And my own two-bits worth, sent to the Times of London.
Although there have been dark galactics around the planet (like the Anunnaki and the Zeta Reticulans or little Greys), our best information at the moment is that, as the light energy rises in preparation for the global transformation expected to occur in Dec. 2012, they have been driven away by the general incursion of light into our environment. Only benign extraterrestrials now exist around Earth, I’m told.
These benign extraterrestrials have helped us by preventing further nuclear explosions on Earth (the North Korean blast, I’m led to believe, was not nuclear), neutralizing New World Order pandemics (yes, H1N1 was cooked up in an NWO laboratory) and chemtrails, mitigating HAARP-induced earthquakes (Haiti, Chile, China, Japan) and volcanic activity, etc. The benign ETs have proven their value as our friends.
BTW, most of the galactics visiting Earth at the moment are human in appearance – and not because they shapeshift. The human form, it turns out, is common in the universe.
I’m just in the process of finishing an article entitled ‘Need We Fear Dark Extraterrestrials?’, which should be out in a day or two, to be posted to “The 2012 Scenario,” and perhaps OpEdNews.
It would be very interesting if Stephen’s comment results in the long-suppressed disclosure that ETs really exist.
The American government is the real roadblock to that announcement being made. They derive chief advantage from keeping matters secret. They hope to retain a hold on the use of free-energy devices (which would replace oil), secret spacecraft (they already have bases on the Moon and Mars), time-travel technology, and many other galactic tools they are already in possession of.
It’s about time that we, as a world, actually looked at the topic of the existence of other intelligent life forms. It is definitely the most important news story of this era and we will be very much surprised when we find out that many forms of life, more advanced and definitely more benign than us, exist.
Steve Beckow
An earlier and shorter version was sent to the Larry King Live blog, and was published at