As we move out of the old paradigm and into the new, people will want to get together with others of like mind.
My understanding is that, as we evolve in the quicker pace expected, our ability to co-create will expand and we’ll be able to use universal laws such as the Law of Attraction to draw people of like mind to us.
But for now we may need to do it the old-fashioned way.
In one particular case, a reader wishes to know of “other scientists interested in exploring the carbon-to-crystalline-based body evolution that we are experiencing through.
“Specifically, I am interested if any one has begun to document and/or cross walk physiological and pharmaceutical responses that worked one way with carbon based bodies that no longer work (or are expected to work/not work) or respond differently in crystalline-based bodies.
“Any assistance with pointing me in the right direction/to the right people would be greatly appreciated.”
My best guesses were that David Wilcock and Drunvalo Melchizedek could give him the best direction.
But if there are any readers who fit this description, add a comment to this post or send me an email and I’ll forward it.