Peter Dale Scott is a retired University of California professor whose research on the deep state is widely acclaimed. Among his books are Drugs, Oil and War and The Road to 9/11. In these two series of videos, he discusses the connections between drug, oil, and war money and Wall Street.
Doubleclick on the video to go to Part 2/2.
Doubleclick on the video to go to Part 2/6.
Scott ranks war, oil, and drugs, in that order, as major factors in New World Order finance. There’s a certain amount of interaction between them: the planes that take arms in one direction pay for them with drugs, that go back in the other direction.
Certain banks would only survive because they have access to hot drug money to launder. $500 billion of hot money, much of it from drugs, is being laundered through the top U.S. banks each year.
In the Corbett Report video, he points out that in a recent case, the Swiss bank UBS (notice it wasn’t an American bank) was investigated and fined the miniscule amount of $400,000 in fines, which is only a small percentage of what they had earned, for its laundering of a Boston drug dealer’s money and the only person to go to jail was the whistleblower.
The pattern of slapping the criminal on the wrist and imprisoning the whistleblower is one of the ways in which the Senate evades having to do its duty to the American people while appearing as if it is.
In his six-part series, he discusses, among other things, the central role of the CIA in the drug trade.
Scott looks at the “deep state.” He doesn’t look at Illuminati operations that don’t go on in the deep state. Many of these, such as selling military codes, the sex trade, and snuff flicks for example, as far as I know, are not run through the deep state. (1)
Some of what Scott says is now commonly accepted and written about. It is easy to forget his contribution in opening the subject up to public consideration.
(1) For this and other ways the Illuminati make money, see the revelations of Svali, a former Illuminati, trainer, “How the [Illuminati] Cult Makes Money,” at