This is an interesting channeling. Lois Hartwick is a medium in Massachusetts who appears to have channeled ascended masters up to 2006, at which time she seems to have turned her attention more to teaching.
However, recently she has taken up her contact work again and, in this message, channels White Eagle and Thoth.
White Eagle and Thoth announce a request to focus our energies on the situation in the Gulf for the 24 hours of Monday, June 21, 2010, revealing to us that a host of elevated beings will turn their concentrated light on the spill that day.
No matter the status of the message, we cannot go wrong by joining in the call.
Keep in mind SaLuSa’s recent comment:
“It also greatly heartens us to know, that there are concerted efforts by you to focus positive energy and loving thoughts into the Gulf Oil area. It is an approach to the problem that we strongly recommend, and shows that you are taking on the responsibility of finding ways of healing it yourselves.
“Believe us that your power to produce results and make an impression upon it, are increasing all of the time. More of you are recognizing the power you hold within, and as groups of you get together so it will increase exponentially. As a result of all the efforts being made to overcome the problem, you will lessen the impact upon your environment and enable the mess to be cleared away.” (June 13, 2010.)
Who is White Eagle? The spirit who speaks here uses phrases uncharacteristic of the White Eagle I knew like “Whiteface” and “Ahho.” Moreover, his frequent reference to native-American terms was also uncharacteristic of the spirit whom I’m familiar with.
The White Eagle I’m thinking of was not, if I recall correctly, a native American. Like Silver Birch and Red Cloud, he assumed that identity in his contact with us. Why British spirit guides appeared as native Indians I’m not quite sure, but it was the chosen identity of a few guides.
If it turns out to be the same White Eagle, he previously came through British and American sources and was responsible for many memorable teachings in the last century. Along with Silver Birch particularly, who in my opinion was the best of the best, he provided spiritual sustenance to a whole generation of spiritualist seekers. His books have an honored place on my shelves – if it’s the same soul – or rather soul group.
If he’s like many spirit guides, he’s not a single individual, but a collective, drawing on sources higher than himself and sometimes channeling through spirits closer to Earth than he may be.
Who is Thoth? Well, again, if it’s the Thoth I know, then he is the wonderful spirit who, during Egyptian times, played a role not unlike that which Jesus later did.
He’s also known as Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, and gave rise to “hermetic philosophy” and various occult schools in later-than-Egyptian times. Any master worth his salt in former times would have read at least Thoth’s Divine Pymander and many The Emerald Tablets.
Thoth, being eternal like all of us, had equally illustrious lives in Atlantis. He’s usually represented with the head of an ibis, although he was a human being like the rest of us. He describes himself in The Emerald Tablets in this way:
I, THOTH, the Atlantean, master of mysteries,
keeper of records, mighty king, magician,
living from generation to generation,
being about to pass into the halls of Amenti,
set down for the guidance of
those that are to come after,
these records of the mighty wisdom of Great Atlantis. (1)
We heard from SaLuSa today that many masters have come to Earth at this time to help us through the “time of troubles.” SaLuSa said: “Many great Beings are close to Earth to speed the process up.” (June 18, 2010.) The return of the Masters is something that has been predicted for some time. (2) Having that thought in mind, I was struck when I came across this message at
Thoth describes the beings who’ve assembled to concentrate the Light at this time. If his description is true, we are greatly blessed.
So, with that, here is (I hope) White Eagle and Thoth on what we can do to assist with the Gulf oil spill:
Coordinated World and Galactic Effort for the Gulf Oil Spill
June 18, 2010
Dear Beloved Friends of Earth~
It has been some time since I’ve sent a message to a larger audience, working instead with our weekly group teachings and ongoing practice anchoring light. Portions of the following message were inspired during a private session with a client who has strong Native American shamanic abilities.
When our session first opened up, I was astounded by the hundreds and hundreds of beings present. It was clear something unusual was happening. No private reading had ever unfolded in such a manner. As the session concluded, I was asked to share the following with all of you. It has taken effort to pull this together in short order. I hope you will take a moment to read and join together, no matter where you are, in this opening and healing planned for June 21.
Blessings to all and our Most Beloved Planet,
Lois Hartwick
A Coordinated World and Galactic Effort for the Gulf Oil Spill
White Eagle Speaks
I am here to tell you the time has come when we are joined at the hip to alleviate pain and suffering which has caused evil for generations of time. We are here to support those of you who have actively come into service, remembering heritage, remembering the Truth, remembering our hearts supporting the great reality of Father Sky/Mother Earth and Great Spirit, and what we were intended to do as Keepers of the Land.
