Though a long article, Elizabeth Spear’s essay is a terrific introduction to the upcoming event of Ascension. Downloaded from the The Spirit of Ma’at.
Ascension 101
By Elizabeth Spear
How many times have you asked yourself: “Why am I here?” or “What is my purpose, my reason for being?” or “What are my life’s lessons?” Perhaps you have felt a longing to “go home” not even knowing where that real Home may be. Yes, we have our Earthly parents and our Heavenly parents, our Father-Mother God.
These questions began for me when I was a young adult. They led me to the Edgar Cayce materials, and from there, to the study of Yoga. Forty years later, I am still a serious Yoga Chela. I was greatly blessed in those early years by some special teachers, including Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi.
From Yogananda, I was led to Kriya Yoga disciplines and teachings. The higher realisms began to surface for me with the incredible Ascended Masters’ books and teachings, such as Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence by Guy Ballard (whose Ascended name is Godfree Ray King). Saint Germain’s Love for All Humanity and His awesome ascension teachings really spoke to my heart and soul as being Divine Truths.
I have always known that we are all Sons and Daughters of a Most High, Living God; a God of Unconditional, Divine Love for all Life, everywhere. I began to understand that our home, planet Earth, is a schoolroom, where we learn how to be in the world, but not of it. We came here to learn how to be God in Action, here and now, as God needs our bodies. We are all made in God’s image, and each of us has a drop of that Divine Essence. Sometimes I think of us as separate drops of water, but when we all come together; we become a beautiful ocean in Unity Consciousness. We are One; we are Unity; I am you, and you are me. So in reality, our mission is to co-create Heaven on Earth.
Our quantum physicists tell us that everything is energy, vibration and consciousness, vibrating at different rates or ratios of speeds. Once upon a time, a very long time ago, our planet was vibrating at a very high state of consciousness. Earth was moving along very well; so well, that the Confederation of Planets decided that it would be helpful to bring some laggard souls here to Earth, where they could benefit and grow in our high state of evolution.
These laggard souls were holding back evolution on their own home planet, and it was felt that by incarnating here on Earth, they would be brought up to our then — higher state of evolutionary consciousness. The experimental plan did not work because of the negative and dark forces. It ended in cataclysms, chaos and upheavals due to the Universal law of cause and effect (Karma). The continent of Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean sank with sixty million souls.
This time, however, it is going to be different. The ancient yogic text describes a Yuga, which roughly occurs every 24,000 years, where everything in the universe is moved up the Spiral of Evolution into the next higher octave of Universal Consciousness. Our planet Earth is at a critical turning point and it is graduation time in God’s Schoolroom. The Yuga time is now and our consciousness is being urged to go with the flow and expand into higher frequencies of energy, vibration, and consciousness.
We are being told from the Higher Realms that this planet and all her life will be ascending into the fourth dimension, and then, by our God Parents’ Grace, it will move very rapidly into the fifth dimension, which is more harmonious. Actually, we will move into a glorious, promised Golden Age of life without aging, where all enjoy optimal health, unlimited prosperity and abundance. If one understands music, it can be understood as moving up into a higher octave where Peace, Prosperity, Divine Love and Light reign supreme.
The Beloved Saint Germain has been working with all of humanity for a very long time, preparing us to ascend. In The Magic Presence, Saint Germain channels information to Godfree Ray King about an Ascension Chair that he created. This chair exists in the etheric realms of our planet, and we may call on Saint Germain and ask to be taken to it, beyond sleep. If we can live in our Hearts of Unconditional Divine Love, as Saint Germain and other Ascended Masters teach, we can ascend on our own.
The Ascended Masters are just that — our Higher Brothers and Sisters who so lovingly teach us how to be God in Action, here and now, with every breath we take. Are we qualifying each breath with love, trust, truth, peace, harmony, balance, and all the finer qualities? Or, are we miscreating with negative energies of anger, frustration and the rest of the lower energies? It is our free-will choice.
This is our lesson and our reason for being. Only when we are vibrating at these very high frequencies all the time will we be allowed to ascend. It is all a matter of energy and vibration, and we do it ourselves, with our consciousness. Our time is at hand and we can do this with correct free-will choices. The Ascended Masters and the Angelic kingdom are here to offer us all the assistance we need, but because we live on a planet of free will, we have to ask for their assistance. Then, by Cosmic Law, they are so ready to help us. They cannot do it for us, but upon asking, we will immediately receive their help and guidance. We each must earn our Ascension, and this time, it will be permanent.
The Ascended Masters teach how to connect consciously with our mighty I AM presence, our highest God selves, and move into Christ Consciousness, having unconditional, Divine Love for all life, everywhere. We can ask, affirm, and bring this higher self energy down through our crown chakra and through our bodies with every breath we take. We can invoke this Divine Essence to flow through us, daily, hourly, always before meditation, and especially prior to doing healing. About fifteen years ago, I was blessed by being introduced to Drunvalo Melchizedek and his teachings of the Sacred Geometries of the Flower of Life and Merkaba Meditation.
Drunvalo gave us profound information on Ascension. He said every one of us can access Christ Consciousness just by practicing the Merkaba Breath Meditation. The word Merkaba is three words: mer is light, ka is spirit, and ba is the physical body. The Merkaba technology is mastering counter-rotating fields of energy. Our DNA molecule is an example of a counter-rotating field vortex of Merkaba energy. Drunvalo claims that we already know what he is teaching; he is just helping us remember who we are and why we are here.
