I’m posting Patricia’s notice of the 24th Annual World Congress on Illumination to be held in Washington, D.C., Aug. 14-19, 2010, separately from her earlier article.
There should be a lot of excitement this summer. Carl Johann Calleman is hosting the Conscious Convergence on July 17-18 as well, to be attended by Mayan elders. Other events will undoubtedly be planned.
This is a Very Important Time
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
June 7, 2010
This summer an event will take place involving the unified efforts of the God Selves of every man, woman, and child on Earth and the entire Company of Heaven. August 14-19, 2010, during the anniversary of the first Harmonic Convergence which took place August 15-18, 1987, Lightworkers from around the world will gather within the forcefield of Washington, D. C., in the USA.
Together we will form a mighty transformer of Light through which the Light of God will pour to open the 5th-Dimensional Portal of Liberty, Divine Justice, Freedom, Victory, and the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven have revealed that the infinite power of these Divine Qualities will raise the energy, vibration, and consciousness of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies effectively enough to burst the bonds our human egos have used to manipulate and control us for aeons of time.
This unprecedented activity of Divine Grace and Mercy will occur through the God Self of every person on the planet in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned. It is impossible for us to truly comprehend the magnitude of what it will mean for each of us to be free from the manipulation of our egos, but our lives will be transformed.
Instead of feeling like we are always walking toward our goals through tar with gale winds blowing in our faces, we will be empowered by our God Selves and the Divine Intervention of the Heavenly Realms. The patterns of perfection for our individual lives and our collective lives will manifest much more quickly. Together we tangibly cocreate the New Earth.
Through this activity of Light we are ALL being called to a higher service. This is a joint effort between Heaven and Earth. Those of us who have the heart call to participate need to listen to our inner guidance and respond accordingly. Our Light and Love are a critical factor in the success of this facet of the Divine Mission.
The vehicle that will be used to gather Lightworkers within the 5th-Dimensional Portal of Freedom, Liberty, Divine Justice, Victory, and the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection is the 24th Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will be held August 14-19, 2010, at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia.
Ask your God Self what your part is in this Divine Plan. Listen to your heart, and you will KNOW. If you have the heart call to travel to Arlington, Virginia, which is in the surrounding area of Washington, D. C., to serve Humanity and all Life in this way, ask for assistance. The floodgates of Heaven will open to pave the way for you to attend this activity of Light. Be open, be receptive, and Trust.
Many people will have the heart call to serve as the Hands of God on behalf of ALL Humanity. They will travel to Arlington, Virginia, to become part of the mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow to open the portal of Freedom, Liberty, Divine Justice, Victory, and the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. However, if you do not have the heart call to be physically present in Washington, D. C., there will be other ways you can participate.
Some Lightworkers will be inspired to travel to various sacred sites to anchor these patterns into Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System. Others will gather with groups in their own locations to weave their Light into this unified activity of Light. And still others will join in consciousness from the solitude of their own sanctuaries.
All of these ways of participating are vital to the success of this Divine Mission. The important thing is that you truly listen to your heart and respond according to YOUR particular facet of this Divine Plan. No matter where you are guided to be, know that we are ALL One. Precious One, your Light and Love are needed NOW!
For the information you will need in order to participate in the 24th Annual World Congress on Illumination please click on the link below:
If the link does not work please copy it and paste it into your browser.
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles