We might ask ourselves what the meetings associated with the delegations are leading to. What form of governance for Gaia are they ultimately planned to result in?
We might consider, in this regard, a passage from Celia Fenn, channeling Archangel Michael, in 2012.
From Archangel Michael, “The Multidimensional New Earth Takes Shape,” through Celia Fenn, March 2012, https://www.starchildglobal.com/.
Yes, Beloved Family of Light, after 2012 and the Earth’s Passage through the Portal of Light in December, the Earth will be entrusted to the keeping of those of you who are chosen and elected to the first New Earth Council of Earth Keepers and its associated Council of Elders.
These Beings will be initiated into the 8th and 9th Dimensions where they will work with the Solar Councils and the Galactic Councils of Light. At last, Earth will take its place as a “star of Light”, whose evolutionary path is determined by Divine Will and Divine Creative Intelligence, and those who follow the Divine Will.
You may ask how this is possible, given the state of politics on your Earth today. We say simply that the new multi-dimensional Earth is taking shape and the “old” energies of conflict and duality will have little importance in the Future that is being manifested.
The frequency of duality and conflict belongs to the old third-dimensional world, and it is fading away. The new fifth-dimensional Earth is based on flow and harmony, and the shifting of polarities into unity.
Those in your Earth society who are advanced seek to bring polarities into unity through dialogue and discussion. This is the way of the New Earth and it will become the predominant mode of political life in an awakened fifth-dimensional Earth.
But, more importantly, the real power to determine the future path of the Earth is passing into the hands of the Earth Keeper Council and the Council of Elders. These ones are called and chosen in the higher dimensions and they have access to the Solar and Galactic Councils.
They are not “obvious” to those in fifth-dimensional society, but they are those who are multi-dimensional and can access Higher Consciousness and create and manifest according to Divine Will as it is expressed in your Golden Rose Galaxy that is birthing and forming now.
With these structures in place, Earth ascends into her new “orbit” as the Blue Star Planet, the first planet within the Galaxy to achieve full multi-dimensional status and to be governed by a Council of Earth Keepers and Elders.
These are “elected” by their soul communities on the higher level for their wisdom, commitment and courage.
Indeed, Beloved Ones, there is much excitement as these new structures are put in place and connected with the New Earth grids. We know many of you have thought that the Beings of Light would come down to the Earth, but we say that it is you who will ascend to meet with the Beings of Light in the Solar and Galactic Councils and take your place as part of the Golden Galaxy.