it’s effort to hide the truth, will magnetize it into reality. You see how you can righteously use the Law of Resistance in service to the One.
Use Universal Law with Mastery to create Heaven on Earth, as that is how it was intended to work from the beginning. These are your tools, use them wisely, do not be used by them.
Notice the words of those in influential positions. Notice what they are affirming. “A long, hard road to recovery,” seems to be a common theme. We say to you beloveds – DO NOT ACCEPT IT into your consciousness. There is no absolute here. You have the ability to change it.
When you hear such statements, use your consciousness to counter-act them with something constructive such as, “Recovery is swift. Resolution is swift and peaceful. We are at peace.” It does not have to be a long dark road ahead. Do not allow war to be declared for you if it is not your choosing. Use your ability to change things through inward action and there will be no need for outward action.
Remember that YOU Are The Creator – so what do you choose to create? Please use discernment toward all information you receive from all sources. I assure you, there is no Master or representative from the Higher Realms that is declaring war or proclaiming the long dark road ahead. Detach yourself from the various exploited potentials.
Visualize it as you wish it to be. If pictures enter your consciousness that are not the ideal of peace, immediately hold them in the violet flame and release them into the Light, and then breathe in peace.
Be in peace.
Affirm the Love and Light that you are. Affirm Peace. Affirm Ascension. And transmute anything that comes in your path or enters your consciousness that is not of the Light and Love.
We urge you to guard your words and discussions, your interactions regarding the potentials of war and retaliation. Again we remind you, whatever you focus attention on is where you hold your consciousness, and is thus, what you create.
Be mindful and create consciously and responsibly.
We cannot stress this enough, as so many allow their consciousness to run off by itself at times, giving power to the outer and creating chaos. It is Mastery to control and direct your thought and words, beloveds. So, be mindful of what you are resisting and what you are calling forth through your thoughts and words.
Many of you seem to be looking for something “to DO” to assist or to bring resolution. Remember always that the outer projection is the illusion. The illusion is only real when you believe into reality and allow it to run you. It is empowered by your beliefs. You have the ability to run your reality and out-picture it consciously as you desire it to be.
The true Reality is the Christ-Self within.
So therefore, the only thing for you “to DO” is to focus your heart, your mind, your energy and your attention on the peace, truth, and love of the I Am Presence within you. If you join together to do this, as you have all joined together this past week, as One Heart of Love, the legions of Love and Light will band with you and manifest Once (ONEs) and FOR ALL Heaven upon Earth.
Can you be the Master that watches and observes, while remaining completely detached from appearances and detached from the outcome, holding firmly to your True God-Reality?
Can you walk the middle way and allow the energy to run its course, holding the heart flame steady with the flow of the Mighty I AM within, without allowing the outer disruptive currents to cause you to waver?
Can you accept that there is One Power One Divine Order in the universe and hold your consciousness there until it becomes manifest in your reality?
And the answer to all of the above is, of your course you can.
So, will you but do it! Allow the events of the day to liberate you from the illusions of bondage and limitation. Every event, every tragedy is but another call to wake up from the deep slumber that you have allowed to capture your attention.
The alarm clock is ringing it is time to awaken to the Truth of who and what you are. Will you awaken or roll over and wait for another day?
The time is now. Be in peace and share your love and so shall be the new order of the day! So be it. I AM with utter confidence in each and everyone of you. In love, peace and service,
I AM your loving brother St. Germain