I’ve had an opportunity to view Drunvalo’s Birth of a New Humanity, an hour and 20 minute video on the firing of the consciousness grid around the Earth. It’s a recounting of what will prove later to be, I think, an important episode in this period prior to Ascension.
Doubleclick on the video to go to Youtube and watch the ensuing eight parts of this nine-part series.
Drunvalo explains that every species has a planetary consciousness grid that relates to itself, right down to insects.
Humans have three consciousness grids. The first relates to pre-industrial populations; the second to industrial cultures; and the third to higher human populations, such as ascended masters.
The third grid is what will affect us during ascension and this is the evolving grid that is currently being fired up.
If I understand matters correctly, David Wilcock has discussed the second grid in his videos on the consciousness grid, such as 2012 Enigma and 2012 Event Horizon.
The new consciousness grid that Drunvalo has discussed in earlier films has been activated through native ceremonies combined with the participation of a group of 55 people from 14 different culture from around the world. The participation of the rest of the world, apparently, is mandatory for the native ceremonies to have validity and effect.
In Birth of a New Humanity, this group of 55 goes to Easter Island and Moraya (in Polynesia) to make corrections to the grid through enacting ceremonial rituals.
Easter Islanders had practiced cannibalism that left an energy that had to be corrected.
On Moraya, which is the south pole of the new consciousness grid, the Earth’s energy had to be birthed. The group travelled to that island and enacted a ritual that caused that new birth to take place.
Drunvalo confirms that the Earth’s kundalini has migrated from Tibet to Chile, something that Kryon first mentioned some years ago. The kundalini migrating from one area to another awakens the people of that area to become new teachers to the world.
Although the kundalini had moved to Chile, it had not been awakened until the ceremony was carried out on Moraya.
Drunvalo tells all this with a candor and humility which is noteworthy. Some other teachers make significant contributions to our knowledge but not with the humbleness that Drunvalo shows. I was impressed with his demeanor in the face of the events in which he has participated.