Flower of Life Mandala
The Flower of Life information is already within us. Just by focusing our attention on the beautiful Flower of Life Mandala, we begin to unlock codes of energy, the ancient teachings of the Seed of Life, and knowledge of the Tree of Life, along with the Sacred Geometry of the Platonic Solids information. This begins our remembrance of our Ascension and homeward journey.
This Flower of Life Symbol Mandala has appeared all over the world, including ancient carvings on pyramid walls. There was even an ancient three dimensional form found in the Orient. And in 1955, a crop circle of the Flower of Life appeared in Northern England.
Drunvalo eloquently explains the difference between the normal death process, Resurrection, and Ascension. When a person goes through the death process (or the physical body dies), they go immediately into the Void state, and then into the third overtone of the fourth dimension. A dimension is a waveform energy of a sine wave. Sine waves correspond to light and the vibration of sound. Overtones refer to octaves, as in music.
When one is in the third overtone of the fourth dimension, they are unconscious, retaining no memory of either the death process or the other side of the veil, and have no control over the image. They are therefore unable to use the Merkaba field and will cycle back into Earth’s existence over and over, or what we call reincarnation. When you reincarnate back into Earth in another physical body, you have no memory of where you have come from, either. Reincarnation has been a slow process; a revolving door that has kept us going without memory for a very long time. Thus, the lessons we came to learn from this process have been extremely slow indeed.
With the knowledge of the Merkaba energy field and how to use our Living Light Vehicle, one is able to move through with memory intact, and thus have immortality. Drunvalo defines Resurrection as going through the death of the physical body with memory intact, using the Merkaba. After one dies, the physical body is dropped, and then through memory, one recreates the Light body and goes through a process that leads them into the tenth, eleventh or twelfth overtone of the fourth dimension. From there, there is no more reincarnation. One continues into Eternal Life and memory is no longer blocked.
There is a far greater difference in Ascension. In Ascension there is no death process as we know it. One is no longer on Earth, but their physical body did not die. It became pure Light through the use of the Merkaba teaching (whether one remembered it, or one was taught it). One passes through the Void totally conscious, going on to the higher dimensions, aware of the whole process. Whereas the normal death process involves the reconstructing of another human body (reincarnation), and in Resurrection, a Light body, in Ascension, one simply walks out by disappearing from this dimension and reappearing in the next (after passing through the void).
With the completion of the Ascension grid for this planet by the Realms of Illumined Truths in 1989, our planet can now ascend. Prior to that time, ascension was highly unlikely. There were some exceptions; those who were highly enough evolved in consciousness to make their Ascension into the Light and became Holy, Ascended and Free.
By using the knowledge of our Merkaba, or our Living Light Vehicle, Ascension is now completely possible. Some people will still die and go through the normal death process, going to the third overtone and into a holding pattern for a while. But, as previously mentioned, our planet, Mother Earth, is also in an Ascension process, as are all the planets in our Universe. All are destined to move up an octave in energy, vibration, and consciousness.
When these changes come, all people who were holding on that third overtone will also rise up to the same dimensional level as those who resurrected or ascended. In the Bible, it states that the dead will rise up. Just as water exists in three states -liquid (water), gas (steam), or solid (ice), there are different states of being — but really no such thing as death.
Drunvalo and the Ascended Masters tell us that the time for reincarnation is now over (there are always exceptions to the rule); but this is our last lifetime in a three-dimensional body, and only God knows how long it will be until we ascend. It all has to do with vibration, consciousness and energy.
As we increase our love and wisdom, meaning Unconditional Divine Love for all Life everywhere, we then, through wisdom, are able to give love wisely and receive love wisely given. The secret key is to be living in our heart center of compassion without judgments. We are being asked every moment of this life to live wisely with the four forms of energy we have been given: thoughts, words, actions and feeling.
To state it simply — are we actually loving all life, completely and totally, with every thought we think, every word we say, every action we take, and every feeling we have towards another? For example: Is there perhaps a neighbor down the street that we can honestly say we love unconditionally (without any judgments), no matter how they are behaving? This is what we are being asked to do; to give up all judgments and live in our Hearts of Compassion, having Love for all Life, everywhere.
Are we going to pass this final initiation? It is totally up to each one of us; no one else can do it for us.
May there be love, trust, peace, truth, harmony, beauty and balance throughout the Cosmos; and may your remembrance of the Merkaba be a blessing unto you. All is well; God Loves You; and so do I.
About Elizabeth Spear
Elizabeth Spear is a Registered Nurse, a certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse, and holds a Masters Degree in Psychology. For many years she worked in traditional medicine and has spent her adult life honing and perfecting both traditional and alternative healing skills. She is a certified Hypnotherapist, and is also certified in Eye Movement Desensitization Therapy. Elizabeth increases her skills with new modalities as Spirit directs. As a result she is also certified to teach the following complimentary pathways:
Joyful Child Parenting class facilitator, fostering Spiritual Growth in Children of all ages.
Theta Healing (DNA) Facilitator-DNA activation techniques as received and taught by Vianna Stibel.
Flower of Life/Sacred Geometry/Merkaba Meditation Facilitator. Elizabeth was trained by Drunvalo Melchizedek in 1995 and has been facilitating this workshop all over the country for 13 years.
Yoga Instructor for 40 years, having had numerous yoga instructors both in the USA and abroad.