We are here to acknowledge all who are in support of what we have kept in our hearts, and aligned with Spirit for hundreds and even thousands of years.
We speak to the Great Spirits who are now among us, as I stand before you, requesting your support, requesting that all areas of earth come together to reaffirm Truth that we are One.
Our hearts bleed with the oil being spilled.
Our hearts bleed that no consciousness awakens to the greater truth.
Our intention is to hold ceremony to alleviate this grand suffering, but we must remind those who remain on earth the time has come to make a choice. The time has come to decide what reality you will live in.
We know our reality and we have carried it with us forever. But you, Whiteface, have forgotten. You have remembered to make money, you have remembered to find the uses of Mother Earth, yet not supplied Mother Earth her due.
We are here to remind you. I speak to the generations that have heard and know the Truth.
The time has come. The ending is near unless we collaborate with each of you here to remember.
We share with you breaking hearts and open spirits and we come back to revolutionize the way things are done. We are here by the thousands. We will support what you do.
I will turn this platform over to those great Spirits who now walk among us and who will serve in the manner of supplying you with thoughts and ideas. It is for you to know that we join with these Spirits.
We know they are part of the grander Truth. This will be a united effort for all concerned.
Completing this message, White Eagle steps aside and Thoth steps forward.
I am but one of many who conveys through you to the many who listen. It is important to understand there is great trouble upon the land and that you are not alone in seeking resolution and support. It is important for people to understand and hear the answers do not lie among you.
The answers are from a Higher Source. And until mankind learns to listen, and to hear what those answers are, he will flounder. He will seek to overcome one thing or another through intellect, as opposed to the combined effort of those of us who support the greater Truth.
We are here in an attempt to alter the dramatic transformation which has occurred on earth, wherein the brothers and sisters and Keepers of the Land are unable to contain the oil spill and the many millions of lives at stake.
We are a gathering of Elders, Ancients, Keepers, Angelics, Seraphim, Cherubim and Elohim, Archangels, Masters, Planners, Councils, Intergalactic Liaisons and Indigenous Peoples of Great Spirit from every land and beyond coming together in an effort – not unlike the concept of your United Nations on earth – to infuse the planet – specifically the Gulf – with two great bolts of Light.
These bolts of Light would be akin to lasers, infiltrating the Earth with great velocity and power. In order for this effort to be successful, people are needed in every walk of life, in every area of the planet, feeling so called, to hold this Light or match it as best as possible through action most suited to their own practices and encodements.
This may include, but is not limited to, meditation, prayer, dance, music, song, visualization, intention, positive thought and ceremony directed toward the Gulf.
This gathering of forces is to heal the intended areas of wounding, as a shaman might hold his hand over a cut. It is not a guaranteed effort; we depend upon your participation to make this possible.
Therefore, we of the Higher Realms are calling forth all on earth who hear and are so inclined, to participate in a world event to heal the Gulf. Those closer to the Gulf area will be receiving a great deal of energy and those further away, less.
It is meant for the oil to be contained in a specific area, and we will utilize efforts to restore parts of the Gulf as well, by containing the oil spill in such an area.
It is important to note that mankind has sought now, for many days, answers to a problem that has endangered all species, with little or no success.
It is important to note that in the overall concept that mankind has held, that intelligence and technology will rule the world and advance it to a position where little else is required.
For all who stand with me today, I beg to differ. In these days these measures we are taking are extreme. None of them are based on intelligence. They are based on the knowing which comes from within.
When such advice and understanding is ignored in favor of ownership, power and greed, no good will result and certainly no answers to the questions before you come forth.
We step in, making this connection of the heart. Your hearts and ours, combined with All That Is. Will you join us?
It is your world and your time to make a choice. We have already made ours.
Coordinated World and Galactic Effort for the Gulf Oil Spill
Date: Monday, June 21, 2010
A 24-hour period dedicated toward healing the Gulf with focus, intention, prayer, ceremony, music and love, visualized and sent from where you reside.
Your participation anchors the Light being directed toward the wounding and split which has occurred on this and other levels, from Atlantis to today. All efforts of love and care are welcome. We join you then.
Love beyond measure,
· Thoth, the Atlantean
· The Councils of Light
· The Galactic Intervention Team
· The Brotherhood of Light
· The Native Peoples Councils
· Aztecs, Mayans, Indigenous Ones
· And Unified Fields of Intervention
(1) The Emerald Tablets at .
(2) See, for instance,